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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Now now, once you point out that only 8% of them failed He will just point out that the government should not be in the business of picking "winners and losers"...
  2. Actually, good steel fuel containers will contain gasoline explosions... Where as the plastic ones melt almost instantaneously from the heat, and spray gasoline and burning plastic all over everyone in the vicinity.
  3. magley64

    New Toy

    cute bike... But i definitely agree with others, you should have no pain in your arms or wrists... your abs should be sore for a while, but while riding you should be able to let go of the handle bars without falling onto the tank. Feet on the pegs, knees in the tank, and core supporting your upper body. Calves, abs, and thighs working.
  4. I agree, the litigation is a little absurd, perhaps, then they should stop making "gas cans" out of plastic... Change the name of their plastic products to "chemical resistant water containers" You put gasoline in it, and it's your own problem.
  5. if you don't do it, you'll just be an hour early for everything.
  6. Divergent shadows, unacceptable exposure of star fields, lack of computing power, fact that earth is flat...
  7. God forbid someone actually study physics before parroting what some conspiracy theorist posts on the interwebz as physically impossible.
  8. Yes, millions of prejuduced bigots... What is your argument? Lots of people think that muslims are violent, unstable, america-hating criminals, so therefore they must be? Sorry, one group's perception of another group doesn't dictate reality.
  9. WTF? http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/lookout/lawsuit-alleges-police-officer-tasered-10-old-school-152530178.html Talk about reckless, what if the same had happened with his firearm?
  10. Fox news is the most egregious offender, but all of the media are guilty of it, at least subconsciously... it's like their favorite adjective for anyone in the middle east who has done something terrible. "2 muslims today.... yadda yadda yadda" I get it, it makes for captivating news, and everyone loves a good broad label, but it's absurd. Why don't they do that with all the news stories? "Today, a Catholic man shot and killed his wife"
  11. you can get pissed all you want... make the letters BIGGER!! (underline and bold them, too... that helps) Fact is, your religion is no better than theirs. There are plenty of people who do/have done terrible things in the name of Christianity... The distinction you make is clearly different than the distinction I make. Are there people who care nothing for others, and do terrible things? Sure are, and they use all kinds of justification as an excuse. Just so happens these particular people use Islam as their justification (being the mainstream religion in their geographic area). There are, and have been people just as violent and selfish who claim Christianity as their excuse...You can't reflect it back on the specific religion because they are all the same god, yaweh, allah different language for the same deity.
  12. REP! and there is one of my points... Islam is not the problem any more than Christianity or Judaism is the problem.
  13. then I don't think you understand "the second law of physics" (I believe you meant newton's second law of motion)... Those floors were designed to support the "normal" force of gravity for the floors above them, and the load on the floor itself... once the floors above started carrying momentum, due to their acceleration, the force that they applied to the floors below them were exponentially multiplied. I tutored physics (and philosophy) in college... basically the issue you have is that you think of it as a statics and strengths problem, when as soon as the top floors started moving, it became a kinematics problem.
  14. So why are all of these "experts" relegated to conspiracy theory websites? Why don't you take a physics class, and stop being a lemming. Okay, so instead of digging through the rubble, searching for survivors and cleaning poisonous chemicals from city streets, you wanted them to "rebuild" the building and recreate how it fell? So you have evidence? The open air burning was your trump card, when i showed you the flaw in that you switched to speed of descent, or why momentum took a holiday, and when that got burned you switched to eyewitnesses heard something that sounded like explosions. (which by that logic: tornadoes are also a myth because everyone says it sounds like their trailer park was hit by a train) Now somehow a lack of evidence is evidence? seriously? I mean, I'm no fan of george bush's presidency, I liked his campaign promises though (balance the budget, no more foreign wars, education reform) and I liked his "bushisms". But to claim he somehow masterminded a plot to blow up the largest buildings in his own country... seriously? COME ON MAN...
  15. towers top floors were 1300 ft.. gravity is 32 ft/second squared... it's not that hard to set up a table showing that the freefall descent would have been under 10 seconds, the couple second delay was mostly due to the valiant effort of the floors directly below the collapse absorbing a little of the initial collapse impact... once it got underway, it's just gravity... there was little the rest of the structure could do. either that or I understand physics better than you do...
  16. Wow, now that your pseudo-sciencey case about heat capacity and momentum fall apart you start grasping at straws regarding eyewitnesses? I imagine when the girders started failing they made a hell of a racket... could those sounds have been mistaken for explosions? *facepalm*
  17. actually it's EXACTLY the same concept... As the fire was consuming oxygen, and the heat was driving air up and out the big holes the impact left, cooler denser air from lower floors were drawn upwards *gasp* in exactly the same fashion as a forge. as the fires got hotter, and consumed more oxygen, the effect was multiplied...
  18. Are you familiar with Gravity, momentum? if you remove the natural force (by weakening girders in a fire) the force of gravity will pull the building towards the ground. once the top of the building gets underway, it's mass carries with it a lot of momentum, the increased force which the subsequent floors were never designed to handle caused the remainder of the descent.. Are you a member of the flat earth society, too?
  19. You can repeat what you just said, but that doesn't negate the fact that you are wrong. if you want to come over to the house sometime I will happily fire up my grandfather's coal forge, stick a piece of steel in it, turn on the fan, and we can kick back and watch it melt... no pure oxygen sources, just open air...
  20. The problem here is not strictly one of temperature, but how much heat was being pumped into the steel, versus how quickly it could conduct that heat to other areas to cool itself down. If the steel conducts heat away from the fire faster than it is being pumped into the steel, the steel remains rigid. If heat is pumped into the steel faster than it can be conducted away, the temperature of the steel continues to increase, eventually reaching the plastic deformation (softening) temperature. At that point, the steel girders deform. I understand it's complicated, but saying there is no explanation for something when you don't even have a remote understanding of the physics involved is just disingenuous. them airplanes are a conspiracy... physics dictates that they can't fly because they are heavier than the air around them, therefore all those airplanes you see in the air, are just copies made from helium balloons.
  21. "nope" and "no" are opportunistic for sure... but who says that's a bad thing?
  22. for the typing cat...:HOBirthdaycakeblowo we know you like cake!
  23. so much fail.... Islam is an Abrahamic religion, same as Christianity, same as Judaism.... they all worship the same god. Terrorists use "islam" as their excuse for terrorist actions. There are plenty of peaceful muslims, in this country and abroad. If islam is to be condemned for the actions of terrorists, then protestants should be held accountable for the actions of the KKK. We are NOT at war with islam... remember that whole freedom of religion thing in the constitution?
  24. yep, libya was an inside job, so was 9/11, pearl harbor, and the british invasion... :yawn: put the tinfoil hats away people
  25. I'd never live in an apartment, but if I did, and the noise was loud enough to wake me up, yes call the cops for disturbance of the peace at least, and maybe suggest that they come in silent for possible domestic abuse.
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