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Everything posted by magley64

  1. magley64


    I don't have the facts, as I've stated in several of my replies... Congress has been briefed on the facts, and all of my responses have been IF > THEN If the facts come out that syria did NOT use these weapons, then our actions should reflect that.
  2. magley64


    His facebook status, august 22nd Verbatim "WHAT THE FUCK AMERICA? Are we going to let Syria's Government use chemical weapons on kids and women. More than 100,000 dead and the displacement of over 1,000,000 Syrian civilians. How about we stand up for what's right... Write your Senators and Congress members and tell them you want troops on ground in Syria.. Aug 26th And then there was WAR! #Syria Aug27th WAR WAR WAR WAR #Syria Sept 3rd John boehner R-Ohio is the man...
  3. Here's hoping your friend heals up quick...
  4. magley64


    My cousin is currently serving (in hawaii at the moment) and He's 100% for a full on invasion... Are you an enlisted man? No, then why do YOU have an opinion?
  5. magley64


    :eyeroll: why is it every time someone disagrees with you it's because they are emotionally driven? I think there are situations in which the US needs to remain vigilant. We dropped the ball during the holocaust, but it could be argued that "we didn't know". Now the argument is "we're not sure..?" or "even if we are sure, we shouldn't do anything..." If the latter, welcome to the wrong side of history.
  6. magley64


    Actually, stewart's position is the opposite of mine in this case, and I'm fine with that.
  7. magley64


    YOU asked me who was innocent... I answered Then you missed a few steps in between... 1. Were chemical weapons used on these children? (seems pretty apparent now) 2. Who supplied these chemical weapons? (becoming clearer that it is syria) 3. Who used these chemical weapons? (becoming clearer that it is syria's government) 4. Is the UN or Nato willing to do anything about it? (seems the answer is no) 5. Are we willing to accept that this country uses chemical weapons against it's citizens without any consequence whatsoever? 6. If yes, What message does THAT send? It's not emotion driving me, It's an interest in justice and consequence.
  8. magley64


    Hundreds of syrian children poisoned with sarin for a start? Again I personally am not privy to the intelligence that was provided the congress. If chemical weapons were used (becoming more or less a sure thing) and If they were used by the syrian government (congress seems convinced) and If nobody else will do anything about it... then what choice do we have? Let them get away with the things we've decided as a civilized world that we would not tolerate? What's next?
  9. magley64


    So to hell with the geneva convention and international law? Fuck innocent civilians? In a nut shell?
  10. magley64


    I honestly can't say "yes" given all the unknowns, I'm not privy to the intelligence gathered and submitted to Congress...
  11. magley64


    Okay... How about an "Undecided" option? cause that's where I'm at currently... I don't think that syria should get away with using chemical weapons, and if that is the case, then I think Someone should punish them... If nobody else is going to do it, then we are going to have to. (assuming they actually did use chemical weapons)
  12. magley64


    So it's okay to ignore the will of the people, because they weren't sure it would have changed something that happened in the past? I'd love to meet this supposed 85%
  13. yeah, cause that's the same as a shooting spree with an ak47 or ar15... note: 1 dead...not dozens, not 50...
  14. magley64


    This is news? 92% of americans supported stricter background checks... We all know which lobby bought that argument...
  15. magley64


    You really should change your screen name to Nostradamus... Your predictions are utterly unbelievable... So you think there were riots all over when Z got acquitted? Please point me to all of these riots caused by that verdict in florida... There was more rioting in akron this past weekend caused by... well, nothing http://www.newsnet5.com/dpp/news/local_news/oh_summit/akron-police-use-tear-gas-on-crowd-after-car-flipped-bottled-thrown-near-university-of-akron
  16. magley64


    Senate Panel Votes in Favor of Attack in Syria: Full Senate Vote to Come. http://news.yahoo.com/senate-panel-votes-authorize-force-syria-192751201--politics.html
  17. magley64


    Words mean things.... A mercenary is a person who takes part in an armed conflict, who is not a national or a party to the conflict and is "motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar ranks and functions in the armed forces of that Party" Neither side is paying us... we're motivated by enforcing laws that the global community has agreed upon...
  18. magley64


    No, we enforce the geneva convention... if syria were using regular arms against whoever their enemies were, I'd say we stfu and gtfo... but since they've likely decided to cross the line into war crimes...someone needs to punish them.
  19. magley64


    When did he offer to send in our air force? All i've heard about so far is a limited strike on syria's military using missiles fired from warships and drones in the area...
  20. magley64


    yeah... respond to a country poisoning it's own people with sarin by firing a nuke at those same people? smart... firing a few missiles at their military installations makes the most sense in response to what is becoming a clear violation of the geneva convention regarding the use of chemical weapons. But tell us more Nostradamus... all of your predictions so far have been spot on... When was he convicted, he wasn't, then where were all those riots you promised? Oh right... nowhere... An overturned rack of sport coats at mens warehouse, a riot is not...
  21. magley64


    I'm not sure what will happen, but I'm glad we're going with congress for a change...
  22. "weather permitting" This phrase is common among motorcyclist's lexicon, but it seems a bit of a misnomer... Weather never forbids, it just challenges.
  23. magley64


    I assumed it was phonetically spelled as Schwarzenegger would say it...
  24. there ya go, get a nice set of tires, and a plow, you got yourself a winter tool as well.
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