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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Ashtabula passed a resolution stating that automated devices such as these are required to have a police officer present while they are in operation. They were promptly removed... guess it wasn't about safety after all, but revenue.
  2. Please, allow us to bask in the depth of your knowledge of the religion... Do you know what the 5 pillars of Islam are, without googling? Like I said, I'm willing to bet a WHOLE lot that you've never cracked the spine of a qu'ran, thumbed through it, read a single word other than what was pointed out by some anti-muslim website...
  3. It IS the same fictional charachter... you all use the OT... you have the same religious patriarch, you all have the same creation story. big bearded guy, 7 days, 6000 years ago (just roughly 2000 years after the plow was invented BTW... why would you need a plow before earth was created?)
  4. Will the answer change your view of Islam, or make you any less bigoted? I mean seriously... You all really do worship the same god. Abraham's invisible bestie.
  5. Oh look, Syria seems to be changing their minds... Yeah, we'll turn over our chemical weapons to the UN, right after we hide them all... http://news.yahoo.com/syria-chemical-weapons-sites-being-dispersed-wall-street-042513364.html
  6. The enlightenment has zero to fucking do with christianity... ZERO. so to claim "enlightenment" as a christian thing is complete bullshit. The Age of Enlightenment (or simply the Enlightenment or Age of Reason) was a cultural movement of intellectuals in the 17th and 18th centuries, which began first in Europe and later in the American colonies. Its purpose was to reform society using reason, challenge ideas grounded in tradition and faith, and advance knowledge through the scientific method. It promoted scientific thought, skepticism and intellectual interchange.[1] It opposed superstition and intolerance, with the Catholic church a favorite target. Some Enlightenment philosophes collaborated with Enlightened despots, who were absolute rulers who tried out some of the new governmental ideas in practice. The ideas of the Enlightenment have had a long-term major impact on the culture, politics, and governments of the Western world You'd be suprised what the median catholic believes (what their basic tennents are), and catholocism being the largest sect of christianity, we can start there... Funny, most of the atheists here see islam as just another bullshit abrahamic religion like judaism and christianity (you all worship the same god) where as it's been christians far and away who choose to demonize a religion that isn't their own, and a religion they've likely never bothered to study... Have you even cracked the binding on an english translated qu'ran? Maybe some people should try reading books instead of burning them. (in my best sean connery voice)
  7. Clearly you haven't been reading the posts by "john g" and others... but fuck it, if people want to flaunt their bigotry, intolerance, and ignorance, I'm just as happy to point it out.
  8. Yes, too many congressmen/women earn too much money, and on top of it, spend their time writing laws to bring home money for pet projects instead of focusing on what will improve the quality of the life for citizens of the country.. It's screwed up, congress should not get to dictate their own pay...
  9. it already is lower for the less harder working... that's the main bitch...
  10. more importantly can you kick it sideways at a $1.87 and outrun the chopper? I'm 47 pounds heavier and still wear size 32 pants.
  11. Thank the Koch Brothers...
  12. I didn't offer the loophole, the wealthy persons who purchased the politicians did... I'm a big fan of Elizabeth Warren... I wish I could have voted for her...
  13. Bush wanted to usher in a new era of softer republicanism, (compassionate conservatism I believe was the wording) his first campaign reflected that... Then we got gaffe after gaffe after gaffe... Duck a shoe, Choke on a pretzel, misunderestimated and a whole bunch of "nukuler"...
  14. Also, Putin just told us that we aren't exceptional... http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-politics/wp/2013/09/12/putin-america-is-not-exceptional/ so much for our patriotic self delusions...
  15. mine won't fit in my top case... i just hang it from one of the mirrors, usually.
  16. I think they should be taxed just like everyone else... I don't hate the "rich", and I'm not a big fan of paying taxes, but if I'm paying a percentage of my income, why should those with more get to duck their civic responsibilities? Cause they can afford a better tax accountant? GTFO
  17. So you think prudent investors would stop investing in successful businesses because they might be taxed the same for those incomes as for regular incomes? and yes, I'm talking about the "effective rate" which is the "bottom line". (you made 40,000, you paid $8,000 or 20%) or (you made 10,000,000, you paid 1,500,000 or 15%) yes 1,500,000 is more than 8,000, but 20% is still more than 15% You don't think it's a little messed up that some peoples income types are taxed less than other people's income types? ESPECIALLY those who actually "work" for their money being taxed at a much higher rate than those who just happen to bet on the right horses? Or were lucky enough to be born into the right family?
  18. lane sharing doesn't involve driving the other person out of their lane
  19. Or, instead of inheriting a lump sum of cash, You could just borrow half a million dollars from your dad's slush fund, and invest it... Sidestepping taxes on income, and instead be taxed at the capital gains rate which is not to exceed 15% seems easier than actually building a business and working. ohh look, what a coincidence... yahoo running a story on the front page regarding the waltons (of walmart fame) and specifically how they have sucessfully dodged a number of taxes... http://finance.yahoo.com/news/wal-marts-waltons-maintain-billionaire-040100941.html
  20. So you think it's proper that people making millions pay a lower effective tax rate than you and I?
  21. Oh no you di'int... That was the worst insult you could've thrown at maxwell powerstash, it's on now...
  22. I don't have any claim either, but I believe their given money should be taxed just as hard as anyone who's working for their money...
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