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Everything posted by magley64

  1. magley64


    Everything I've read/heard says it's going the opposite fucking direction... please point me to one of your sources that says it will actually lower gas prices and by how much....
  2. magley64


    so no one gives a damn about the pegasus pipeline as an example of what is going to happen down the road with keystone? OR all the evidence showing that it will actually drive global gas prices HIGHER? SERIOUSLY?
  3. magley64


    That's not what you said a second ago, you said "a few cents, lol" implying that it would in fact lower prices significantly more than a few cents... as for getting off of middle eastern oil, we ALREADY import over half of our oil from canada...
  4. magley64


    Okay, go... find me a study that shows how much gas prices will go down if the keystone is built... I'm finding lots and lots of reports that say it will actually drive prices UP...but haven't had time to look at them in depth...
  5. I thought the prisons were privatized... how would that be a government scheme?
  6. I don't think so...and I think the cost/benefit has already been proven to be a major loser for the taxpayer. And i know several people who pass drug tests flawlessly regardless of getting high regularly...it's not difficult. the biggest problem with drug testing is who's gonna pay for it?
  7. cmon, someone was gonna post it... 1. It's obama 2. It's gun related 3. It's "executive orders" that's a trifecta of outrage for teabaggers... the only thing that would have enraged them more was if he somehow let gay people get married or something...
  8. http://news.yahoo.com/obama-offers-gun-control-steps-135409085--politics.html Striving to take action where Congress would not, the Obama administration announced new steps Thursday on gun control, curbing the import of military surplus weapons and proposing to close a little-known loophole that lets felons and others circumvent background checks by registering guns to corporations.
  9. magley64


    so you're willing to risk other people's homes/lives/health for a few cents off a gallon?
  10. Why stop there? Why not mandatory drug test everyone, you fail you go to jail...regardless of your socioeconomic standing, age, or religious affiliation... drug test the entire population and put any and all users in jail... Want to boost our #1 spot of incarcerated per capita? that's the way to do it, and think of the boost to the economy... with all those new prison warden jobs...and new prison manufacturing/construction... then we could use prisoners for free labor, and beat china's labor market... that would REALLY fix everything... or it would be total bullshit and an insane invasion of privacy... but w/e
  11. Not exactly (i've been through this a time or 2, last year was different than 4 years ago.) My ex brother in law got audited...and he almost got charged with fraud. I'm so glad he's my ex brother in law, didn't like him from the start. Fortunately for him, my sister was there at the time to bail him out of that mess.
  12. They have gotten a bit more aggressive as of late, you have to fill out where, when, and how you applied, who you contacted, and keep a log. They randomly audit logs and if yours are empty or lost, they will stop paying and send you a bill for the amount they did pay.
  13. drug testing for welfare is a waste of money... costs more to administer the tests than it saves by not paying those that fail it.... Not to mention it's easy to cheat a drug test.
  14. you really do have a crush on me don't you... it's so cute...
  15. Maybe because i have no idea who or what trogdor is...? Scum bag would be inaccurate... traitorous would be spot on..they were actual traitors to the king...but honest and loyal to their fellow countrymen.
  16. magley64


    I'm not even talking about climate change... I'm talking about thousands of gallons of liquid shit squirting up onto people's front lawns, and into their favorite fishing spot, turning nice clean water and land into polluted wasteland... http://cleantechnica.com/2013/08/18/residents-of-mayflower-ar-look-back-on-pegasus-pipeline-spill/
  17. magley64


    I realize this, but had the spill that happened in the gulf happened ON LAND, it would have been WAY WAY WAY worse... if a mere 175,000 gallons from a small leak in the pegasus pipeline hasn't YET been completely cleaned up imagine how much worse it would have been if it were 8 times bigger...(keystone XL) or 1200 times bigger (deep water horizon)... http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesconca/2013/04/07/its-crazy-to-think-keystone-xl-wont-leak/ You guys like to complain about how we're leaving all this debt for our children, what about leaving them a literal ticking time bomb of massive pollution when this thing starts to leak?
  18. This is where you're missing the boat I think... It didn't matter WHAT our/their values are/were only that we/they took those values to their limit and believed them so much that we/they were willing to use violence and force to impose them... That is the definition, you're preoccupied with a word that in your mind has become synonymous with modern day extremists, and assume that all extremists are equally flawed in their Ideals. Some extremists are fully justified in my mind, you and I may disagree, but that has no effect or impact on whether or not they fit the definition of extremist. Again, not about what their values are, just about how strongly they are held, and the willingness to spread them by force.
  19. In this case, I don't think I'm the one with the problem.
  20. Not if it's used accurately, and properly defined... no.
  21. magley64


    Ark We don't need to be piping in hundreds of thousands of gallons of shit we have no way of cleaning up...did we learn nothing from the bp spill or the arkansas oil spill? I'd rather pay a few cents more per gallon than have a country polluted as shit from shitty sludge oil that sinks in water...
  22. why not just unbolt, jam a pipe in it to bust up the catalyst then dump it out?
  23. Well to be fair, Syria will probably be "solved" with some of the huge caches of missiles we have stockpiled... Pick some targets and shoot, easy Developing a new plan for cleaning up radioactive seawater... that might be kinda tricky.
  24. Wait... I has a confused... he couldn't have put it off since he didn't get a call...
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