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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Girls who don't appreciate or enjoy oral sex should NOT wear shirts that suggest otherwise...
  2. Apparently it won't lick itself... Don't blow bubbles with it, it's not mayonaise.... You want an ipod? Pauly: WHAT..... IS.... THIS?
  3. Herre, where r u bastids?
  4. who needs a liter when you have 1100? lol
  5. what does "electrical problems" mean? "keeps blowing left turn signal" type problems or, "randomly shorts out the wiring harness" type problems?
  6. Holy crap, welcome back mang...
  7. I'm liking Dr. Paul more and more...
  8. someone did it AGAIN... ecu with a completely different set of holes punched in it...
  9. shit u brought presents? what did u get me?
  10. magley64

    Droid data???

    Sure you're not talking att or vzw tablet? I'm pretty sure smartphones still have unlimited for $30. Again, excluding ipad or samsung galaxy tab.
  11. can't find the thread, but here is the link... http://www.zxforums.com/forums/zx-6r-forum/14462-fi-light-need-help.html
  12. isn't this a from QUITE a while ago? if not, same story, some dude punches a boat load of holes through an ECM
  13. I don't understand your english, personally... Yes, I'm more right wing than Pauly on most things. Yes, I realize Obama is not representative of my political position. I also realize that over the last couple decades, there has been a pretty common theme.... Republican in the white house= boom and bust market, sharp recessions, and unemployment increases on the whole. Democrat in the white house= general prosperity, job growth, balanced budgets. now obama has had some time to work, 2 years isn't "nothing" but the housing market bust, was a hell of a hit, and it's gonna take some time to get this ship turned around. I see it turning around, more job postings, more help wanted signs... Democrats just tend to do a better job managing this socialism that we already have, I wish we didn't have it, but the republicans flat out suck at managing it, and none of them have the testicular fortitude to drastically change it... Dr. Paul talks about it a lot, so that's why he's on my radar. no more income tax... bye bye 16th amendment. will he get it done, even if he is elected? probably not, but it'd be nice to try.
  14. no... but under obamacare, this was the ONLY clause I really took issue with, you are required to purchase health insurance.... The rest of it is a nice piece of legislation (so far as I've read). we have had threads on here with pages of discussion about it. You are not legally required to purchase health care, but soon you may be legally required to purchase health insurance. I can deny health care as long as I'm consious...
  15. I think acetone will cut dimethyl siloxane...(the biggest ingredient in silly putty) It will cause it to swell a little, but I believe it will dilute it quite a bit, now getting it OUT of the fabric without staining wil be tricky (don't know much about that). most nail polish removers are acetone. However, the best solvent would probably be Methanol (methyl alcohol) without knowing the fabric, these might also dissolve it as well though (working for a chemical company for 5 months, I sure have picked up a lot) we use acetone as a general purpose cleaner... good luck
  16. communism, no... socialism, that shit was signed in by roosevelt in 1935, you might know it by it's PC names "social security", "medicare" and "medicaid"... Basically it's where old people decide to rob their children and grandchildren, and then in turn their children rob their own children and grandchildren, ad nauseum... First candidate that is "crazy right wing" enough to advocate the demolition of these programs will get my vote. Otherwise, I'm pretty liberal when it comes to personal freedoms. whatever 2 consenting adults choose to do to or with each other is none of my concern, and should be none of the government's either. FTR I did not vote for Obama the first time, but the more I see, the more I like, and i'd put it at about 80/20 that I'm voting for him at re-election time. the only repub who has my attention is Dr. Paul, I'd like to hear more of what he has to say.
  17. magley64

    Droid data???

    droid 1, official VZW release states that droid 1 doesn't have the hardware capability to wi-fi tether... I partially just like to do it to make them looks like twats, but the laptop makes most websites easier to navigate as well, in addition to the larger screen for video and whatnot...
  18. holy shyt, 24,000/yr? what bikes i could buy with that kind of coin, ORRR pay insurance on the bike I have already paid for in case something bad happens.... what to choose? what to choose? I think i better play it safe and buy the insurance.
  19. Who the hell is George Soros, and why should I care? Seems to me like some obscure billionaire shouldn't affect me much.
  20. again... 2 harley roadsters =/= 1 XX were talking apples and oranges. good, you continue to pay an insurance company that does nothing unless something bad happens, I'll continue to rely on my awareness, and the skills I've acquired. it's worth $4,000 maybe, if I crash and total it, I'll be sad, I won't be financially ruined, just sad. And if the person who hits me doesn't have 4,000 dollars to their name, then I guess you can sing "nana nana boo boo, stick your head in doo doo" for the time being we can both just ride, and I'll have more money for tires and gas.
  21. magley64

    Droid data???

    I used almost 10 gigs last month, but then i like to wi-fi tether my droid to my laptop so i'm not using the company network for my personal web browsing on lunch and break. i also use the wi-fi tether on the run, travelling, road trips, etc...
  22. points points and more points, I speed most of the time, and I never run from the cops (on purpose). I get at LEAST 1 speeder per year, sometimes as many as 3 before i start getting nervous and backing off a bit. A 97 (read carbed) 600 is a wee bit different than an '01 1100XX; Geico seemed to think my bike was more than a little on the fast and dangerous side. Add that to me being <25 at the time of the quote and I said "screw that business" haven't rteally looked into it lately, it might have gone down, but the way i see it, if i crash because of my own stupidity, then it's my own fault. If someone else hits me, they can buy me a new bike.
  23. no I'm quite happy with what I have now, I've paid just north of $400 in insurance for my motorcycle so far. (min req'd liability only) had I carried full coverage, I'd have paid over $10,000 on a bike that's probably worth 1/3 of that now. doesn't make any sense, I don't get any of that money back if something DOESN'T happen, so the way I see it I'm $9,600 richer (less in debt) than I would have been otherwise. I agree with John, just because one party or another is un-insured, fault of accident does not change. Now one can have their license suspended for being un-insured in an accident, but fault remains the same. I know this first hand, as up until 1995, my parents ran without insurance. Lady in a saturn pulled out in front of us, dad locked up and nailed her passenger rear door, spun her off into a ditch, her insurance paid for all damages, hospital bills, and injury claims (mom's shoulder still isn't the same). dad lost his license for 90 days, and was required to carry sr-22 insurance for 3 years from the date of the suspension. failure to carry sr-22 would result in immediate suspension of license for the remainder of the 3 year period.
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