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Everything posted by Vulcan900

  1. LOL, I did the same thing on the test. I had one of those duel street/dirt bike deals. It was meh, but I passed the test easy enough and I did learn a lot.
  2. Me too. Its all one class, split into 3 days. Well when I went it was. They said you couldnt do one part and then come back and finish out the others.
  3. These made me laugh. Thats quality advertising right there.
  4. Welcome to the board. Good luck with the projects. Your right no matter what you do to your cars they never seem to get done all the way.
  5. ^^I agree.^^ This is what we did w/ our older Honda. You still might want to verify w/ some one if the charging system is even working though.
  6. You could always try again. You might have a better shot the second time around.
  7. I know when I took my class, there was a guy in there that was 17 and he had to pay. I would just go sit in and see if i spot opens. I did this last fall. The first time I didnt make it in, but my girlfriend did. The next week I went, only 1/3 the registered people showed up and everyone hoping to get a spot was able.
  8. +1 million This will give you a chance to see if you even want to ride a bike at all. It wont be exactly the same as riding on the street, but its really close. AND The only thing you need is your bike permit, and a set of gloves. They supply the bike and helmet, so if you mess up and drop the bike, atleast it not yours. I went the other way and bought a super cheap bike and had a friend show me how to ride in a parking lot. It really wasnt even close to the same level if learning I got from the course.(I took the course to get my full license instead of taking the test)
  9. Doh, is the fuel filter easy to get to? Can you still hear the pump kick on when trying to prime it?
  10. I had to travel to new york again. Which sucks as it was a great day for riding. I was able to get the bike out on Sat. It was a blast
  11. Good to hear you got it figured out. Atleast its something easy to fix
  12. I am in New York for work. I got lucky that its the same time the bucks are here to play in the NIT. I hope its a good game. Either way it will be cool to go to Madison Square Garden.
  13. That was a good movie, but depressing as hell too. My girlfriend said the book was really good as well.
  14. I was there for that night. It was cold as hell. My camaro didnt have heat then either.
  15. How many of the daily drivers in this thread were driven today? Mine doesnt count because it is slow But I did drive it.
  16. Welcome to the board. Nice truck and Stang I am up your way, outside of Johnstown about 10 mins.
  17. Thats funny. I hate that troll. She should have to do more than that, just because.
  18. OT: Out of curiosity I looked on the requirements to post a sale item, and it didnt mention the need to introduce yourself. Did I miss it? If I didnt miss it, why not make it a requirement? Better yet simply make it so you have to have so many posts to create a sale. Just wondering. Oh and Hi Noob...
  19. Wow, I usually say to each his own, but DAMN that is retarded looking. Please tell me that isn't some new trend that I have missed so far and now will have to see this more often.
  20. I like it. http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Curtiss_P-40_Warhawk_airshow.jpg
  21. That was sweet! Good find.
  22. Nice car. Welcome to CR. Hope you enjoy your stay
  23. Nah, I think he's making fun of the super kewl volvo guy.
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