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Everything posted by magley64

  1. magley64


    It's a war crime. And one of many war crimes commited by this government...apparently http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_during_the_Syrian_civil_war Geneva Protocol Geneva Protocol to Hague Convention at Wikisource The Protocol for the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare, usually called the Geneva Protocol, is a treaty prohibiting the first use of chemical and biological weapons. It was signed at Geneva on 17 June 1925 and entered into force on 8 February 1928. It was registered in League of Nations Treaty Series on 7 September 1929.[4] The Geneva Protocol is a protocol to the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907. It prohibits the use of "asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and of all analogous liquids, materials or devices" and "bacteriological methods of warfare". This is now understood to be a general prohibition on chemical weapons and biological weapons, but has nothing to say about production, storage or transfer. Later treaties did cover these aspects — the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) and the 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). A number of countries submitted reservations when becoming parties to the Geneva Protocol, declaring that they only regarded the non-use obligations as applying to other parties and that these obligations would cease to apply if the prohibited weapons were used against them. The main elements of the protocol are now considered by many to be part of customary international law.
  2. magley64


    speculators spiking prices...
  3. It appears he had physical (or at least virtual via CC) money on the bike nearly 2 months prior to release date... Now whether he was "screwed" or not is a matter of opinion, but the dealership certainly screwed the pooch on their customer service end...either intentionally, or via honest mistake.
  4. magley64


    She may be ugly to you, but my heart goes pitter pat every time Iopen the garage door...lol
  5. magley64


    GDP about double our closest rival, china.
  6. Dealership dropped the ball, no doubt...
  7. When used in an educational context, it should be properly defined... Again I see no flaws in their definition... The term was properly used...
  8. sounds like a steal... I'll just dust mine off for those long trips... Enjoy!
  9. magley64


    Maybe YOU'RE confused... we're not on the gold standard anymore... Our currency has reached free market status, which means it's worth exactly what the market will bear... supply/demand has an effect, but there is also the full faith and credit of the united states government backing it... Incidently we're the wealthiest single nation, by far... so your "poor house: analogy is falling on deaf ears...
  10. magley64


    I don't know, that's a good question though...
  11. So now you're arguing how the word makes people feel? I thought we were just erpderping over the definition... Yes, I imagine the word conjures up all kinds of negative connotation in the general populace's mind... does that change what the word means, or how it was used in this educational context? No, but the negative connotation of the word is what Faux nuz latched onto to try to make an outrage story over a military training document, and a textbook definition of a word.
  12. Do I need to hold your hand...? "supremacy" "deprived of civil liberties" are not applicable, you don't have to fit every possible definition in order to be classified as such... 2. IdeologyA set of political beliefs about the nature of people and society; an organized collection of ideas about the best and most appropriate way to live. 3. Extremism– A term used to describe the actions or ideologies of individuals or groups who take a political idea to its limits, regardless of unfortunate repercussions, and show intolerance toward all views other than their own. 4. Extremist–A person who advocates the use of force or violence; advocates supremacist causes based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or national origin; or otherwise engages to illegally deprive individuals or groups of their civil rights. you gotta read the OR...
  13. yes swapping a motor = building a car in exactly the same way changing the channel = producing a television series
  14. No, you're simply implying you can do something better when it's something you've never even had the courage or drive to attempt...
  15. magley64


    Wait, I haz a confuzed... By printing more, how are they inflating the value? I think you're confusing the Terms "inflating" and "inflation" Inflation The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising, and, subsequently, purchasing power is falling. Central banks attempt to stop severe inflation, along with severe deflation, in an attempt to keep the excessive growth of prices to a minimum. inflating increase (something) by a large or excessive amount."objectives should be clearly set out so as not to duplicate work and inflate costs" synonyms: increase, raise, boost, escalate, put up;
  16. Where is the car you built? Please drive it over here so we can compare.. it doesn't exist? Oh... Mine does, it runs, i drive it often, and i'm perfectly happy with the results...
  17. Yes, Nowhere in here does it say "this is good, or this is bad" it only identifies how strongly your ideology is held, and whether you're willing to use force or violence to advocate it. (this i what I've been saying this whole thread) 3. Extremism– A term used to describe the actions or ideologies of individuals or groups who take a political idea to its limits, regardless of unfortunate repercussions, and show intolerance toward all views other than their own. 4. Extremist–A person who advocates the use of force or violence; advocates supremacist causes based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or national origin; or otherwise engages to illegally deprive individuals or groups of their civil rights. This isn't newsworthy...
  18. who said "founding father" considered "bad"? this say "founding father" fit definition of "extremist" You infer "extremist" considered "bad" durdahurrdahurr
  19. magley64


    Wait, Who said we were for sale? If so...Who has the money to buy us? China (collectively, if you include all of it's citizens) we owe them a trillion dollars... but if the dollar loses it's value, we owe them less money... if the dollar becomes worthless we owe them a trillion sheets of toilet paper, and we could have charmin pay them in full in under an hour... That doesn't mean we are for sale, or will ever be for sale...
  20. They believed what they believed with great vigor, and advocated for the use of violence to get their way... regardless of what they believed, that alone made them extremists... Regardless of what negative connotation you have with the word extremist, it doesn't change the definition.
  21. 4. Extremist–A person who advocates the use of force or violence; advocates supremacist causes based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or national origin; or otherwise engages to illegally deprive individuals or groups of their civil rights. If you're declaring war against your country based on your viewpoint... yes that's a textbook extremist. Now whether or not your position is valid, honorable, or righteous depends upon your perspective, and has nothing at all to do with whether or not it is an extremist view. There have been plenty of honorable extremists in history: Abraham Lincoln believed slavery should be abolished, that was an extremist position, and he used military force to exercise his will on the states that disagreed with his ideology.
  22. I like most of what Robert Green Ingersoll had to say.
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