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Everything posted by magley64

  1. his central claim in all of this is that anyone who personally feels that guns have no place in daily civilian life are all just afraid of guns, using nothing but emotional pleas, and have no logic... When honestly, He's the one who's using emotionally charged arguments, and personal attacks.
  2. is this one of our banned members? Casper has supported the OP in writing this review. Clearly he's open to you writing yours, so please start a new thread, title it "Independent motorsports negative review" and then write clearly and concisely what occurred... simple coming in here all "caps lock cowboy" isn't helping anyone.
  3. got a fast bike, don't have money to spend on another... I'd like to have it though.
  4. So every time he posts one of these, you should easily be able to post 2 or 3 examples of people using guns defensively in that same area...right? And again with the personal attacks, you sure like to call people childish and emotional... clearly you're projecting.... afraid much?
  5. yup, you win at personal attacks.... still doesn't make you right, just makes you emotional...
  6. magley64

    Is it just me?

    sometimes it works... the one in front of "the Ashtabula mall" (it's not really a mall, how can you call it a mall if you have no stores?) you can see the magnetic sensor in the pavement a cars length back from the white line.
  7. magley64

    Is it just me?

    maybe they've gotten bullsh*t "assured clear distance" tickets?
  8. magley64


    every Wendy's I've been to has sucked recently...
  9. 189, perhaps you should compose your experiences into a well written review, and then have the evidence to support your claims (receipts, etc). It might make you have a little more credibility... Take the OP for example.
  10. I've been told that's bad news bears... considered the same thing on my XX a while back, because they were notably cheaper, but ended up going with the right tires instead...
  11. IF anyone here has a new civic, could you get a shot of the spare tire pan for me, and let me know if it's still stamped metal?
  12. I like my akra pipe, it's not too loud when cruising, but she makes some noise when I open it up...
  13. 2000 miles 21 mpg that's $380... yeah kinda pricey
  14. Apparently you have a profound effect on people Nick
  15. Well whatever delusions make you happy... unless you have some new trick, I'm done with this...
  16. Nobody knows his intentions...Best case scenario, cops got him for breaking the law, worst case scenario they averted a copycat massacre.
  17. So you can't distinguish between a consentual act between adults and an unwanted physical assault? You can't distinguish between something designed, and something evolved? You don't like the fact that my opinion differs from yours, and is equally valid. You sure like personal attacks and insults.... I bet it makes you feel special.
  18. So you don't understand the difference between rape and sex? Scary...
  19. Creator.. wrong... Now tell me how many times do you consentually shoot someone? Your g/f b/f s/o whatever says to you, hey baby, get your gun out and come shoot me now, I really need you to shoot me tonight...
  20. Right, that was the expensive alternative to which I was referring... Good job, but you have my word I'm not breaking into your house... so you won't need it for me.
  21. the ruckii (ruckus'?) don't take much fuels...
  22. I got no issues with this... as I've stated in every one of these threads, my personal opinion of the subject doesn't account for much...I vote for the rights of the people, whether I agree with them personally or not.
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