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Everything posted by RVTPilot

  1. RVTPilot

    Hot Chocolate

    QFT!! RediWhip is the shiznit! Hot coco and whipits, then nap. Repeat.
  2. Oily females is good fer me!
  3. :lol:I am glad you get where I am coming from. Methinks not all do.
  4. QFT! (Except when we went to war for oil.) Baaa-ZINGGGG!
  5. The Big Ten has showed up HUUUGE in the bowls! This would be the only time of year I would root for Meeshigan, but better believe I would and will when they get here. (unless its the Nat'l Title Game and I am a bitter Buckeey fan.)
  6. I love these threads. These are as entertaining as posts to the "Hooray for Boobies" thread. Everyone wants to confuse their opinions with fact and get all up in a lather about either the "bible thumpers" or the atheists and agnostics...its just funny. My comments are opinion, your comments are opinion, so its nothing more than a pissing match. Folks sit here and say our nation was not "based" on religion, yet the folks who founded the nation were here as the result of religious persecution. Fine. But if things were fine with the church in good ole England, then would they have come here with the same mindset, and when would that have been? The nation's structure is not founded in religion (to meet your point, Fusion, on the Constitution), but the fact that our nation even exists is based on religion and its narrow minded exploits hundreds of years ago, both in England, and here once the "free men" landed. But as I said, this is my opinion. So feel free to bash away. Maybe someday we can get a national do-over, and build a spaceship..we can round up folks two-by-two...Christians, Jews, Bhuddists, Muslims, black, white, oriental, latino, Dems and Republicans...so eveyone is even. Wait. This would be based on some religions already attempted idea, and that would conflict with the concepts of church and state. Nevermind.
  7. His first truly political comment, and just as untrue as the ones spewed today. This can be put up there with "Read my lips...", "I did not have relations with that woman...", and "I am not a crook!".
  8. Nice. Delaerships can be such a joke. I used to enjoy going car shopping, but now I lament it.
  9. Your decision to exercise constraint, respect, and decorum will not be tolerated in this forum. You must provided a response, be it solicited or otherwise. We will NOT have members exercising discretion here.
  10. Wow. This thread got ganglionic in a hurry. Nothing like a pissing contest to start the day with.
  11. :lol:Oh, there was a bit of that.
  12. Since this is the first Christmas since the mrs. and I split, I had the kids Christmas morning. It was great! None of the negativity of the split was present, as they knew they had the day with their mom, and plenty of presents and fun at her place. Actually spent time with her at my couson's place Christmas Eve without issue. (FYI - its not an ugly divorce, just an end to a long chapter in life). Christmas morning with the kids was great! My son (9) has enough Star Wars gear to shoot his own indie film, and my daughter (5) can go shot for shot in Barbie gear. It was like stepping back in time to my paren't living room to when my sister and I were that age. Speaking of my sister, since she and her husband don't have/want kids of their own, they proceed to spoil the everloving shit out of mine. Zach got his first snowboard from them, complete with helmet, goggles, boots & bindings. The works. And not department store wanna be shite. My sis goes big. And A.J. has a pink Fender Squire mini guitar, complete with 15W amp. Needless to say, Dad's stuff was trumped. But no worries. My kids had a blast this Christmas, and that's what mattered to me. I am on vacation this week, so I have 5 solid days in a row with them, then so does Mommy, as we worked that out prior to the holiday. Having a great time with them so far, and we still have lots left to do!
  13. Thanks for the great stuff, Matt! Travel safe and keep this kinda thing coming! You are on my vicarious vactaion.
  14. Shallowtail rolls of the tongue nicely. I approve! Though I am hoping one day to have a band and call it Toasted Fruit. Just fuckin' because!
  15. I tell people Merry Christmas, as I was rasied to believe that it was wishing happiness to whomever I said it to, regardless of their faith, and was based on my own. If a Muslim comes up to me and wishes well upon me in the verbiage used by his religion, I see it as a compliment, and a blessing in its intended form. I am appreciative that someone would extend to me the positive tidings of their faith. (Now if they yell "Jihad!" and start doing the tongue thing, I pray to MY God and run the other way.) The only time I use Happy Holidays is when I speak to someone that I won't be seeing between Christmas and New Years, so as to wish them, well happy holiDAYS. I've wished a Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish friends (hey Matt!!!!) hoping that they will enjoy their holiday, but they also get a Merry Christmas. So I say to ALL of you, Merry Christmas! May each of you receive countless blesings at this time!
  16. Merry Christmas to you too, that dude, and the rest of the OR gang!
  17. This bill, if it becomes reality in its current state, will cost my employer $17-20 annually in the tax that the bill will assess health care equipment manufacturers. That will cost us literally hundreds of US jobs, and the R&D that is so essential to our industry, our company's success, and the tens of millions of Medicare/Medicaid users who get our euipment at a fixed rate. Yeah, good idea, Dems! Let's give everyone in the nation some sort of health care and then have it, and its life-saving equipment be antiquated in 3-5 years. Oh, and cost the state of Ohio 300 or 400 more jobs in the coming year.
  18. must......resist....obvious........racial......comment Fine. Perhaps the HP PC is a black male. I KEED! I KEED!
  19. Holy shit, this thread is still alive?! Are all of our mods in a coma or something? Lock this thing down and put everyone out of their misery!
  20. whatever, though I has resepct for the crunch. pretty much Force v2.0
  21. ^+1. Hell, they may not even have to lock the door for he next month. And thank you to the storekeep who no only rid the Earth of another missing link, but saved the Ohio taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars in court costs and upkeep for the slimeball to rot in prison.
  22. I agree. I think Quinn has shown enough that he can maintain the position while the skill positions around him mature and the talent level upgraded. Also remeber, Sunday was only his 13th career start. Yeah he's been here 3 years, but he also has had 2 OCs and was caught in Mangini's BS tug-o-war for the starting spot earlier. Add to that an OC this year that has n o business calling plays in the NFL, and he is about as good as you are going to get right now. I don't think he will ever be Joe Montana, but how can anyone expect him to be consistent when the things around him are not either. I would give him the reins next year, and say "this is up to you to take from here". Let him be the man all offseason, get all the reps this time, and start the season that way. If he's no better after that, then you go looking for his replacement. But if they draft ANOTHER 1st rd QB I might eat my own feet. Hell, as much as Anderson has NOT progressed since '07, I don't think he's a bad as he played at times this year, and I think a TON has to do with Daboll and Mangini. As far as Mangini, I just don't see him and Holmgren working together. Two completely different football philosophies. And regardless of what kind of winning "streak" the Browns are on, you can't undo some of the negative things Mangini has done. No getting the Mangini back in the lamp. The interesting thing to watch for is whether Holmgren hires a GM and a coach, or just a coach and does both the GM thing and the Prez thing.
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