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1st Annual Dice'n & Slice'n Marathon RideHere it is boys & girls, the 1st annual Dice


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Here it is boys & girls, the 1st annual Dice'n & Slice'n Marathon Ride!

Total distance of this twisty road route will be 300 miles!....and that does not include your mileage from your house to the start, or your return mileage back home...so calculate that in...it's a full day of rockin' the backwoods!

Many interested responses last year about this ride, so I hope you can attend.

This ride is open to all type bikes & is being posted on multiple websites.

Route will consist of 300 miles of some of the best curvy roads in northern Ky, east & west of I-75, & I'm sure you'll be on some for the first time!

Date : Saturday April 20

Start location : AA Hwy Speedway Wilder, Ky. (Gloria Terrell Drive )

Meet up time : 8:00...fuel up by 8:15...*riders meeting at 8:30.

Kickstands up : between 8:45-9:00.....we need to depart on time!

Break stops will be planned at certain points in the route.

Fuel stops will be about 100 miles apart (*will be discussed at meeting)

Lunch location : Williamstown, Ky.....time : when we get there!

(I plan on having a restaurant with a reserved area for the group)

Large turnout : we will form a 2nd group with a staggered start if needed

Route map : I will have printed copies of the entire route for everyone

End location : Rabbit Hash, Ky. (see me if directions needed from there)

End time : shooting for 6:00 at the latest if we don't get behind schedule

Pace : Ride to YOUR skill level only *will be discussed at riders meeting.

We wait at all stops & turns till everyone's together before proceeding.

In case of bad weather on the 20th, Saturday April 27 will be the rain date, and I'll post that on this thread by Friday the 19th at the latest.

Plan on cold temps to start, so gear up accordingly.

Please arrive early & have a full tank & empty bladder by 8:30.

I know this is a very early start time, but with breaks, lunch, possible traffic delays, & 300 miles to cover to reach the Hash by 6:00, we have to.

For those that don't know me, I've led 100's of group rides locally & across the Midwest & South. My pace for a ride is always adapted to the size & skill level of the group and will be *discussed at the riders meeting.

Any questions or requests for more info, please post here in this thread, or you can contact me via private message. Hope this is enough notice so you can mark this on your calendar as a not-to-be-missed-300 mile-rockin'ride!

Edited by DICE32
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300 miles is a marathon? :wtf:

It's not the longest ride ever, but 9 hours of riding isn't exactly short either! Completely worth it for the KY roads.

You already know I'm in for this, Dice! (Put it in my Calendar after our ride Sat.)

Edited by Bitani
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This is the description of what a REAL motorcycle marathon is all about.....


So I thought maybe a mini type version of 300 miles of riding one curvy road after another in 9 hours might just be a fun ride

to start off the season, but I guess you Columbus lads travel out to Hocking Hills every weekend, huh? (love it out there myself!)

You come hang with me on the Fazer for this ride (I'm 59 years old & 100 lbs. over weight), and I'll be impressed if you

aren't eatin' tylenol capsules like candy the next day from being wore out!lol!:)

At the very least you'll maybe meet some new riders & experience some new roads.

Maybe I should of just said it was one of my usual Saturday rides I like to do monthly that I thought I'd invite others to join me on. lol!

Bubba & Bitani knows what it's gonna be like! ha!ha!ha!:D

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300 miles is a marathon? :wtf:
Dice and Slice?

Is this Big Ern's gang?

300 miles in 9 hours? 33mph? Really?
I challenge you to a duel

Yup. You bigtime riders from C-bus are obviously W-A-Y out of our league--y'all are Major League players. :bow: S'matter of fact, all us riders from Cinti are mega-pussies. And if ya pick on us anymore, we're gonna get our vaginas in a snit. 300 miles of twisties is a no-brainer. And 33 MPH is about the top speed we pussies can ride, unless we ask our Mommies permission first. And we never--repeat, NEVER--go over the posted limits, 'cause it's against the law, eh? :nono:

I promise you, this ride won't be any fun at all. Gonna be a bunch of f'n hill-billy assholes talkin' shit about how fast they ride. Yeah, right! :rolleyes: Dice really meant to only send a PM to Big Ern, Magley and Ringo, but he hit the "Reply To All" button accidentally. If you do come south, we'll only feel inadequate next to you racer boyz in yer skin-tight leathers (altho I might get a wee bit turned on...).

And to top it all off, the roads are gonna flat-out suck ballz. Nothin' but straight lines connecting the potholes in a backwoods state that has marijuana as it's main cash crop. I mean c'mon....Rabbit Hash has a DOG as their mayor, fer cripes sake. Definitely NOT WORTH THE DRIVE. Y'all should stay home and log into OR for the weekend. Nothing to see here....move along. ;)

Edited by Bubba
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I'm guessing maybe about 6 hours only of actual riding time with 4 breaks for fuel & restroom at 30 min each, plus min 1 hour for lunch....so maybe 50 mph average on lots of 35 mph type roads at times....I'd take that! We do like to socialize some when we ain't terrorizin' the country folk down here in Kentucky ya know! lol!

DUEL?...smooth bore pistols or swords? lol! Rough crowd here! lol!

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Throttle it back? I already told ya we only go 33 MPH. If we go any slower, we'd git run'd over by all you fast guys.... ;)

You gots the wrong guy. I'm slo. :p

I'd love to do this ride. Been wanting to hit NKY for a while, but it would definitely require a hotel room for the night.

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Max: C'mon. Up at 5, quick shower, gear up for the 2 hour roll to the meet-up, play all day, roll north by 6 and home with a cold beer in hand at 8 PM. Puff-puff-pass and beddie-bye by 9. From Canal-Winchester, we're talkin' what....maybe total of 500 miles? Peezocake for you hardasses! :D

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Yup. You bigtime riders from C-bus are obviously W-A-Y out of our league--y'all are Major League players. :bow: S'matter of fact, all us riders from Cinti are mega-pussies. And if ya pick on us anymore, we're gonna get our vaginas in a snit. 300 miles of twisties is a no-brainer. And 33 MPH is about the top speed we pussies can ride, unless we ask our Mommies permission first. And we never--repeat, NEVER--go over the posted limits, 'cause it's against the law, eh? :nono:

I promise you, this ride won't be any fun at all. Gonna be a bunch of f'n hill-billy assholes talkin' shit about how fast they ride. Yeah, right! :rolleyes: Dice really meant to only send a PM to Big Ern, Magley and Ringo, but he hit the "Reply To All" button accidentally. If you do come south, we'll only feel inadequate next to you racer boyz in yer skin-tight leathers (altho I might get a wee bit turned on...).

And to top it all off, the roads are gonna flat-out suck ballz. Nothin' but straight lines connecting the potholes in a backwoods state that has marijuana as it's main cash crop. I mean c'mon....Rabbit Hash has a DOG as their mayor, fer cripes sake. Definitely NOT WORTH THE DRIVE. Y'all should stay home and log into OR for the weekend. Nothing to see here....move along. ;)

HOLY SHIt now I got go

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Those NKy roads will not disappoint the Ohio Rider. You are guaranteed one helluva ride with the DiceMan.

I'm hoping to have a ds ride that weekend but if that doesn't pan out, I'm in for this.

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