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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Lying? To what end? Are you saying it IS optimal? Him and bebe are tight, just ask biden... So you don't want a safetynet for the poor? Name a president who Hasn't sent money overseas.. Yes, that was the president's fault... because he voted in congress regarding that default...oh wait.... no he didn't Also I'm not going to put a lot of faith in a rating by "standard and poors" since they gave all of those toxic mortgage securities a aaa rating, too... What percentage of that did he generate? Yep the president did all of that...keep telling yourself rmoney will save you, rmoney will be better for you....eyeroll
  2. call me a troll all you want man, it's in the right section and it's funny.
  3. all legally recognized marriage is "civil marriage"... Doesn't matter what ceremony or party you have with your fellow worshippers, family or friends. By law you aren't married unless you buy a marriage license from the state. There are several congregations of different faiths that will happily perform an unnecessary religious ceremony, (same gender or not) but whether or not you have all of the legal benefits depends upon whether you purchased that license from the state. My parents had no religious ceremony at the wedding I attended, It was a Tuesday when they showed up at the court house in their best Levi jeans and recieved all of the legal benefits and obligations of marriage. Everyone, including the judge let out an audible chuckle when reading the line "for richer or for poorer". 28 years later, they haven't changed a whole lot, even though they did get a little richer.
  4. The president can't be accused of not having a sense of humor...
  5. I was speaking in generalities... overall crime is very low (especially in the rural areas... read: most of the county) violent crime is even lower... Sure you have your very small areas with high poverty, and higher crime (in comparison to the rest of the county), but by and large there are really 3 ways you're likely to get shot and killed in this county...from most common to least common they are: 1. Spouse 2. Hunting Accident 3. Drug deal gone bad personally: I am not afraid of any section of this county whatsoever. I'll skip down station avenue in a tu-tu at 3 in the morning and I'm confident that nothing is going to happen to me. I leave my keys in the ignition everywhere I go... this is a safe place. /thread jack Back on topic, nobody is surprised I'm on the shooter's side on this issue? I'd have expected a couple gasps of surprise or a spit take from some of you...
  6. I believe he listed affordability as a condition....
  7. http://screen.yahoo.com/kaboom-kaboom-motorcycle-080100328.html
  8. ashtabula, not enough people for crime
  9. Based on the evidence, and the story so far... I'm on the homeowner's side... The suspect had no right to enter another person's home without permission. (regardless of whether he was armed, or intended to rob them) While I personally think the use of force by the homeowner may have been a little over the top, he's well within his rights to defend his home.
  10. I don't really care what we call it... as long as they get equal rights, all the same privileges, protections, and benefits... On the other hand, if it's going to be all the same privileges, protections and benefits..... why not just call it marriage and simplify the transition? Just seems like an easier solution than trying to write completely separate legislation for couples with the same gender identity.
  11. Marriage has changed definitions several times throughout history... It used to be a property exchange, man gives his daughter and things to another man. (or sometimes the other man would give the father things for his daughter, depending upon how desirable said daughter was) NOW it is a consensual financial relationship between 2 adults... to be viewed by the state as 1 entity. Why should 2 individuals be denied this option just because their genitals happen to match? or furthermore because they have the same number of X chromosomes? And who says having 2 parents of different gender identities is a better system than 2 parents with the same gender identity?
  12. I don't know how it will be defended in the supreme court, John Boehner has spent the 1.5 million dollars earmarked to defend it already, just in the lower courts... http://www.advocate.com/politics/marriage-equality/2012/10/17/boehners-doma-defense-hits-15-million-limit
  13. yes on the thundercat(yzf600r) Armiths is pretty nice...and he has no problem keeping up with anyone in the twists, even 2-up.
  14. If Iwere closer, a lot closer, i'd have come and given you a hand...
  15. Lauren was WAY hotter than Topanga...
  16. If you Sorry brian, you're confusing me... either the physics works this way or it doesn't, you can't have it both ways... I have no doubt you are a talented rider, and I'm sure you could run circles around me on the track, but the physics don't lie... loading the front tire with the brake DOES increase traction. Same lean angle, same speed, same bike, same rider... someone who has their front tire under load from braking will have more traction to stop faster mid turn (if needed) than someone freewheeling through that same turn. Is it your practice to let go of the brakes completely as soon as you begin to lean from vertical? Obviously you can cause a low side if you brake too hard, so I understand the apprehension to encourage new riders to use their brakes unless they are straight up and down.
  17. The only erbh that I actually liked
  18. magley64

    iPad Mini

    agree with rant... the whole "tablet" thing is a little absurd.... back in the day they had "transformer" laptops which were a little gimmicky because you could flip the screen, and use a stylus, and voila use it like a note pad or something... Apple took the idea, and went "full gimmick" making their iphone, just much bigger, and without the phone capability... why not btw... you could easily toss a bluetooth or even wired headset in the box and make it function as a phone as well, right? not as useful as a standard laptop, not as portable as even a large phone, sort of the worst of both worlds.
  19. you got all winter, buy a frame... fabricate what you don't have.
  20. WHOA, trikes are super tippy.... if you don't want to die, buy a volvo.
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