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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Agree that fuel oil is dirtier than lp. Conventional electric heat is effing expensive.
  2. Honestly, pretty inconspicuous, but certainly not particularly fashionable either. All the way on the left... btw, my speakers have moved up to the handlebars.
  3. I got the Vista cruise, cheap and works pretty well.
  4. The only issue I had with fuel oil is that my tank is outside (no basement) and when temperatures went well below zero for a week, my fuel froze, there are ways to fix it, but not an issue with LP. I'm working on a bio - diesel solution for my fuel oil, so the price might drop significantly if I can get it all lined up.
  5. I hada car dealer do the oos inspection and sign off that the vin matched. Took new jersey title and inspection sheet to get Ohio title.
  6. Spray polyurethane is cheap and easy.
  7. Because those people can afford the things in the stores, those people feel as though they're a part of that community, that they belong. Clearly the people looting are disenfranchised, and don't feel that they are accepted members of that society. In no way does that justify it, one can attempt to understand something without endorsing it.
  8. The looting is possibly a side effect of rampant consumerism, and a materialistic society. Rioting is an expression of anger.
  9. Black people are disproportionately incarcerated, but if you believe for a second it's because they commit more crime, you're pretty gullible.
  10. Ahhhh hahaha haha You honestly believe black people break the law more often than white people? Ha ha OMG that is funny. Next you're going to tell me that the reason that the population of ivy league schools are primarily white is because white people are smarter.
  11. And everyone who voted for the other guy.
  12. magley64


    Huntsman was my second choice, but when he dropped out, I wrote in my favorite candidate.
  13. magley64


    Why? I wrote in Ron Paul... wasn't that his whole foreign policy platform?
  14. magley64


    Holy shit, I agree with Ohio mike...
  15. Spot on, unless the clutch is slipping, same gear, same rpm, same speed.
  16. My old cb750 topped out in the 120s.. the xx will get pretty close to 200 with the mods on it. I'm sure I've never done more than 180 though.
  17. Likewise doesn't give a bird time to get in your way. Stop aiming for birds...
  18. I've done well above 150, not sure of actual maximum speed though.
  19. magley64


    Stop interfering...
  20. magley64


    Yes genocide, I don't recall that idea ever going awry.
  21. In my case, sure the xx has nice wide useful mirrors, but as soon as I get a passenger, those are spotty at best, and most sport bike mirrors are worthless.
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