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Everything posted by magley64

  1. You could also purchase a small home for less than 40k, drive a 97 grand am for 1000, and eat pasta. Work hard at a factory, you make near 30k per year. My student loans were only 25,000 and I have 2 degrees.
  2. I think that's because people have raised the "average" by borrowing money. You could purchase a house and a car, and go to school without borrowing money, but you would have to work and save to do it.
  3. Home loans have been around forever, it's the biggest investment most people will make. You can easily purchase a car without a loan. Lots of cars sub $1000 out there. As for college, we've got world renowned schools, if you want a world class education, you're gonna pay for it. Takes money to make money.
  4. 2.59% of my gross income goes to student loan payments. 21.33% goes to my house payment(Inc taxes, insurance, pmi, and mortgage), 5.98% goes to my car payment, 4.3 for my cell phone, 2.86 for electric bills.
  5. I doubt this ruling stands, was already contradicted by the 4th circuit, and faces the full panel of (mostly Democrat appointed) judges later this summer.
  6. I don't dislike my country. I love living here. I don't like the religious zealots who are trying to turn it into a theocracy. And not once did I vote for our current president, I give him credit for trying though.
  7. You gotta give the fox news lemmings a break, if Hannity calls him a "mom jeans wearing, weak, drunk on power, pussy weenie dictator", they have no filter to say, "wait a second, those 2 things contradict each other". They just eat it up, and regurgitate it onto forums and youtube comments.
  8. I remember 0.99 a gallon when I started driving.
  9. Cause static balancing is tried and true, and costs me nothing extra. My tire mount and balance is still $50 a pair either way. What advantage is there for me? None. And while I understand the physics involved, I don't like the idea of abrasives rolling around in a part of the tire that was never designed to wear.
  10. Dyna beads not balancing the tire:
  11. The failure of dyna beads:
  12. I leave my key in the ignition every time
  13. How is babby formd?
  14. Then there is the blatant hypocrisy of the plaintiff... http://www.forbes.com/sites/rickungar/2014/04/01/hobby-lobby-401k-discovered-to-be-investor-in-numerous-abortion-and-contraception-products-while-claiming-religious-objection/
  15. 1. The idea that a corporation can have a religion is stupid. 2. There are medical reasons that women might need these drugs other than to prevent pregnancy. (I know of one who takes a particular birth control pill to prevent ovarian cysts, as opposed to having them surgically removed)
  16. You jest about the engine heat, but that is a legitimate bitch among many hd riders. The things you mentioned are pretty standard among all bikes, Harleys have a lack of horsepower, an excessive amount of weight, as well as a severely limited lean angle. This makes for lethargic acceleration, embarrassingly slow corner speed, and a top speed equivalent to that of the speed of smell.
  17. The LFA is purported to be one of the absolute best cars ever made.
  18. If you get in over your head on this project, Sam is a great resource. I'm not sure of your level of expertise, but sam knows his stuff.
  19. The problem with hydrogen fuel cells is the cost of the catalyst. Platinum, even the thin coating required on the pem is just too expensive to be viable right now. Find another catalyst that works almost as well for a fraction of the cost and hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles will take off.
  20. This has been my point the whole time. Good on you pauly for responsible ownership, as well as Ben and others.
  21. Just saw a black guy on a harley with ape hangers and thought "that's racist".
  22. LoL it's called a sport bike, the crotch rocket is in my pants.
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