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Everything posted by AOW

  1. Icon Accelerant boots are water proof and about $125
  2. AOW

    2 dudes 1 bike

    in keeping with thread theme.
  3. AOW


    From the album: Random

  4. AOW


    From the album: Random

  5. If this is a repost, please forgive me. I thought it was hilarious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=721w4uS3jD0&feature=player_embedded
  6. I'm just so fucking tired of these "christians" thinking that they have some type of devine right to force feed their views on others. Hello, crusades...... didn't work out so well for King Richard the Lion Hearted, now did it? As a christian, when you read the bible and it refers to the Jews as your god's chosen people, do you cringe a little bit? How does it make you feel to know that Jesus was a Jew, but the Jews insist that the christian version of Jesus was not and is not the messiah? I'm just saying.... As far as religions go, christianity is the new kid on the block. Don't even get me started on the bible.. A collection of stories written by man in one language, ordered translated into English by King James during the period of "Devine Right of Kings".... You seriously can't be basing your entire existence on that collection short stories.
  7. I tried a neoprene mask last here while still in OH-IO... I didn't like it. Made my face sweat was a pain to put on and take off. Balaclava rocks, the silk ones are the best. last year for me it was the balaclava BMW ProWinter2 gloves, wool socks, Fieldsheer over pants, sweatshirt under the insulated riding jacket, and heated hand grips. If I would have stayed another season I would have upgraded to heated gloves and vest.
  8. or you could nut up and and have a man to man to man conversation..
  9. I feel your pain and offer my
  10. I've considered this.... Then I look at the forecast for you fine fine midwest :sheepfucker:s, and:lol: and and
  11. I feel your pain, high of 51 and cloudy!! This will be the third day in a row that was overcast
  12. I've had "relations" w/my fair share of women and some girls in my day, and I have NEVER found any poontang worth fighting over. Me thinks the above statement is something the women's lib folks like to tell themselves. given unto us by our NON christian Turkish friends... around 238BC
  13. That's the problem with the bible thumpers out there. Their minds tend to be so closed that logic just can't enter (guess it keeps out the evil spirits as well). Slavery was a great tradition, so let's all go out and string up a negro (in all fairness, not sure if they're being called black, African-Americans, or other right now) or two. Hell, while you're at it marry a 12 or 13 year old, rape a few Native Americans and steal another country. After all, it's tradition and it's what this country was founded on.
  14. if I was still in OH this would be in my garage! Phuck!!!! all the good shit comes up for sale after I leave....
  15. I have Icon Accelerant boots. Comfy, waterproof, lace up with top buckle thingy to keep laces in check. They're $125 at Sandhills Powersports website If I had to do the purchase all over again, I would have waited a month or two and picked up the Sidi Canyon gortex. Not lace up, but very very comfy and have replaceable soles.
  16. You fell for that line? I'm betting your mailman has a yeast infection too. I bet if you gave her boss a , his cock is the same flavor as your girl's lipstick. don't shoot the messenger I kid, I kid...
  17. disgrace Your heritage maybe. The other part of "our" heritage is the systematic raping and extermination of the native inhabitants and the land. If you want the USA to be a unified country, then you must be publicly tolerant of religious views and beliefs of ALL it's citizens. Are you so blinded by your church that you can't see how "In God We Trust" could be offensive to those of different beliefs? What about the Hindu, Buddhists, Taoists, Atheists, and etc... Either make it all inclusive or all exclusive.
  18. looking like it may drizzle here today.
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