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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. I decided that when my 8 year old son was on spring break from school, that I would take him to Washington, D.C. His class was very active during the election with lots of history, and he would come home with all kinds of questions about Washington. So I decided the trip would be a nice way to answer some of them. I'd never been, so why not? Well, tonight, I am posting from our hotel room in Manassas, VA after two days of visiting our nations capital. But most of all, it's been the best two days with my son. We have really enjoyed each other's company and got do things that my father and I never did. It's been a chance to do what each parent wants to do, which is do more for your kids than your parent's did for you. Not that my father didn't want to, but maybe never had the chance I had with my son now. Still, this has been one of the most fulilling experiences, and I thought sharing it with our MC family would be cool. Now I can't wait for our first father/son bike trip!!!
  2. I have the Nova in 20 ga. and love it. So if you have the fundage for the Super, go get it. And tell r1crusher that he'll get his fondling on the reach around, since I understand all he likes to do is catch.
  3. Welcome aboard, neighbor! Where in N. Ridgetucky are ya?
  4. I am here mofter because it's an OH only board. I am a member of motorcycleaddicts.org, and honestly don't visit there much anymore. I have pals there in other states that I keep in touch with, but I am more likely to ride with the yahoos here, so I find it better to build the bonds with them (us). Hell, I don't get out as much as I would like to get with this gang here, so increasing membership to phucktards from outside of our Buckeye borders would just increase the list of folks who I will probalby never have the chance to do anything with. Did that sound bitchy? It looked bitchy after I read what I typed. It wasn't supposed to sound bitchy. Dammit.
  5. Holy shit that was hilarious. Aryo-whateverthefuck-asbestos...I can't even remember. Classic!
  6. PM on of our members, Just2EZ05. I believe his oven will handle something that size. He did the rims for my 51 in gloss black, and they rock. He takes a lot of pride in what he does, and doesn't charge an arm and a leg. Check him out! He's out near Sandusky, so it's not too terribly far from us here around C-town.
  7. RVTPilot


    Apparently the slap chop is not an effective means of getting a hooker to release her biting grip of one's tongue. Then again, that's what you get for sticking your tongue in a hooker.
  8. Perhaps he was implying that he has spent time with his mother in her bathtub?
  9. Welcome! Just around the bend from me. Glad to have another NEOH'er around.
  10. Here, JRMiii. Here is me inspiring the next generation of twin pilots and my RC hotness in the garage post-op last year. And while I would agree that she needs a bit of a diet and some rhinoplasty, the entire neighborhood knows I am coming home when I hit Center Ridge and 83, and the all line the streets to see me pull it in the garage.
  11. Tragic and sad on all accounts, regardless of why. Godspeed to Kenny and condolences to the many friends and family.
  12. Glad to have a home for the twins!
  13. Mad props on the RC, bro! Much love for the twins.
  14. Quoted for truth! Okay. All us RC owners point at JRMiii and laugh!
  15. "He can boot Linux while he performs the shocker." Wish I'd have come up with that. Holy shit. Right there with you IP - it's like 2% cool, 98% WTF creepy. Not to mention the guy is freaky looking as all get out. Ick. Should not have seen this while eating my morning cereal.
  16. Welcome home, li'l 'BUSA! Glad you're healing up.
  17. So I guess I am confused. I wore the EGA for 7 years, and supported Obama. Am I a 10%er, or one of the 50% not a shitbird for my political beliefs? (Though I freely admit me being an asshole for entirely different reasons. Not enough bandwidth to list all the reasons in here.) I was one who spent the majority of my time in under Clinton, and remember Congress going back to him and pulling Slick Willie's teeth to give us a measly 2% raise, while watching him close down good bases like they were condemned public housing. He was a bastard to work for, yet I'd have still taken a bullet for him because of the title he held. And for all our non-Marine types out there, keep the jokes coming. We all understand the deal. As the smallest collective of the services, we often did the most with the least, being the first to fight with some of the others hand-me-downs. But know this. When it came time for you to find a date for your respective birthday ball, your date...well, she was one of our hand-me-downs. Just returning the favor.
  18. Me an' the son will be parked in front of the TV by 8 frothing at the mouth. Even in this f'ed up AMA/DMG season, it's still racin'!
  19. Nothing says handi-capable like the intoxicating sound of a desmodronic valve engine sung through a set of expensive Italian exhaust pipes....all on a custom power wheelchair!
  20. ^^I will keep my eyes out for a concept model with ghost flames or something here at work. maybe talk to the gang in product development.
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