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Everything posted by magley64

  1. In the United States, copayment or copay is a payment defined in the insurance policy and paid by the insured person each time a medical service is accessed. It is technically a form of coinsurance, but is defined differently in health insurance where a coinsurance is a percentage payment after the deductible up to a certain limit. It must be paid before any policy benefit is payable by an insurance company. Copayments do not usually contribute towards any policy out-of-pocket maxima whereas coinsurance payments do.[1] Insurance companies use copayments to share health care costs to prevent moral hazard. Though the copay is often a small portion of the actual cost of the medical service, it is meant to prevent people from seeking medical care that may not be necessary (e.g.: an infection by the common cold). The underlying philosophy is that with no copay, people will consume much more care than they otherwise would if they were paying for all or some of it. In health systems with prices below the market-clearing level in which waiting lists act as rationing tools,[2] copayment can serve to reduce the welfare cost of such waiting lists.[3] However, a copay may also discourage people from seeking necessary medical care and higher copays may result in non-use of essential medical services and prescriptions, thus rendering someone who is insured effectively uninsured because they are unable to pay higher copays. If the insured cannot afford the copay, they effectively have no insurance (high copays can cause a false sense of security). Thus there is a balance to be achieved: a high enough copay to deter unneeded expenses but low enough to not render the insurance useless.
  2. http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/the-exchange/shutdown-threatens-home-owners-205824755.html GTFO of your own house. No worries though, once the government runs out of funding for park rangers, those houses will be easy targets for looting.
  3. No no, that's un'merikan. jezis will heal you if you pray hard enough, you don't need no doctors pokin' around in you pulling out cancer cells.
  4. I've never seen a crotch rocket... has anyone made a motorcycle that runs on solid fuel? I've only seen a crotch jet on TV and the internet... MTT makes those.
  5. THIS... The exchanges won't be the best solution for everybody. They are there to fill a need, they aren't the only option.
  6. Thanks man, If I go, it will most likely either be on the ORDN trip or the Thundercat trip.
  7. It says you can be fined for trespassing on closed national parks.
  8. So what is the spread on whether Obama invokes the 14th to bypass this shit?
  9. I have no intention of trying to use a mc helmet as a bullet stopping device.
  10. Polycarb is serious business. My old professor used to make spinning police lights out of the stuff. His competetors would use regular acrylic. He would bring a baseball bat to trade shows and offer reps to wail on their lights. He would then offer to lend them the bat to use on competetor's product... it was a hell of a selling gimmick.
  11. Wrong buttercup... NFC East is worst division so far this year...Then NFC South...THEN AFC North Top team in 3rd worst division Victory is getting a bit more solid.
  12. true, the only team with a winning record, it's still a winning record.
  13. I always liked Cribbs, we should get him back, i think he's available.
  14. 1. Knowing zero, but believing anything negative written by someone on the internet...not the smartest way to go about it. Do some ACTUAL research, the law is available in black and white, read it. 2. I think you're confusing Obamacare for a single payer system. 3. Medicare and medicaid were enacted in 1965, the only other people who you are "paying for" are the uninsured who get sick and don't pay their bills. 4. it's the insurance companies raising your rates, not the government 5. Which urban legend would you be referring to? Link?
  15. A reply to some of the misinformation.
  16. So it's "snopes" vs "all the other info" and your claim is "neither" is always right? Wow, way to narrow it down.. maybe check "fact check" or "politifact" if you don't like snopes. But in this case, snopes went through the math, and yes it's possible for this single person to have a 4,000 dollar penalty, but he'd have to make over 400,000/yr, and if you make 400,000 a year, you can likely afford minimum coverage either through the exchange or through a private insurer. they also pointed out that there is no provision for you to lose your "state issued" driver's license as a function of owing tax money.
  17. Yes, I could have. I'm just barely digging my way out of debt from when I was unemployed the first half of this year. I can't afford the insurance right now. Between paying back my Dad, paying off credit cards, and making my bills, and house payment on time, there is nothing left. Backpack is making her bills, and buying groceries. Once we get a couple bills cleared we'll have some breathing room, but for now we're pretty much broke.
  18. I miss my old HSA, but had to burn it while I was out of work... My penalty for being uninsured this year will probably be around $100, but oh well. things might change next year, and where I work now they have open enrollment every year.
  19. When I woke up this morning, I watched the browns game from last night... Then I rushed outside to make sure I still drove an Eldorado. I checked the garage, Ember is still there. Then I came to work, and made sure I work here in this universe. The Browns are number one in the division... I don't know what things are normally like in this universe, but in the universe I'm from, that can't happen.
  20. 800/yr is 16/week rough numbers.. Not unreasonable.
  21. Huh? Did she kill someone with the car?
  22. Fact: if John Boehner would allow a vote on a clean bill to fund the government (without stripping out the one law he doesn't like) that has already been proposed, it would have enough votes to pass the house, pass the senate, and it would be signed by the president right away. 1 person is responsible for the shutdown it's john boner
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