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Everything posted by AOW

  1. If I didn't ask then it would have been a noob asking and you guys would have them for lunch!! figured I would take one for the team. Pix would be nice though.
  2. that's what I'm talking about. Can take the wife along for a ride and never have to hear a word she says
  3. and that is why I have a Nolan. Italian made and must meet Euro standars (which exceed US DOT)
  4. it's been awhile, but I do seem to recall her legs being ahem..... long
  5. I used a forced hot air propane heater for my garage in Pickerington. After working on the bike for couple hours I took a break in the house. When I went back to the garage about an hour later (heater was turned off) I could smell the exhaust fumes. That's when I took the jigsaw and installed an exhaust port into the garage door. I used aluminum ducting to extend the exhaust from the back of the heater to the exhaust port (trap door) on the front of the garage door. I know you're renting so this may not be an option. You could raise the garage up couple of inches and use some insulation along the edge of the garage door away from the heater to stop the draft, while leaving the area at propane forced air heater open.
  6. I've been working in the commercial facilities and construction industry for 20 years now. The number one item that clogs the toilets is tampons. Yes, the box does state they are flushable, but that just means they are septic treatment friendly (ie; breakdown at about the same rate as toilet paper), that does not mean they don't get snagged and hung up in the pipes (as they do) As for hair.... the waste pipe connected to your toilet (assuming your dwelling is close to code) is either 3" or 4", you would need to shave your head completely, drain the water out of the bowl completely, fill bowl w/your hair, then flush to even come close to clogging that pipe w/your hair.
  7. AOW

    Polar Bear Run

    My Polar bear run last New Year's was frosty, but the roads were fine. Think temps were 12〫when we started, but it warmed up to a balmy 26〫when we departed our lunch stop. So, in keeping w/tradition I did my New Year's ride today at around 9am. Temps were hovering down around 50〫and overcast when I headed out, but it warmed up a bit to 65〫at around noon. Luckily I had my heated grips! RIDE SAFE IN 2010!
  8. As a landlord myself, your LL must give you advanced notice of their intent to enter the premises for non emergency reasons. The eviction process is such a pain in the ass that most LLs only use it as a last resort. So in summary, if you're a redneck fucktard that likes to work with fuel lines and removing gas tanks from your car while in the presence of open flames, don't use kerosene. If you have ANY common sense, you will be fine.
  9. if you're having Yuengling Lager on tap, I'll be there!
  10. why will women flush tampons down the toilet knowing you're not supposed to, but will clean their hairbrush out and put the hair in the full bathroom trashcan instead of just flushing the hair?
  11. AOW

    Polar Bear Run

    and when I arrived at home, I pulled open the twin keg beer fridge, and had a nice icy cold Yuengling Lager!!! Miss you girl!
  12. AOW


    the arrows weren't yet tuned to the ships' shield harmonics...
  13. AOW

    Polar Bear Run

    Hey, I had to swerve around 2 puddles today during my 100 mile journey.. I'm suffering just as much as you folks!
  14. AOW

    Polar Bear Run

    where the fuck where you asshats last New Year's when I did this ride w/a bunch of BMW heated every fucking thing, folks???? It was 13〫when we headed out, but warmed up to 26〫by the time we headed home... I will do the New Year's ride again this year, but Mr.Weatherman says it will be overcast and barely 58〫here! I might have to break down and turn on my heated grips.
  15. AOW


    KILLING is fine, it's the sex shit I would rather not have him deal with.
  16. AOW


    is it 6yr old friendly?
  17. when I needed new tires for my LS I found the best deal on eBay. I got 4 tires shipped to the door for $400!
  18. it's kinda funny..... The security cameras at my house only track black people.... Maybe if I connected the black only security cameras to the white only HP they would find a happy median and sing Kum By Ya!
  19. Scrooged..... Bill Murray is frick'n hilarious
  20. saw this today and thought of this thread immediately!!!
  21. I think rear facing Roman candles for those asshat cagers that like to tailgate or stop right the fuck on your rear tire.
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