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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. This race proves my thread title in every form possible. 23+ races and it came down to the last corner of the last lap of the last race of the season. The top two riders in the championship simply needed to finish in front of the other to secure the title. .006 separated them as they crossed the line http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mzt6g212xzw
  2. since i have a shit iphone 3g, and can't really wait for the iphone 4s to come out - i bought an ipad 2 to hold myself over until then wanted to jailbreak, but will likely hold off until ios5 comes out tonight and see what all the fuss is about.
  3. i have the 3g and i can barely even get the native camera app to open.
  4. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fg.co%2Fmaps%2F9wes4&h=1AQAJrexPAQAx7CVBtorIHLoDVzlNIVjKcfFF-hX_H9KezA
  5. also this thread is turning into the steve jobs died thread...
  6. is it public knowledge where/when the funeral is?
  7. Steve Jobs didn't die, he just went back to the future, he's fine...
  8. with my ford sync via USB it shows metadata. Or are you talking via bluetooth? in which my ford sync just says bluetooth media stream
  9. i use this in the winter when i make longer road trips with their road sensors and cameras.
  10. is the id3 you speak of for the text messages?
  11. jagr wins all in good fun Joey.
  12. iPad's are generally launched in February. maybe a dual iphone/ipad release party...?
  13. you mean like taking portrait shots of yourself in the bathroom mirror?
  14. flash is dying like vhs and cd's. html5 is the next thing in line (which apple fully supports). apple was just ahead of the curve.
  15. perhaps you should change your name to michiganmike.
  16. the only time i was "sponsored" was when I did my Nationwide Children's Hospital kids bike. I didn't even race but they liked my presentation enough to be on board. Granted I didn't get stuff free, but it was a steep discount on some things. This year though HookIt is a huuuuuuge step in the right direction. So many opportunities there for sponsorship. Don't expect anything free or massive discounts off the bat, but continue with the same company (ie GoPro) and your discounts will grow. For real sponsorship though, get a year under your belt and develop some results. Results aren't the only thing though, results don't get their company noticed (persay) be prepared to explain what YOU can do for THEM other than ride a bike in a circle. Don't be afraid to start the HookIt deal now - even trackday riders have the opportunity for some discounts. My sponsors below are a result of knowing people and representing their product (35Motorsports, GPtech) and HookIt. The RetroFit source was a neighbor of mine in college and gave me a free HID install on my streetbike as long as I rock their stickers on the streetbike as well as "nascar style" headlights on the track bike.
  17. get in the shoe area around an hour to hour and a half before game. watch pre-game, do not miss the band's ramp entrance. gives me goosebumps everytime. really no way to avoid traffic on gameday. i lived on campus throughout that time so can't say for sure. i remember my folks came a few times and they parked in cannon garage by the med center and walked, or there is also shuttles available from west campus. if it's a noon game, get there around 8ish and there might be some garage spots.
  18. let us know how that hotbodies bodywork fits... i'm interested to see if they've upped their quality and fitment.
  19. it's a harley, they're all used to that happening.
  20. i was considering getting a mac mini when i realized from my young college days I could build a much better computer for the same price the mini is worth. i understand the process of getting the software to work, i've seen the websites of combatible hardware, my problem is finding out what works with what. ie if i choose motherboard a, what processor works with a or what video card do i need...
  21. that had to have been the slowest race evar.
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