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Everything posted by natedogg624

  1. thanks all! ben and chris - they are continually growing extremely fast so still keep an eye out for job openings or just have mike/tj let you know if something comes up. yes i realized that when i was out there grabbing some lunch. unfortunately most were in some way shape or form affiliated with that whore ann girl. i'll have to inject some osu into that land for sure!
  2. got a job offer with the Rider's Discount team and i'll be starting with them week after next. i'll be working with Mike and the boys (and girls) and can't wait to get started!
  3. jeebus. your and you're. their/there/they're different.
  4. seeing these threads realllllly makes me want to get back to mid oh. damn school and graduating.
  5. hoblicks doing pc now, you'll have to see if his oven will accommodate your wheels first.
  6. depends on my living situation, but i'd really like to get in on this. i'll be hit or miss.
  7. unless you have one of the highend cable packages, chances are you'll have to watch the highlight reel on youtube, or download them via RU (they're already being put up as we speak), or watch them at someone's house that has said cable package or RU, or move to great britain where they enjoy the finer things in life that don't include left hand turns. HD theatre channel, they usually don't show them until a few weeks after.
  8. you mean aka lizard1 aka ktm-brian? yea he's still around, he's with the ktm team now.
  9. i can't help but think of the conversation we had before your wera event regarding the brake pad pins :/
  10. he's updated his facebook for those that are friends with him. i did not realize it was that severe yesterday. incredibly lucky.
  11. roadracing world mag - roadracerx was good, too bad they closed up shop sportrider mag maxim.
  12. whenever i see steve on campus i usually make sure my front wheel is up as my "hello" to him 7 times out of 10 it's not him though - all those cop cars look the same but surusly, he's working the osu hospital east so he can be available weekends to do racing so he's not on main campus much
  13. if they do, it's certainly not a lunch a rider should have... really good burgers for the spectators tho
  14. summit point likes being a bitch to you steve. glad you're relatively ok. and yes dubguy, that front straight is long. the rest are just semi long. i really enjoyed that course, wish i could've been there this past weekend but school is p1
  15. i just talked to him last night, i hope he is ok!
  16. i'm never fully comfortable riding public roads at a spirited pace. too many variables that are ALWAYS changing - gravel/sand/dirt/animals/trees down around the corner/oncoming cars/etc you get the point. sure i've gotten used to it and am very relaxed while riding, but i'll never be able to say i'm 100% comfy with the ever-changing conditions. but to answer your question, i was more comfortable doing those roads after my first trackday but each trackday/race that i do, i find myself urging less to go down to hocking or the like because i get my fill (safely) on the track.
  17. apple launched their cloud/ios5/lion dev today. looked pretty cool, nothing that stood out as most of the stuff has already been out via others for a while. although when apple comes out with this kind stuff it usually "just works" whereas android/google/windows you'd have to fiddle with settings etc to get it working flawlessly.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkd5dJIVjgM
  19. she can't get it done because she's drunk hence the tyops in the tittle.
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