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Everything posted by Vulcan900

  1. At least you found out before hand. Not that this makes it a horrible car. But certainly not one to spend what they were asking for. Good luck w/ the hunting.
  2. Meh, I honestly wasn't too impressed with the stock legacy. It really felt like a boat with softness of the suspension. Find someone who has went Stage 2 and added springs to help the ride quality. It is how the car should ship from factory IMO.
  3. Really everything that has been said is pretty good advice. I would take it all in w/ a grain of salt since it is all opinion. I currently have 2 2002 wrx's (one for me & one for the girlfriend) as DD's. The are completely stock and I have NEVER had any troubles with them other than maintenance items. They both have over 100 k miles. I would also recommend reading the nasioc stickies. They really provide a great deal of information. Good luck in your hunting.
  4. Wow, that's about as messed up as you can get. I hope those people get caught, or better yet just their information leaked to all the local bike clubs.
  5. Yes. I was running late and saw the news when I was leaving for work that the first one had just hit. I thought it was a small plane that had some sort of bad accident. I got to work(uunet) in time to see the second plane hit.. then spent the rest of the day watching the news. My girlfriend worked for gahanna at the time and spent the day under the flight plan for the planes all landing. She said it was amazing seeing the lines of planes coming in, one after another.
  6. A friend of mine had one and he said the same thing. The bike was a blast, as long as you were doing what it was made for, going fast. Anything else and it was just an ok bike.
  7. Wow, glad to hear you are ok. Thats all that matters. Good luck finding a new car.
  8. Nice Pics. I like the old car as well.
  9. Nate can explain himself if he feels the need. I am not going to since I really have no say in the matter.
  10. Ok, I see they Dyno day you guys set up as an event. A casual drive in the country side not so much. Ty set up tons of events, but then seemed to get mad when people slowly stopped going to them. I really liked that he was making an effort, but really just because there isn't a bit turnout to something doesn't mean the forum members think you are a second class member. It just means they don't want to go to the event.
  11. Spoken like someone that only has one side of the story. Good job.
  12. ^^ Spaceghost beat me to it ^^ Member X (NOT thorne) The only drama ever created on the board was by a small group of people. I am glad they got a wake up call or left. I already had Saturn on ignore. I just hadn't gotten around to ignoring member X, but that was just because I was being lazy. I really enjoy the what Nate and Trish are doing with their board. Do I agree with absolutely everything they do. Of course not, BUT I respect what they want THEIR board to be enough to let those things slide. When did you do a hocking hills run Throne? I know you never helped organize. So I am not sure why you have that on your list.
  13. Ya, when niki got into a wreck(not her fault) she received maybe 5 - 10 copies of the police report from various law firms. I would say within a few days. We were impressed how quickly they found out and had the letters mailed.
  14. I drive into there several times a week at during the lunch hour. I would guess almost every day for the last few weeks they have had at least 4 different cruisers/bikes pulling people over. If you go that way dont speed. Plain and simple.
  15. Glad to see you back in a buick. You gonna leave it that color? That car in gray = teh win!
  16. Overall I like it. The oil cooler sitting out on the front bumper? Meh, not so much. Is that just for looks or does it really help the performance of the car a substantial amount. Also not a fan of the stickers on the windshield. I do like what you did with the engine a few closer pics of that would be cool.
  17. Niki and I were there last night. We try to get there earlier than 7 so we can eat and leave before it gets to dark. Deer, country roads, nighttime, and Motorcycles are a bad combination. Last night was a big turn out though. It was a lot busier than we thought it would be.
  18. Wow, how sad Be safe out there this weekend. I am sure the morons will be out in force.
  19. Hi all, I am Coolblue's uglier, un-better half I have a 2006 Kawasaki Vulcan 900. Hence the name. I just started riding last year and am now hooked beyond hooked. We ride our bikes every chance we get. Thank god the weather is finally cooperating. I am glad to be a part of the board and hope to meet some of you guys out on the road sometime.
  20. I am pretty sure you can still get a ticket for this.
  21. WOW! Damn nice pics. I saved them all for later wallpaper use
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