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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. if you look up "epic threads" in the dictionary - the NOS one would probably be #1.
  2. mike at riders discount can you hook you up.
  3. see if jeff kljun's got one leftover. i know his unfortunately selling all his race stuff.
  4. i'll give you some old pucks of mine if you really are concerned
  5. or getting your knee down. nobody cares in the paddock if you touched or not, they want to make sure you're safe and learning proper body positioning.
  6. is it a thumper or twin? either way very nice. one day i'll have a cafe...
  7. o rly - jk only in a freak storm with near tornado winds will ez up's fail.
  8. make sure you make a mental note that you're running water come fall/winter...
  9. this is very sad but understandable. good luck jeff
  10. you can shift 1-2 through neutral with a QS, constant acceleration, i am giddy every time lol
  11. i don't think that's stuck up, i think that's just protecting their worth. they don't know your mom, and they very well could think it's just bait for a lawsuit waiting to happen on them - it's an unfortunate circumstance of today's world.
  12. http://www.collegehumor.com/moogaloop/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=6579946&use_node_id=true
  13. what she said. i'm in that foul state up north now. thanks! yes i know it's supposed to be on the right. The outer tubes got switched when i sent my suspension in to 35 Motorsports. i never had a problem with it on the left though.
  14. Kruzel comes through again-- little design my dad and I came up with. Huge classic Porsche fan, play off of "Renn Speed"
  15. you're in cbus dude - put a wanted ad on this site for someone with a truck or trailer to come help you out. offer a 6 pack or gas and you're golden.
  16. when does mylaps update for motoseries?
  17. come on peeps, quote the ad like ben does so it can still live on after it's been removed...
  18. i assume you're talking DOT's... 1) http://www.sportbiketireservice.com/Michelin-Power-One-Set.html - Dave Grey is the shit and always has excellent customer service helping me decide which compound I need in back (is there ever a question up front? P1 V up front every time). Duane is the Michelin guy that goes to most the WERA races in our region and super nice and helpful with feedback. Makes you feel like a pro rider. 2) yes. tires are stupid grippy. they've survived Mid Oh, Summit, Nelson and soon to be on Gingerman all with great grip and never faltering even on the pounding surface of Nelson. 3) tough call, i've never used anything other than the Pilot Powers and then a jump to DOTs/slicks.
  19. you've got a month to find it and produce 105,000, give or take 10,000
  20. learn something new everyday. thanks for correcting me.
  21. 520/525 is the width, or "pitch" or are you talking tooth count?
  22. columbus scooter and cycle. maybe time for chris to update his sig
  23. because they probably have 520 or 525 sprockets on them.
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