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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Investing in mutual funds or tbills isn't exactly gambling. If you were day trading, or something, then yeah, but investing for retirement... seems like an overreach. Like if AA told you not to drink diet coke because it has sugar alcohol in it.
  2. I used to blast through corners in the park with lost and Jbot, then slow up for the straights, and blast the corners again... It was a good time.
  3. Back when I had a 401K and stuff, I had 1 fund, but it was a very diverse fund.
  4. Are you also allergic to punctuation? LOL
  5. that's not what i meant by caramelized onions...How am i supposed to add those to my perogies?
  6. i found this quote interesting Isn't that the whole point of a gun? to equalize the playing field so to speak? It wouldn't matter if he was 12, 18, 30, 50, 85 or 100, a gun is just as deadly no matter who is squeezing the trigger...
  7. Guess I should go out and tune up the snowmobile, and bite the bullet and order winter treads.
  8. Where else can you get a loan for 4%? Mine is 3 1/4%, and I won't be paying a dime extra on it until everything else is paid off, and i have more money than I know what to do with..
  9. I'm heavily leveraged in real estate, it may not have as high of returns as other investments, but at least I'm not paying rent. (so that right there is like a 600 to 1,000 a month return)
  10. I Exactly... I think the jersey shore douchebag in the video was a punk bitch for punching that much smaller woman/girl. Some of you think he was a model citizen showing impeccable judgement. There is nothing either side is going to say to sway the other. After watching the same videos I just watched, there is no new information to garner from continuing to discuss it. Some people think one way, other people think another way...
  11. Looked like a panicked "push" to the face, if youre talking about when he was backed into the metal barrier...the left that she tried right before he smashed her face in didn't even appear to land if you watch the second angle...
  12. The power disparity was/is about the same...
  13. yeah, I don't see what all the fuss is about.. not ugly per se, but definitely not particularly attractive either...
  14. Yeah, I understand, but you're demonstrating otherwise...
  15. No, oversteer is when your tail end goes straight when your front wheels are turned...Understeer is when your front end goes straight when the wheels are turned... http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRmfyzc5EI0DnS2p_vWPmWTmpwofdCZBUpCox0DhLcH5hLOJ7xQXsSyFro8 And I'll take your challenge, but you'll have to wait until I get a suitable rwd... the only thing I got right now is my veedub, and I'm not driving it in the winter.
  16. No no, drive... I'm not such a good swimmer. I am a pretty decent driver though.
  17. No if you beat women you're a woman beater, that's the definition.... Yes, beating women may be caused by poor parenting, but it could just be that you're a dick, and your parents are fine.
  18. I guess not. you're talking about understeer? Understeer sucks, and that's what FWD does that I hate...Never had that happen in any of my RWD vehicles.
  19. But it's not an eye for an eye... The "punch" she dealt did ZERO damage. The "punch" he dealt likely left serious black and blue marks, bruising, maybe even a broken nose. It's like comparing a whiffle bat to a Louisville slugger, both are bats one does damage one does not..
  20. But how much "shit" can a little girl hand out? Push her away, deflect, hell even restrain her, but cramming your fist into her face (especially in the case of this video) was a bitch move.
  21. In my experience, the only thing the rebuilt title will affect is resale value. That said, you can only sell a vehicle for what someone is willing to pay for it anyway. Test drive it, make sure there aren't any funny handling characteristics due to bent supports or mounts... If you're willing to buy it, the next person who wants it will be willing to buy it, too.
  22. hey, if you guys are into punching girls, that's on you... I was raised better than that.
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