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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. Thanks for inspiring me to coat my laptop screen with orange drink. Ya bastid.
  2. I was going to be DevilDawg, which is what I am everywhere else. But someone had it already. So RVTPilot was immediately the most uncreative thing I could conjure up.
  3. Happy Birthday!!!
  4. Dude that thing is schweet! wish I had the duckage. I would tell you good luck selling it, but what you're asking for it, you should have no trouble at all moving it. I am sorry for your sake you have to get rid of it.
  5. Truly unfortunate and sad. No excuse for her turning left in front of him. None. But too bad he decided to ride sans helmet, especially if it's true that it could have been the difference between the morgue and the ER. Prepare for the crash, not the ride. Thoughts and prayers for the family.
  6. How soon are you looking for it? I am right there and can swing by on my out of the office.
  7. I don't have the meat for it. (Not the first time I've had to say that. ( ) And I don't think mother nature would let me make the trip down this weekend though.
  8. We can fix him. We have the technology. Unfortuantely our gear doesn't make us invincible. Still glad to hear you were in it. Looking forward to seeing you back in it. Heal well, jerm!
  9. And how did you manage this again? That is so going to affect your eligiblity for ballet school.
  10. "Would you be quiet?! Jesus Christ...Anne Frank was silent for almost 2 years, you can't STFU for 30 seconds!"
  11. Ham herpes. Pig Pneumonia. "Jeb's pukin' and smells like bacon." "Well, go ahead and burn him then. Don't need that shit spreadin' around."
  12. What's up knucklehead? How's school?

  13. Dickheads like that bring down the global value of owning an RC. Cahck!
  14. You would fuck up an anvil with a rubber mallet.
  15. 2003 RVT1k Two Bros. M2 CF slipons Otherwise stock, though it really needs a PCIII Oh, and right now, new tires
  16. Infadels! Good work, John!
  17. Heal up soon and keep your spirits up. Won't be long and that gnarly looking hoof will be dancing through the gearbox once again!
  18. RVTPilot

    IMG 1885

    thanks, man! was his first time out with me.
  19. Happy birthday, fellow Taurus!
  20. As someone who had his second knee surgery last year (and a bit more extensive the second time around), I wish you the best. I had microfracture suregery last January. Knee pain freaking sucks. Whomever or whatever designed these knees of ours was an idiot. Get better and get riding soon!
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