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Everything posted by magley64

  1. March/rally/organized gathering =/= stopping all traffic in DC for a fart parade... Yawn... On a side note I DO hate "bikers"... regardless of their religion.
  2. magley64


    If we weren't the military powerhouse of the world, I doubt russia would have even bothered with a peaceful solution... They'd just have backed their syrian ally in a military endeavor... They just don't want american missiles flying in their direction...
  3. magley64


    hey look, a possible peaceful solution http://news.yahoo.com/syria-positive-giving-chemical-weapons-160934250.html
  4. magley64


    I didn't vote, as I've not seen the evidence yet... My response has been, and will continue to be a If > then/else answer... If chemical weapons were used by the Syrian government if the UN/Nato refuse to act etc etc
  5. magley64


    This website's patrons aren't remotely a representative sample of the population of this country...but sure.. point taken
  6. Word on the boards is "Strictly street has awesome electrical skills" not sure if he deals with AC stuff as well as DC stuff though.
  7. magley64


    He's 28, will be 29 in november, volunteered for 2 tours in afghanistan, protected the vice president as an MP, spent a while in germany, and is now stationed in hawaii after re-upping for infantry.
  8. magley64


    If the syrian government killed syrian civilians with chemical weapons, then we have an obligation to respond to such a war crime...
  9. I do this when driving anywhere... Look at any driver, think of the worst possible move they can make, and assume they will make it... you'll rarely be disappointed.
  10. I've heard it... Sounds like a shotgun. Dad and I were watching a storm off his back porch... thought it was over, so we both stepped off the porch at the same time and Click, BOOM...
  11. magley64


    We don't, we blow the current chem weapons cache to smithereens... if they were in fact used by that government...
  12. He did a good job making his first couple posts innocuous enough re: cats and quotes... But this one is blatant.
  13. yeah, i smell the banhammer really soon
  14. LOL, i'm considering popping in over the weekend since it is right around the corner
  15. magley64


    What obligation? I have no obligation whatsoever to choose a career in government service. The private sector was a better fit for me and my life. It allowed me to spend time helping to raise my nieces and nephew... (a much higher priority IMO than a "war" against an "idea") If you think signing up makes you a better person, so be it... I don't agree with your assesment, but that's what's cool about this, we don't have to agree. If you had real responsibilities at home that you ducked by going off to the service, that doesn't make you a better person IMO...that makes you bad at prioritizing. My family member serving is just the example I was giving of what some people who currently have their own ass on the line think about the current situation... That is all.
  16. I'm sure he could've just pled guilty...
  17. magley64


    What a coincidence, my military cousin just re-upped for infantry... the same one who JUST posted all those things about syria... maybe your kid will be fortunate enough to serve in hawaii with my cuz...
  18. magley64


    You were sitting in the intelligence briefing? Please tell me exactly what evidence we have and where we are lacking evidence...
  19. magley64


    I was 17... sitting in a calculus class... What would the military do about a terrorist attack... if we were going to war with another country.. maybe my decision would have been different. But "war on terror" is a bullshit endeavor, you can't go to war with an idea because bullets don't hurt ideas, they only hurt people. And I've been all for closing Gitmo from day 1, and have been against torture from day 1... so I'm not sure what exactly your point is...
  20. magley64


    Congress did by ratifying the Geneva convention... Had they used mechanical means to kill people (good ol' fashioned lead bullets) then I'd say we don't get involved... Once one side or the other starts using nerve gas, we have an obligation to make a statement to the world that this type of shit will not be tolerated.
  21. magley64


    I'm not assuming anything.... I've already said I'm undecided, but I'm not privy to all the facts... IF they did it, someone should do something IF nobody else will (see UN or NATO) then we will have to IF we don't, then we send the message that we don't give a damn about the rules anymore, and it becomes a free for all of nerve gassses, mustard gas poisons, nuclear radiation poisoning, a big mixed bag of nasty shit.
  22. magley64


    Please continue that string....
  23. magley64


    29 actually, and I've got responsibilities here.
  24. magley64


    YOUR response inferred that if I didn't enlist, then i had no say... I don't need an excuse...
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