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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I dunno, how many lazy people are there?I see help wanted signs everywhere.
  2. Sometimes you have to manually force a synch. Go to ops, device, then force synch. This happens if you have weak Internet signal.
  3. Churches are a breeze to get accepted, submit all the local churches
  4. Fire departments were among the first portals Google auto loaded when this game was in beta. They've probably thought better of it since the game is building in popularity.
  5. I'm level 9 resistance. Just learned about glyph hacking. Also just found a nice farm.
  6. Your paper ballot is still in the bin for recount
  7. I've never gotten a "receipt" before, and that is the voting system that has been in place every time I've voted for the past 12 years.
  8. Anything from the ocean that lacks fins and scales. Lobster, shrimp, oysters mussels. Shaving is also forbidden in the Bible. Tattoos The list of ignored bible verses is staggering.
  9. Why not? You already ignore the ones about eating pigs and lobster.
  10. Catholicism has to remain "mass appeal" to remain relevant. There are enough fundamentalist groups if you want to hate on LGBT people and deny science.
  11. I found him lacking in experience. If huntsman got the gop nod I'd have voted for him, I ended up voting Ron Paul.
  12. Not letterman, recycled Internet bullshit. http://www.snopes.com/politics/quotes/letterman.asp
  13. The megyn Kelly story was about anyone having the capability of printing ballots and voting from home. The truth is that only military members, and some other overseas citizens can do that in Colorado.
  14. Gotta give megyn Kelly an iota of credit for retracting her bullshit Colorado voting fraud story from last week, but she still made up a scenario regarding union bosses stealing ballots.
  15. LoL if responding to bullshit by calling it out as bullshit is "generating rage" then yeah, I guess so.
  16. Conservative bloggers just needed to generate some rage before the election, that's all.
  17. http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/arizona-voting-scandal-isnt-scandalous-after-all http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/valleyfever/2014/10/phoenix_arizona_voter_fraud_ballot_stuffing_in_phoenix_shows_a_perfectly_legal_practice.php http://www.laopinion.com/arizona-group-accused-of-ballot-stuffing-asks-for-an-apology&template=mobile_redesign http://m.tucsonweekly.com/TheRange/archives/2014/10/27/oh-poor-teabaggers-sorry-mexicans-are-so-scary
  18. By the way, your video is complete bullshit scare mongering. It's video from August, he's dropping off absentee ballots from a primary months ago. Perfectly legal.
  19. So has it hit a confirmed 10 people yet? That was my guess for cases this year...
  20. If it isn't about ID, why is it in the title of this thread?
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