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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. work on form and consistency around a track be confident enough so that i can take the skills learned at one track and apply them to any other do 8-10 trackdays this year goal by the end of the year is to make it into the advanced level. attainable, but a lot of work. run and bike (pedal) more -- no gym involved... reach my profit goal for my internship.
  2. im not chipping in anything until hopper actually podiums... i read about that in my MotoGp Tech book, looked pretty neat although there could be some problems that arise with that particular firing order (unless im getting it confused with something completely different) regardless, very cool. yup.
  3. more weight. thats about all i can think of now. call stg... i like 30/30 for trackdays.
  4. didn't a lot of peeps post counts get deleted in the crash? since nick wasn't around he wasn't affected... these results are tainted!
  5. It is in plain english, just some simple grammar issues.
  6. can we try it out to see if it really works pointblank?
  7. the irregular firing pattern of that bike makes it sound very unique and i like it a lot...
  8. i hope you buy your bikes for more than a "cool color"... albeit they are neat looking, i like whats under their clothes a little more although nowadays its mostly the same... ^i just contradicted myself o well
  9. when i get race plastics i might spray paint it white base with red detail... i've been contemplating a new design with my bike maybe the inverse of what i have now.
  10. lol yea i do. as long as it interests me. unfortunately i can't apply my want to read to my school books... there really isn't that many grammar mistakes but when you find them its like, hrmm that doesn't look right, and then you move on.
  11. natedogg624

    Spring Ride

    true statement. although usually they are ok after a good rain. either way the first time on the roads need to be scouting runs and not all out in any way.
  12. *there's no real place for review's like this, so i chose here. if mods wanna move it, feel free* well i got this book as a christmas present and flew threw all 277 pages in about 3 days, and im not much of a reader. the book is overall actually pretty funny and a good read so long as your not a grammar nazi. i liked the fact that he gives some insider information about motoGP and what its like to be the lead rider on a top tier team. he also talks a lot about his time leading up to GP and his battles with Biaggi, Capirossi, the Aprilia team, and the ever so serious Honda HRC team. He explains his little pranks and/or after race ceremonies and much much more! the stuff i didn't like: the first three chapters seemed to talk about the same thing just in slightly different variations. also there are some obvious grammar issues throughout the book and some flowing/organizational issues but it is a translated book, so that could have something to do with it. also just an interesting note, throughout the book he refers to his mom as obviously "mom," but says his dad by his first name, very few times did he mention Graziano as his dad. overall i'd say 4/5 stars in terms of good books i've read. if your in anyway interested in Rossi or even MotoGP in general this is a good book to read. available in hard back and paperback. http://www.amazon.com/What-If-Had-Never-Tried/dp/0099486962/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1230698510&sr=8-2
  13. what do you care you'll only see the back end
  14. guns are bad mmk. jk good luck with your sale bumpity
  15. natedogg624

    Spring Ride

    cbrjess you need to go. id be ok with this for now. but again its way to early to really plan anything, although it'd probably be just a day trip on my end.
  16. i dont think yamaha will just with the way they are dominating, maybe the satellite teams will pull, maybe. but suzuki on the other hand i feel would pull out first with the way their results have been as of late, although they have had a glimmer of hope with capirossi i believe getting on the podium this season. um. im pretty sure honda didn't pull out of GP. just AMA correct me if im wrong though
  17. more pics! actually looks much better in these pics:
  18. are you pc'ing the bolts somehow? or cleaning them up a bit? design looks cool, not sure about thsoe colors but i understand its the customers order.
  19. their the black ones if i remember correctly. sorry i just rode with this guy a lot...
  20. what angle are you talking about? the y axis angle (looking from the front or back level with the bars) or the x axis angle (looking from above) if its the latter you can adjust that angle with aftermarket clip ons easy. other than that why do you want to be so specific about the angle?
  21. wow. sweet deal. if this is still available in a few months (doubt it) i would pick this up.
  22. i know they are made by ohlins, i meant the piston style damper when i said that. good info on the top mount, thanks.
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