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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Why go through all that trouble? Choose a couple of parents with the name "Kennedy" or "Hilton" or "of windsor" enjoy the money from birth...
  2. Okay, now that we've established the atrocities perpetrated by the official church, (And your response that they haven't done anything really bad "lately") let's talk about fringe groups that use religion as their justification (essentially what al-queda is). The KKK has killed between 2000 and 4000 people over the last 90 years. So if we're condemning religions for their fringe groups, christianity doesn't have a leg to stand on there either... Muslims around the world, and here in the U.S. have done their due dilligence in condemning these atrocities, they are not responsible for al-queda, or the taliban. Muslims can't be blamed for these groups any more than christians can be blamed for the KKK.
  3. Look up the crusades, the inquisition, and the Dark ages, then get back to me on how much better christianity is than islam...Not to mention those things were sanctioned by the official church, where as the official mosques of islam have condemned the terrorists...
  4. QFT Muslims are being unfairly targeted because of their religious affiliation. The way the media reports everything going on "muslim" automatically connotates "extremist" and that has become synonymous with "terrorist"... I know some awesome muslims. Greatest, friendliest guys you would ever want to meet. Have the same values and principles as many of you. (raising their children, loving their spouses, supporting their communities) Yet, somehow many of you automatically assume they are somehow less american than you because they call the same god you worship "allah" and you call the same god they worship "yaweh"... How fucking retarded...
  5. Our conversations online are WAY more epic than anything we've ever said in person...believe me.
  6. we can go dutch... i'm cool with just hanging out with you, lol
  7. A friend of mine says aliens abducted linda cardellini, and put her brain into his sister's body...
  8. I ask myself that often enough.
  9. Source? I can't see anywhere that police would be counting motorcycles... Still lots of bikes parked along constitution, but based on the cameras, cars still vastly outnumber bikes...even in places where the bikes seem most prevalent.
  10. I doubt his O'ness reviews a single permit request...I'm willing to bet that's done by the local government, and probably a pretty low level official. and who's to say it wouldn't have happened anyway?
  11. Motorcycle accident on constitution... well, that's one way to gob up traffic...
  12. The whole point of the thread intially was outrage that Muslims were going to be rallying at the capitol on 9/11 at all... Hence the bikers "Ride to Protest the Million Muslim March"
  13. The Muslims who show up to this protest "hate america" The muslims who do not show up to this protest "hate america"...? does it take long to decide "I'm riding to dc"?
  14. also, DC traffic looking pretty typical http://www.wtop.com/?sid=&nid=871 Fair amount of motorcycle traffic and motorcycles parked on constitution ave... but no major backups in the area... http://www.trafficland.com/city/WAS/
  15. I'll be sure to tell my Muslim friends that they're doing their religion wrong... Does that mean any christian who doesn't kill their own children for insubordination, or doesn't hate themselves isn't a "true christian"? Just curious...
  16. Not if your "income" IS Capital Gains and dividens... (I.E. your "job" is an investor)
  17. Rich keep getting richer, calling themselves "corporations" and getting taxed at less than 1/2 the rate as the rest of us... Money makes money, so the richest make it literally faster than they can spend it, just by letting their wealth grow in interest...
  18. How about pushing back on incorrect labels? I don't like islam any more or less than christianity... they are equally stupid. Neither are responsible for 9/11.
  19. I voted for Mccain and regretted it...
  20. I'm not going to let bigotry fly under the guise of patriotism, that's bullshit.
  21. Obama gave me a parking ticket! I knew he hated Volkswagens... Tree hugging nazi, just because I was parked in a bicycle zone... Yeah because all muzlums are evul terrists right? Your blatant bigotry is showing...
  22. Muslim is the wrong word... it wasn't a "Muslim attack" it was a terrorist attack. The terrorists happen to have classified themselves as muslims, and justified their actions using passages cherry picked from islam's holy book... They could have just as well been christians and cherry picked passages from the bible to justify their actions...
  23. truth may be coming out soon... http://news.yahoo.com/ipad-video-becomes-key-george-zimmerman-case-222609262.html
  24. Hence the wording... "starting to look like" My keyboard is dangerous, dangerous, she's a bad girl...oh wait that's akon... nvm
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