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Everything posted by magley64

  1. magley64

    05 F4i $4k

    Maybe if you stop blowing all your money on energy drinks and cigs you could afford to move...?
  2. magley64

    05 F4i $4k

    I just remembered the "dad wrecked my bike" thread and thought it was funny
  3. magley64

    05 F4i $4k

    That's a hell of an offer for a "wrecked" bike
  4. My usual Birthday Shindig, But Bigger since it will be my 30th... More details to come
  5. magley64

    05 F4i $4k

    for posterity http://ohioriders.net/index.php?/topic/98345-wrecked-bike/?hl=wrecked
  6. Hey, you want to burn straw men, go right ahead...
  7. magley64

    05 F4i $4k

    Wait, isn't this the bike you said your dad "wrecked"? title should read "wrecked f4i for sale, thanks dad"
  8. I don't think so... Gun control means controlling the distribution and possession of firearms. If every gun control advocate wants new laws banning guns everywhere: Then every gun owner advocate wants every gun law overturned, and everyone carrying all the time. Fact is, Most of us reside somewhere between those polar opposites.
  9. Gun control advocates aren't always looking for new laws, sometimes they are looking for better ways to enforce existing laws.
  10. High profile gun crimes spur some gun control advocates to bolster their position that guns are too prevalent and too easy to obtain? WHAT!?
  11. I also compared al-queda to the KKK... I have heard just as many (or more) muslims come out and condemn al-queda as I've heard protestants come out and condemn the KKK. AGAIN to clarify, we're talking about fringe groups using religion as their excuse... not the religion itself. When people start talking about the religion itself, that's when christianity loses it's credibility because the most common and official church of christianity (the catholic church) officially sactioned those atrocities mentioned. The "religion" of islam is also much younger than christianity, so they haven't had as much time to mellow out as western christians have. (read christians were much more violent at this stage in the religion's development.) Also, by and large the violent muslim groups you've been stereotyping with (al queda) are of the shia, not sunni (sunni is the largest group by a wide margin)
  12. This... Still legal, still active in many areas around ohio.
  13. I'm pretty happy with the world and society I live in... maybe you should move here... just not too close, I like my neighbors to be at least 200 feet away.
  14. Sorry, thought we were back in the "founding fathers were extremists" thread...
  15. YOU didn't revolt against shit... Some of OUR ancestors revolted against SOME of their ancestors... Which has nothing at all to do with the UK of today.
  16. I think the details of the lawsuit were a bit more complicated... in that if you were past a particular line, but stopped for the light, it still flashed you.... I vaguely remember something along these lines.
  17. I could use a set, but I don't currently have money to blow on them, GLWS
  18. It's not entrapment... they aren't encouraging you to speed or blow red lights.. They ARE bullshit, and for most towns/cities/etc they are very lucrative.
  19. compared to...? Wicca, absolutely, witches are extremely peaceful. Buddhists? Eh, part of buddhism requires you to kill him if you meet him. (kinda cuts back on people falsely claiming to be gods) Hindus? Pretty peaceful overall as for the abrahamic faiths, they are more or less equally violent.
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