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Everything posted by magley64

  1. If you really believe increasing voting restrictions are about voter fraud, and not about voter suppression, You're the one on kool aid.
  2. It's just another form of a poll tax.
  3. It's virtually nonexistent. You're more likely to be hit by lightning 4 times on your way to the polls than to have your vote canceled by a fraudulent vote at a polling place.
  4. Lol as if voter fraud were a problem.
  5. I didn't like the FAP (fair access policy) on Hughes. Speed was okay otherwise, expensive for the speed you get though.
  6. In addition, your senses are easily manipulated, and your brain will take incomplete data and just use imagination to fill in the rest. Ghosts, goblins, zombies, demons, angels, gods, and goddesses are wholesale fictional creatures.
  7. Double standard, serious problem. Personally couldn't give less of a shit about dogs, they are animals just like cows, pigs and chickens.
  8. All I see is a race bike at about 60 degrees from the pavement.
  9. Looks good dude, I just bought a pair of technics for my surround speakers. Gotta refinish the boxes for the fronts. Then all I need is a receiver, center, and subs.
  10. When was the last time a terrifying sounding disease has become a political lightning rod?
  11. I personally don't give a rat's ass about the future of motorcycling. I do it because I enjoy it. If the next generation abandons the hobby altogether, great for them.
  12. She's also pretty dumb for calling Islam a "theocracy" when it's clearly a religion. Are there theocracies based on islam? Absolutely, but islam itself is not a theocracy, just the second youngest mainstream form of worshiping Abraham's imaginary friend yahweh, allah, jesus.
  13. There are plenty of Muslims who eat bacon, just as there are Jews who eat bacon.
  14. How do you enforce this stupidity? Look! I'm a scientologist. Now I'm a Christian. Now I'm a Muslim. Now I'm an atheist again. What a dumb ass store owner
  15. Isn't that what the guns are for? Fighting back the government jack booted thugs...
  16. magley64

    Holder out

    Wasn't this announced a month or 2 ago?
  17. Still in concept, waiting for some improved battery technology.
  18. On star can completely disable your car on the fly, not just interrupt the starter.
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