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Everything posted by KruelHouse

  1. RIP I know that this is preaching to the choir, but PLEASE rock your gear when you're out riding... Even if you're just heading out to the store or something. I know that it gets hot as bawlz, but you can always take a shower WHEN you get home.
  2. Really wanted to be there, but got caught up playing "chef". By the time that I did head out, I started getting rained on, and went back for the cage. Said "Eff-it" after putting the bike away. Next time, I'm DTF!
  3. Sounds less than pleasurable, however I'm sure that she'll appreciate the enthusiasm:D. Eva v. Megan??? I can't call it mayne. If only that was the toughest decision in my life...
  4. QFT! Try to avoid court at all costs (within reason that is...)
  5. I see the point that you're making, however I still do not think that ad hoc tasing is the answer. In your scenario, it seems evident that "profiling" may play a role in the treatment of said characters. The (presumed "guilty) Middle Eastern gentleman gets shot whilst reaching for a passport, while the 72yr old lady shoots the unsuspecting cop with the Desert Eagle that she's packing in her Coach Bag. The point that I was trying to make in the above post (and I stand firm on it), is that situations which require any type of "force" should be handled on a case-by-case basis. I still don't think that there is a solution that can be successfully deployed across the spectrum. I'm not saying that he shouldn't view Grandma as a potential threat, for he has a right/obligation to protect himself; and most officers only have a split-second to respond/react. Though it's easy for me to sit here and play Monday Morning QB, I'm just not convinced that lighting her up like TimesSquare was the best option.
  6. Glad that you're okay. Heal up fast and get back out there!
  7. 505lbs DRY?!!? HOT DAYUM! WAS IT BULLETPROOF? Just kidding! I'd go with the CBR 600 for handling, reliability, and curb appeal!
  8. WOW! Lot's of good points made in this thread! Sorry for the long post. As far as (politely) refusing to allow a cop to search your house/car/pockets, etc. without a warrant is concerned. This cannot serve as "reasonable cause"... If that were the case, personal rights would go out of the window. Use of Taser on the "blue-hair": After reviewing the tape, I'm not convinced that it was necessary. Grandma got a lil perturbed after he gently "shoved" her back away from the busy street. This (in my opinion) escalated the situation. Some (the police chief) state that he pushed her to protect her from the busy street... Personally, rather than push her I would have just stood in front of her and blocked her (just as I would with a child or a dog), I mean she's NOT going to move me. Someone mentioned using the same force on Grandma that you would on a 16yr-old football player: I tastefully disagree with this school of thought. One of the things that makes us who we are is that we are (in many shapes, sizes, levels of intelligence, etc.) DIFFERENT. That being established, one method of diffusing a situation CANNOT be expected to work on everyone. It is in these situations where we are challenged to QUICKLY use our brains and execute the optimal methods of conflict resolution. For if we're just going to do the same thing across the board (no matter the situation), then we could have just deployed a robot to tase everyone who resists arrest (over-simplified analogy I'll admit). Possible courses of action: 1. Block her from street without physically putting your hands on her, while talking her down. 2. Call for backup. I've been pulled over before, only to have the arresting officer accompanied by 2 more squad cars, AND a local sheriff. 3. Just let her drive off. I mean, you have her license plate# by now, and I can't remember if he got her license and reg. or not. Either way, she drives off, you call it in, and now you and a partner make the arrest 2 miles up the road (unless her belligerent-azz crashes into someone along the way). Although her attitude would have made me wanna slap the tapioca out of her Depends-wearin' azz!
  9. Thank you! "First of all, I'd like to thank...":lol:
  10. MJ, you pulled the first part of my response straight from my mentals... MOREOVER, I believe that if this is happening, BOTH parties involved are too afraid/childish to state their TRUE feelings/desires. All too often (not that I'm complaining), I've witnessed women become "choice weekend entertainment" simply because they let it happen... On the other hand, many-a-fella have draped themselves in the garments of "gumpish, sucka-for-love-azz-trick" by not establishing himself as a true human being and putting his real feelings on the line. Everyone's so afraid of rejection, that they adorn themselves with a permanent facade, and play BS games... Instead of adopting the realism.
  11. Dick RamBone... When a tube sock won't BEGIN to fit over your C**k.... That's Dick RamBone. When your carpenter forgets the tapemeasure, so you whip it out to detertmine the room's square-footage........ That's Dick RamBone. When bored at work, you can snake it down the cubicle wall and tickle the girl at the adjoining desk....... That's Dick RamBone When a house is on fire, and you need something to put it out..... That's FIREHOSE... But if one's not available, Dick RamBone will piss it out for ya.
  12. Nick... My life is in High Definition!
  13. Edit: Screwed up post... Now back to your regularly-scheduled programming; already in progress. http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/2585/randomness183.jpg
  14. Good luck Dave! I'm sure that you'll be okay.
  15. Yeah, the toy train was funny!
  16. That's that Bullshyte SON! Team 4600 was all over the points... We should be claiming that purse!
  17. I had a blast yesterday. Thanks to all involved in orchestrating what could have been the best scavenger hunt that I've ever participated in! There were definitely some interesting moments... To be specific, let's just say there are certain OR members that I hope to NEVER see draped in a flowing dress EVER AGAIN:eek:
  18. Sorry to hear about your "get-off" big homie... Good to see that you're okay though.
  19. RIP rider. Best wishes to family and friends.
  20. It's simple: Black is the new... umm Black. It's chic, slimming, simple, elegant, and bold... All while remaining the smoldering, mysterious, alluring, and enigmatic color that it is.
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