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Everything posted by magley64

  1. And those "exceptions" are exactly what I'm talking about. Thank you for finally agreeing with me that there are real world instances where surface area has an effect, to varying degrees given the specific application. Velcro, another perfect example. Adhesives, oh boy, sometimes adhesives are made from rubber, like tires, could there be some overlap there? Hmm
  2. I just keep my eyes peeled, I can usually spot a cop and slow down before radar can pick up my bike, especially in traffic. I haven't had much success with radar detectors.
  3. It would be nice to have a rear view camera, it would be nice to have voice activated navigation in the helmet, it would be cool and stuff if I could be like iron man, but not for that price.
  4. magley64


    To paraphrase jack Nicholson...Where did they get all those wonderful toys? Oh yeah, from us... in Syria... arm the rebels they said... it'll all work out great they said...
  5. I doubt apple would allow this company access to their software source code for the development necessary... of the 2 android is way more dev friendly, and would be the obvious choice for an upstart given a choice between the 2.
  6. magley64


    Military industrial complex...
  7. I get it, but we're not dealing with a vacuum, we're not on some ideal planar surface. I've taken the courses and understand the math, what I'm saying is that there are erroneous inputs that aren't taken into account in the equations, inputs that are dependent upon surface area.
  8. I'd love it if it works as well as it does in my mind, but 1400 is a lot of money for a gadget that I'd really only use a few dozen times per year.
  9. magley64


    Same reason most Americans don't band together and bust up gangs here. Most people aren't out actively looking for a fight. This is why we hire police officers and national guardsmen.
  10. They're the same phone books, in one case you interlace 5 pages, and clamp the books together. In the other case you interlace 1000 pages and clamp with the same force. The surface area is the only thing we're changing.It's because the pages aren't ideal smooth planar surfaces and neither are roads.
  11. magley64


    Lack of law enforcement infrastructure... They are essentially a giant gang, and have better resources than the localities they are overtaking.
  12. So what's the reason for the profound difference in separation force from 5 pages to 1000 pages if the clamping force remains constant?
  13. If he hit the throttle to try to scare the kid, then he's partially responsible. If he throttled to avoid him, then no. Who can say which he actually did? Only him, and he has to live with it.
  14. Dragging one object against another along a plane.
  15. Why? Surely if it applies in one case that surface area has an effect on static friction in real world scenarios, it would apply in all cases to varying degrees.
  16. If surface area can be completely ignored in static friction applications, why is the interlaced phone book trick so impressive?
  17. Not in the case of translational motion. If your normal force remains constant, the coefficient of friction is independent of contact patch. Not intuitive, but accurate.A smaller contact patch will have more pressure.
  18. Outliers such as van der walls force, and mechanical interlocking increase with contact patch, and are more pronounced with static friction.
  19. exactly, momentary static friction. I was saying exactly what you were saying, maybe I wasn't as clear as you are on it.
  20. Not true in the case of rolling wheels, momentary static friction does take contact patch into consideration. Contact patch makes no difference when sliding, but does matter when rolling.
  21. This only applies to translational motion. Because a rolling mass has momentary static friction, the contact area does have an effect. If you're dragging an object, all of your equations are correct, rolling wheels are slightly more complex. (Also why abs stops you faster than locking up)
  22. Cutout is same as engrave, just set the depth 1/4" from the surface and voila.
  23. Short answer, yes, but mass has a detrimental effect because of inertia. You have more grip, but you need more grip because you have more inertia.
  24. I'd do it with a 1/8th inch end mill. Maybe Google search some custom machining in your area...
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