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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. I have once taken me Mrs. for a run sans lids and didn't get much from it. And in FL rode one time in a football jersey and shorts to practice. Felt like I was naked.
  2. Henceforth, Avenger will now be known as "Threadkiller!" Do as I say!
  3. You are only owned if you let them own you, Tod. Fight back and take your thread back!
  4. J.....am I to understand you traversed Rt 57 sans proper safety gear? And then proceded to use only one tire for part of your commute? You, young man, are grounded. Now go to your room and think about what you have done and don't come out until you are ready to accept the AGATT philosophy.
  5. I took my kids out to breakfast and then bowling in the afternoon. Since money was tight, I spent something more worthwhile. Time with them.
  6. Because the Leo's do have some crash damage, where the TBs are simply "cooked in". The TBs have a higher value also. Personally, I prefer the sound of the Leos. I think they are closer to a Duc. The TBs just have this wicked unique loud sound. Some of the guys really like it. I am still on the fence.
  7. It's simialr to a plant called a 'furn'.
  8. Happy Father's Day to all my fellow fathers out there. Looks like we're going to have a beautiful day to spend with our kids.
  9. Holy shit. That's just nuts. Sad, and crazy. RIP to the fallen rider, and prayers for the loved ones.
  10. Okay gang. I have a mild conundrum, and am soliciting the opinion of the masses. I have two sets of exhaust for my RC. A set of Leo Vince aluminium EVO II slipons, and a set of Two Bros. CF M-5 slip ons. The Leos were on the bike when I got hit last year, but I rehabbed the right can and you can hardly tell anything happened to it. The Two Bros are nice to look at, but until I get a PC, they run like shit. With the Leos, the bike runs very smooth. They are quieter than the TBs, though everyone but me it seems loves the sound of the TBs. (Ask JRMiii and r1crusher about how loud my bike is. And I am not bragging or anything.) So here's where I am at. I put the Leos back on today because of the tunig issue. I know that at some point I am going to get a PC, but right now, the funds just aren't available. It may be that way until the end of the season, and I am fine with that, so long as I have the Leos. So I am considering selling the Two Bros and using that to cover the PC. Though I do believe the TBs are the better performing pipe, I am content with having the bike with the hotter (temp wise) Al LV cans, though I know that once Brian at DTM gets a hold of the RC with a PC, it will run solid. But I thought I would open it up to you all for comment. (And for the RC owners with stock RC exhaust, the bidding for the Two Bros starts at the price of a PC for the 51. )
  11. :lol:As one in the process of ending a marriage, I sincerely wish the absolute best for you and the new bride. May you grow old together, happy, healthy, and wise.
  12. Wow! That's some awesome write-up, Fonz! I need to submit my papers to enlist in the DTC. Kyle, gald to hear you're okay, and sorry to hear about your get-off. Sounds like tlaking to the doctor's office was the most painful part of the orderal. The bastids.
  13. Sent one off and will keep you two in my thoughts.
  14. I NEEDS me a PCIII. This would be the shiznit if I can get one for free! Thank for the link!!!!
  15. Congrats, mang! Best of luck in the new position
  16. You has my cans confused with r1crusher's. He has the Akros. I have Two Bros. on mine, and they are essentially glass packs.
  17. I have some left over from the 51 you can play with. if any Cleveland guys have some, I will be happy to round them up and take them to Mike in my truck free of charge.
  18. Get ya a set of cans for that thing and make yourself heard! They don't have to be as obnoxious as mine. Hell, I think of everyone who has heard my pipes, I like them the least. I liked the sound of my Leo's better. I need to gets a PC quick though. It could run soooo much better. And I have unintentionally and successfully hijacked Likwid's thread.
  19. It's uglier than home made sin. Fast as shit in a straight line, but really..who wants that thing hanging aroudn anyway. But his SV is nice. Vedddy niiiice.
  20. To my twin mounted bretherin, JRMiii is okay. He and I are in a constant state of an ugly bike contest. He's okay though. Just young.
  21. Must have thought I was on a 'busa, and set a course at ramming speed. Wanted to rid the Earth of that bulbous Suzoookie filth.
  22. sorry I missed this man. I eneded up being without the bike most of the weekend, and it's not fixed. I need a new map sensor. it's rideable, but I am going to try and get it fixed this week.

  23. WTF? Who has the photo shoot from George Michael's petting zoo handy?
  24. My man Matt...I am a gear Nazi to my friends, and proudly wear the title. When you talk about the risk, it's one thing if you knew exactly what risk you were taking. Since accidents, like all of us red filled jellybags, are like snowflakes, you don't know what risk you are taking. My advice is you find a comfy mesh jacket, and they come in all sizes. (I mean that respectfully to, bro.) You get the comfort of wind and the protection of CE armour. My jacket, granted it's leather, was the difference in my 35 MPH accident being just a couple broken bones in my hand and wrist (complimented by a bruise or two) and a shatterd forearm and a ground up shoulder. Plain and simple. You don't prepare for the ride, you prepare for the crash. AGATT, amigo. Just think. If you go down, you will never regret wearing too much gear.
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