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Everything posted by AOW

  1. it's going on a week since I've been able to take the bike out for a spin.... rain sux
  2. AOW

    AOW's California

    WOW, it's been an entire week since I've been able to twist the throttle on the bike. Between family crap, shit rainy weather, and just life getting in the way, I just haven't been able to go for a spin. I did get around to cleaning and gapping the spark plugs, relocated my front signals from the bars to the top pinch bolts on the tripple tree, and swapped out my 35w HID lowbeam to a 55W. Weather bitches calling for rain all this week as well, but I might just have to bite the bullet and go for a spin in the 50〫wet weather anyway. These frick'n CA drivers just can't drive for shit, and in the rain it gets even worse.
  3. 40-42 makes this a medium... Bump for a nice jacket and sweet deal.
  4. why can't they just make the bike all metric or all standard?
  5. why OH WHY is it always on an HD? That's it, I am now officially starting the process of de-imaging my bike. I will remove any and everything that has HD or such from my bike.
  6. New England style (white), I haven't found a place in SF or Monterey that can do Manhattan style any justice
  7. febreeze does kill the funk, but it is only a temporary solution and does not remove the biological oils that deteriorate the liners and padding.
  8. hmmm it's currently 61〫and mostly overcast. It's a bit chilly, but I think I'll take the bike for a ride to the coast for a nice serving of fresh clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl... San Fran or Monterey?
  9. why do the tv shows keep adding the screeching tire noise when vehicles are on dirt roads?
  10. P.S.... The founding fathers did not have jack shit to do with putting "in god we trust" on the money. That was not added until the civil war, so unless you consider Lincoln a founding father STFU
  11. I've always had two sets of pads and liners for my helmet, and wash them on regular basis... BEFORE the funk take up home in the helmet. At least monthly if you ride on a regular basis.
  12. finally a signature tag line worth stealing
  13. I've always put steel wool inside a zip lock baggie, then insert that into the exhaust openings. Rodents won't chew through steel wool and the baggie keeps it from getting lost. And of course whatever eles the other peoples said.
  14. I sold my dual stage 24" (I think) for $250 back in May. No one on here had any interest, and it sold in about 2 days on Craigslist. Same thing w/the Troy-bilt 42" riding mower w/battery tender and 46" snow plow..... no interest here and pretty much gave it away in May...
  15. My house is in Tracy, but I'm still just an hour away from the beach or San Fran, or San Jose. I'll take Tracy, CA or even Oakland, CA over ANYWHERE in Ohio. I logged 100 miles this morning on the bike, pretty sure that's more than most in Ohio logged in the entire month of December. now back to the regularly scheduled thread..... Any word on the actual year of this bike? I have a buddy in Reynoldsburg that's been looking to get back on a Busa.
  16. I think moose has it right, VROD muscle is the bet mix of touring and cruising that HD makes. It's the only VROD made for saddle bags.
  17. AOW


    :nono:makes me proud to ride a HD!
  18. I'm a strict Constitutionalist which is why I'm not a democrat or republican. I cannot find one reference to god or a specific religion in the Constitution or Bill of Rights. So when I hear this theory that this country was founded on christian principals I call BS. This country was founded on freedom. Freedom of religion/state sponsored/personal and freedom from religion, after all Athiesm did exist back then (Ben Franklin,) I understand many of the founders believed in god but that doesnt mean this country was founded on a specific religion if so it would have contradicted everything they fought for. Most of the founders were smart enough to keep their religion out of the voting booth. Thomas Jefferson said the only thing a politician should say when asked about his religious beliefs and that is "My religion is known to my god and myself alone." The man never once said he was a Christian, hell some of the founders were deist and athiest. he may have quoted the bible but that doesn't make him a Christian. (He understood that religion is a personal matter not a public one like you see today.) Besides I can quote the quran, does that make me a muslim? The problem today is people are taking there religious beliefs to the voting booth, and that is the most un-American thing you can do, completely ignoring the very reason why the pilgrims were exiled from England to begin with. In doing so we end up possibly creating a theocracy. Imo believing in god is one thing and believing in religion is another. We can sit here and talk about the artifacts in the supreme court etc etc. But those things were put in place after most of the founders were gone by men who decided to turn this country into something it was never supposed to be.The fact that in god we trust was put on currency proves this. The founders would have never approved of this because god is a decisive/divisive word. Which is why it was removed from the original draft of the Declaration of Independence. I agree with the 86% of people believing in god. But that doesn't mean they're Christian. I find too many people hold their allegiance to their fairytale and not the document that gave them the right to do so. I wouldn't go as far and call a fellow citizen who exercises their rights a racist etc etc you either use your rights or lose them
  19. several members of my family are Freemasons, and trust me, they are not a Christian group. There is plenty in our history books that has been proven false and inaccurate.
  20. In line w/jbot: when I got "kissed" by two cars I was wearing cheap ass Vega Touring riding boots. The only things that didn't get scraped or broken were what those cheap crappy boots protected.... my ankles and feet! They fit good, comfy, waterproof, but after 2yrs the soles were toast. $62.99 at the Pony The Matrix boots by Vega are the same price as above, but are more the style you're looking for. Again, I would use these while you're saving up for a good pair of boots. That will buy you 2yrs at max!
  21. You have my condolences.... I believe VRODDAVE proved to us that there is A Harley that has some quickness and some lean Don't go any older than '07. Prior to '07 you're stuck w/3gal tank, crappy brakes, and crappy clutch, not to mention that sad 180mm rear tire instead of a nice meaty 240
  22. just because YOU believe it does not make it a fact... Again, whom are you claiming as the founders of this country?
  23. 10k for 2009, on schedule for 20k+ in 2010
  24. AOW

    2 dudes 1 bike

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