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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Upgradability. like the micro SD slot can increase storage (very inexpensively) removable battery can greatly increase usable life on a charge.
  2. Oh yeah, there is a 10,000 mah battery available for my phone. How big is the biggest available battery on the iPhone 6?
  3. The only benchmark that ran on both devices in your second link the note 3 won.
  4. I'm excited about the edge display coming to the note line. Like I've already said, I use the ir blaster regularly. multiple windows, expandable storage (why I ditched Motorola this go round) something, anything innovative. Give me something to envy, something that makes the iPhone better than other phones.
  5. Let them try, what are they going to find out? That funny joke John just sent me?
  6. It is faster, more cores and .6 ghz faster, better gpu, not to mention the screen on the note makes the ip5s look microscopic.
  7. Faster processors, higher screen resolution, more storage, more features, SOMETHING innovative that hadn't been done 2 years ago.Deep down, it's kind of like harley, I want harley to build the best bikes, and I want apple to build the best products. It saddens me to see both smoked over and over by foreign companies.
  8. I wouldn't use a ip6 if someone gave it to me for free. My note 3 is clearly superior.
  9. So what is the difference between a nexus 4 and iPhone 6?
  10. Perhaps passwords aren't the best authentication system
  11. Many of the features in my device I don't use regularly, but if i want to use them, they're available. One feature I like is the look stay. If I'm looking at my phone (reading or something) it doesn't dim or auto lock. I've never worried about viruses or malware. One of my favorite features is the ir blaster. No matter where I go, I have the remote control. And I use it, at restaurants mostly.
  12. Conversely, I want functionality. I want a device that gives me the most usefulness for my money. I want features that are actually innovative, not just a rehash in a pretty package. That was why i chose the note 3. At the time it gave me the most functionality for the money. The display is large enough for me to run multiple programs at a time, and makes watching online content very pleasant. Now it's a little outdated, but I'd still put it toe to toe with that iPhone 6 extra. Why is apple running such a low resolution on a brand new "flagship" device?
  13. Oh damn, I stepped in iShit, let me get out my iStick to clean it off.
  14. I had a palm treo before the iPhone existed.It also played mp3's. Again, apple is not a technology company, just as harley is not a motorcycle company. They are design and marketing firms.
  15. Funny, looks nearly identical to Motorola's, and $100 more expensive at launch
  16. Work better than the shitty iPhone 4 I bought. Never again.
  17. I don't know where you buy your micro SD cards but if it's anywhere near the price jump from 1 iPhone to the next, you're severely overpaying.
  18. I use isis mobile wallet (softcard) it works well enough and the rewards are great. I get a dollar back with every single transaction. Samsung gear is okay, Motorola seems to have stolen their thunder though. Android tablets work just fine, Xoom and galaxy tabs are great devices. Even the Kindle fire.
  19. Pretending that qualifies as innovation is naive at best, and nut swinging at worst.
  20. Like they did with nfc? Or the smart watch? Or the tablet? They aren't a technology innovator, they're a fashion designer for electronics.
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