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Everything posted by magley64

  1. magley64


    He only charged me 900 dollars to change my blinker fluid.
  2. Think he got auto corrected from cool to cook.
  3. Build it twice as big as you think you need. Once you start storing stuff, you're going to run out of usable space in a hurry.
  4. Horrible design. Looks like a drawing by an 8 year old
  5. Too bad the Aptera died. It had some awesome aerodynamics, translating to a drag coefficient lower than Lance Armstrong at full tuck on his bicycle. It was pretty damn zippy, and quiet as hell. I'd like to get my hands on one of those mules they built.
  6. I'm pretty sure there is still a trial pending.
  7. Do you know if his is horizontal or vertical loop? Could you PM his rough installation cost?
  8. Like the title says, I'm considering geothermal, pros, cons, limitations. What should I know about it before calling professionals and getting quotes?
  9. magley64


    If you think Israel is getting taken out by isis, you don't have any idea how much we've built Israel's military.
  10. I'm sure eleventy billion will show up this year.
  11. Right, but that's all the corporations income, none of their income are "wages" which are taxed at a much higher rate for "people". It's probably the most shitty thing about our tax code, money earned by people is taxed higher than money earned by money.
  12. Not in the tax code, lots of loopholes for corporations, capital gains are taxed lower than most middle class income.
  13. I love watching the weather on Univision.
  14. Just about everything imaginable has been said about this case at this point. Brown was running away, brown was charging, brown was surrendering, brown was the cop, brown was going for the gun, brown was kayaking. Let's hope the real investigators can put together the actual events, and determine what happened, and who is responsible.
  15. I get 7k to 8k out of a rear, about double out of a front. I'm never gentle with the throttle.
  16. Looks like about as many bikes as a nice Wednesday night in valleyview.
  17. I watched the live feed from the traffic cameras.
  18. Nope, but I did peek at DC's network of cameras. Not very many bikers at all. And no, you probably won't see me there, last time I was in DC was for the rally to restore sanity.
  19. magley64


    That's how isis got started in the first place.
  20. I seem to remember there being significantly fewer than 2 million last time.
  21. IP knows his stuff, and is reliable. Make it an hour ride, take a better route than the freeway, and it'll be worthwhile.
  22. That's not mine, it's a gen 1 hayabusa used to demonstrate the 3 most popular options at one time.
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