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Everything posted by Vulcan900

  1. If the heads have not been messed with you could try this: http://www.73-87.com/chevy_ids/sbheads.htm But like Gearhead said, if anything was done to the heads its up in the air what the actual numbers will be. This might give you a good place to start though. Good luck
  2. Vulcan900

    Dayton Airshow

    Yes, will be going on Sat. I am taking nephews, ages 15 and 12. I am hoping they have a good time.
  3. I will keep her in my prayers. I am sorry to hear this. Cancer can be beaten. Especially when caught early.
  4. I will be heading to Dayton on Wed to look around.
  5. http://dispatch.com/live/content/local_news/stories/2009/06/05/centerburg.html?sid=101 Wow, that would suck for those who didn't cheat. I graduated from there way back when, but its changed a lot since I went to school there.
  6. Anthony, If it were me trying to make this place better. I would get rid of the kitchen first off. It really adds no value to the board at all. Then I would let the mods be mods. If a mod feels someone needs a time out then let it be. If a mod abuses that power, replace them. I believe the big difference in the board is its size. At one time I knew 90% of the board by face. Now I know maybe 1%. That was several years ago, but you get the point. Even if I do go to a meet I just end up finding the few people I know and hang out with them. I think its the same for most people on here.
  7. When I did it. I went and got a packet that had a book in it. I read the book over two or three times and passed with ease. Its mostly common sense, but there is some motorcycle specific questions in it. That arent hard if you have looked the book over.
  8. If you are in a hurry to get into the class. Just show up to every single class running and try for the lottery. My girlfriend got into the first one we tried and I got into the next one. I am sure you could make it into one soon. good luck
  9. Ya, I saw that after I posted it. My girlfriend stumbled across this link on another forum and asked if it was the one I went to earlier. Evidently not
  10. Hey Clay, Just checking. This website isnt something you set up right? http://columbuscarsandcoffee.com/Home_Page.html Is this the other cars and coffee thing that was going on the same day as the one a couple weeks ago?
  11. Got to see it on Wed. It really raised the bar for movies this summer. So much better than I expected. If any of the other movies coming out this summer are even close to being as good as this then we are in for a great summer of movies.
  12. I said it before...but it deserves to be said again. Thats a great looking mustang. Grats on getting it back and in good working order.
  13. Ha, I had and 85 CRX that was like that. That how I ran it for 3 years. Ran it in a tuff truck contest at the croton fair. Then the next year after sitting for a year it started right up. BUT the back brakes had locked up so tight that we blew the clutch out trying to get them unfrozen. I have had a number of honda's they always ran w/ little problems. I would use one as a DD in a heart beat.
  14. Yes, I had a good time. I need to get there earlier next time. Still it was a great day for it. Glad I went, and thanks Clay for setting it up.
  15. Leaving now, on the bike...hope its not to cold on 670
  16. Congrats! Thats a great looking car. Great time to get it finished My car is in pieces at the beginning of summer and it sucks.
  17. Nice looking bike. I looked at Nightsters when I was buying a bike. It was really the only harley that appealed to me at all. I ended up w/ a metric mostly due to price. Anyways awesome buy and have fun riding
  18. I got pulled over on 670. Just for the no front license plate. Nothing else. He didn't even ask for my registration or insurance.
  19. That was better than me. I got pulled over and given the 110 dollar ticket. That was enough for me. Front license plate is now on.
  20. BS in Computer Science from Capital University Class of 97 I currently work for a small consulting firm in Worthington. I am working with Motorist Insurance at the moment, helping doing java programming for their Content management system.
  21. Did you know a Charlie McHenry? I know he worked there for a few years before the layoffs.
  22. Nice looking stang. I really like that color of blue on those cars. Good luck with the project.
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