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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Few nations have been so poor as to have but one god. Gods were made so easily, and the raw material cost so little, that generally the god market was fairly glutted and heaven crammed with these phantoms. Robert Green Ingersoll
  2. magley64


    Okay then, at what point SHOULD we intervene? do we allow another holocaust to happen? it's not an easy question, but I think this is a reasonable "red line" that has been drawn (and likely crossed) if this is something our country was going to be involved with.
  3. magley64


    I agree, but are we willing to look the other way while the syrian government poisons it's own people? How big of an atrocity would it have to become to justify our involvement?
  4. No, I don't think it's fucked up, I think it's accurate... Do you think extremism is always a bad thing?
  5. magley64


    Sorry I'm not privy to top secret intelligence reports... but it seems to be more and more likely that this is the case. If it is the case, then what? sit back and let governments poison and squash oppressed people fighting for their freedom? Personally? I don't care, you know my position.... pull our troops out of ALL foreign territories and let the other countries deal with their own shit... But since we've decided that we're policing the world, we should do so with an even hand... And quit babying israel, they can handle themselves.
  6. You don't think they were extremists? You think their ideas were completely mainstream of the day? you think their ideas were commonplace? One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter... it's all about perspective. Extremist isn't always a bad thing...
  7. 1. Introduction•All nations have an ideology, something in which they believe.When a political ideology falls outside the norms of a society, it is known as extremism.When extremists take their ideology to the next level and believe that it is the only right ideology to follow, it becomes supremism. 2. IdeologyA set of political beliefs about the nature of people and society; an organized collection of ideas about the best and most appropriate way to live. 3. Extremism– A term used to describe the actions or ideologies of individuals or groups who take a political idea to its limits, regardless of unfortunate repercussions, and show intolerance toward all views other than their own. 4. Extremist–A person who advocates the use of force or violence; advocates supremacist causes based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or national origin; or otherwise engages to illegally deprive individuals or groups of their civil rights. 5. Supremism–The belief that a particular race, religion, gender, species, belief system, or culture is superior to others and entitles those who identify with it to dominate, control, or rule those who do not.A person who believes that a certain group is or should be supreme is a supremacist I see no major faults in their definitions....do you?
  8. magley64


    governments using chemical weapons against their own people...
  9. Yawn... what else is new faux newz?
  10. magley64


    My military cousin is super excited about it, he's currently stationed in hawaii. Me, personally... yeah I really wish we weren't the world police, Maybe if the UN weren't quite so inept we wouldn't feel compelled to intervene in everything. I agree that Someone should do something, but does it always have to be us? Trash needs taking out, who's gonna do it...
  11. you broke the first rule of shave club...
  12. card looks good and professional.
  13. it's all obamas fault.... or bush's depending on which camp you're in...
  14. recon 19 I believe, it's definitely in used condition (not roached, but not pristine by any stretch of the imagination) but if you want it $20 it's yours
  15. You should dispute the charges on your credit card... lol jk. Tall tim
  16. I got the rapid transit, worked great until I got the trunk, now it collects dust.
  17. No I spent last night hanging out with my nieces... then this morning I did a quick search to demonstrate my point... and this shit happened in ohio, the victim could very well have been an ohio motorcyclist...
  18. Where was your outrage a month ago? http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2013/07/13/Man-beaten-by-bored-teens-dies-1-year-later.html
  19. But that doesn't negate the fact that that fact about his life had absolutely no relevance to the story of his death. Had he been targeted BECAUSE he was some sort of veteran, then that fact would become relevant. His military service had no relevance to the story, it was tossed it to spark outrage and get the story national.
  20. caucasion hispanic = Made up WW2 Veteran = irrelevant Factual, yes... but doesn't make him any more or less dead Nor does it make his death any more or less tragic...
  21. That was my whole point, had it been 2 juvenile thugs killing an 88yr old tax accountant you wouldn't have even heard about it... it wouldn't be on this site being discussed. congratulations, you've been emotionally manipulated by the press.
  22. They intentionally put the words "WW2 Vet" in the title to provoke outrage... would it have made it to ORDN if it had been a random 88yr old homeless man? Nope...
  23. Mass shootings have been nonexistant... http://tobacco.health.usyd.edu.au/assets/pdfs/Other-Research/2006InjuryPrevent.pdf
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