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Everything posted by KruelHouse

  1. Should be a good time! This is going to be a BUSY weekend!
  2. In all seriousness, I almost thought about sneaking into the Dayton area on Sat. morning to burn the LowerBellBrook Area... I may be up for a Sunday ride.
  3. Sweet! Many of us from OR were a part of the focus group for this. I was just wondering if they were going to reach out to the organization. We even convinced them to do away with their previous logo (as it looked very "Harley-friendly), and just go with the twisty pavement.
  4. My bike would have come with a hot chick, but since I purchased it "pre-owned" the chick was... umm... used, so I opted for gloves, jacket, and a lid instead.
  5. My bad mayne... The suit actually sold on "the Bay" a 2 wks ago.
  6. I may be able to slide through for an hr. or so.
  7. "$20 CHINESE FOOD! C'mon # 24... Beef & Broccoli!"
  8. I JUST saw this one for the first time today! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixN86I2eMW8 This is one of my favs tho. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2B0KHoELug This one's in heavy rotation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfIWG5KWcZw
  9. Dayuum mayne... Sorry to hear that you went down. At least you're okay though. Yeah, Paul does good work. I'm sending him my tailsection in a week to fix a broken tab. Definitely send me a msg if you're coming back to CBus. I live downtown, so if you're bar-hopping (and I'm home), I can just walk out and link up with you kids.

  10. Daaamn Kiddo! Sorry to hear that you went down, but EXTREMELY glad to hear that you're okay! At least you know what you did wrong. Good luck getting the bike fixed up in a hurry.
  11. Moose, I still have tears in my eyes from laughing at the "rolling garbage" comment. That is UNDOUBTEDLY the most accurate description yet. Thanks for making me after a grueling call.
  12. AWWWW... You guys are going to make me Blush... Which isn't an easy feat given the hue of my skin:wink:. Oh... What about RVTRaid... Or Raucous RCs:D
  13. Orange! If you wear a L, and get tired of the Orange, I'll trade you my Blue one. LOL
  14. Nice work Yota! Way to STRONGARM those cats into making it happen! Sorry to hear that I missed the crowd at QS&L... It was a long day.
  15. I think that between RedBull and Monster, RedBull tastes better with Stoli than Monster. However, when it comes to their low (no) sugar offerings, Monster wins out on taste (it may have like 1-2 more grams than RB tho).
  16. Now I suddenly want a NOS energy drink... Dammed web-forum marketing! Has anyone ever tried them? So far, IMHO, nothing tastes better than Lo-Carb Monster.
  17. The helmet is tagged "REPLICA" only because that particular lid in the RF 1000 series is the Picotte Replica. Meaning it is a Replica (paint scheme) of the lid that Pascal Picotte used to wear. I currently have 2 of them... The First Edition RF 900 Orange (Designed by Troy Lee... I think), and I just scooped up the Blue RF 1000 from Iron Pony this spring. It's a GREAT lid (although, if you don't want it, that's cool too, as I wouldn't mind being the only one sporting it). LOL
  18. As SOON as I saw this on OR.net I thought: "Don't tell me that a member of my beloved OR Family was ignorant enough to put an energy drink in their tank. How relieved was I to see that it was someone on the GIXXER forum. Yesterday, I noticed the NOS drink whilst scooping up a Monster, and wondered if anyone would mistake this for an additive AT FIRST GLANCE. Guess I got my answer.
  19. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!? NNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. J/K... Kinda. Hope he enjoys it. It's a pretty kick-azz machine. As far as Aria is concerned, I just changed the bodywork to the 2005 color-scheme (hence why I purchased your b/f's tank)... Had my man AttackPainter repair the tank, and paint my original fender... Oh yeah, he sprayed my wheels red while he was at it. Other than that, I put the clear brake reservoir tube on it. Really wish that I would have known that he was planning on trading his RC. I would have wanted to trade my Titanium SATO cans for the Carbon ones. Carbon looks kick-arse with the black/gray paint!

  20. Congratulations Mayne! Good to hear that everyone is Happy/Healthy. Best wishes to You, Steph, and "The Lil One"
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