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Weight loss/Workout Thread 2013


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You can eat as much fruit as you like with no adverse affects. Don't fall into the fructose is bad, bandwagon.

it's not really a bandwagon.  just yesterday there was a guy on NPR talking about how some animals get very fat eating just fruit.  surgar turns into fat if you don't burn it off right away.  might as well eat candy.  in fact a bowl of special k cereal is the same as a can of soda.   sure you get more nutrients but you also get the sugars.  not good if you need to lose weight.   that's what I've read anyway.

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the shittiest part of this whole thing is healthy food is almost twice as expensive.   my food bill has doubled and I eat less of it.  it's bullshit that the food industry has made it this way.  and they wonder why so many people struggle with their weight and so many of us have diet related diseases

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My workout hasn't changed, lifting 3 days/wk, cardio(swimming laps till legs hit muscle failure) 2-3 days/wk, modified diet to reduce carbs to almost non-existent...finally got below 200 after 4 weeks, then didn't pay attention for two days(working at the farm and hitting drive-thru) and shot back up 10 lbs.....


So far, haven't added in any supplements.


Am going to try adding in a vitamin pack from GNC, the Performance AMP pack to try and get some extra energy to kick the workouts up a notch.  We'll see how much of a difference it makes.


Plus, when I go to the farm to work, I'm taking the whey protein water supplement instead of relying on fast food(I know....stupid of me).


My daughter's wedding is October '14, and my niece's wedding is in May '14, so I gotta work on this NOW!!!

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I'm still making progress.. As well as my wife (that's always a plus) ;)

Helping others lose weight & gain energy daily!

Here is a pic of my wife and her sister (my wife is the one in the pink shirt last year, and now in the blue shirt, has lost almost 60lbs) sister-in-law has lost a bunch of weight also! Message me if u need any help!

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Time to change something, probably my cardio.  Sitting at 200 and can't seem to drop another pound.  Not going to overreact as that's when I usually do something stupid, like stop.

they were just talking to a doctor on NPR this morning about that as to why most people stop.   it's common to happen.  he talked about a few reasons it happens.

1.  a thinner person to burn less calories.  now that you lost some you need to cut out more calories in your diet.

2.  your body has gone into starvation mode and it burns less calories.


he said the only way to keep your diet going it to cut out a few hundred more calories a day and excersise more.

and they've seen a lot of people change the foods in their diet and that worked for them.



I still think if you stick with it maybe cut out a few more things or find some other kinds of foods to replace what you are eating now will work in the long run. 


I think there was 1 or 2 more but I forget. also something about lean healthy muscle that you tend to build doing small workouts don't need many calories too.  don't quote me on that but I thought he said something to that effect.  I was still half asleep

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  • 1 month later...

anyone use myfitnesspal or something similar?  I've only been using it for 3 days, but I'm really digging it.  It appears that I'm consistently not getting enough iron...  not even 50% of the recommended value, which is maybe why i'm soooo tired all the time. :dunno:

I started running again :)  Ran 6 miles a couple days ago and have an ambitious goal to run 10 by the end of the first week in october.

If anyone wants to get a team going for any 5Ks around columbus, I think that would be a lot of fun and maybe a good motivator to get people up and moving :)  Let me know!

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so I started doing a workout class finally and so far I love it. It's TRX and only doing the class one night a week but will kick it up to 2 pretty soon here as well as using the elliptical my fiance bought a few months back on a daily basis

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Anyone use mapmyrun app?

GPSTracker. It is meant for bike/car/truck, but tracks on foot ok.

One bad part is it can stop tracking completely without saying anything if it loses signal. Annoying.


edit: and I found a GPS topographical off road navigation app and managed to load free topographical maps.

edit: lost 5 pounds, now 165.

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anyone use myfitnesspal or something similar?...

I used it for quite a while. Mostly to re-learn to balance diet and help control blood pressure. It is a very good app.

I'm not going running. But I would take a fast hike with 20-30 pound pack. 10-20 miles.

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I have a new Doctor and he is very much into holistic medicine. He gave me a physical and I told him about a few of the issues that I have been having for quite some time. He listened contently and then said "I believe you have a gluten sensitivity". Well I went on a Gluten free diet "2.5 month now" and all of the issues I was having are completely gone, and I have lost 11lb as well. The human body for many many people does not like wheat and rye, I am now a believer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok, so I really don't need to lose (much) weight, but I have started working out to just get into better shape.  I weigh right around 180, which is about the ma for my height to stay out of the overweight zone.  I get winded pretty easily these days and I'm tired all the time.  


A few weeks ago, I started on the treadmill, doing the couch to 5k treadmill version and that went VERY bad!  My knees hurt for over a week, and I was about to give up.  8 days later, I went back at it, cutting the length of time for now.  That went better.  I think I can do this!


Tonight, I did some basic exercises after some warmup stuff.  Then after about 15 minutes I hit the treadmill, and went .75 miles.  I think that's about all I had tonight, total of about 30-35 minutes, then some more stretching to cool down.  My goal is to work up to 5 days a week, minimum or 30 minutes.  For the treadmill, I warm up, run 1 minute, walk 1.5 minutes.  Then a cooldown walk.

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Ok, so I really don't need to lose (much) weight, but I have started working out to just get into better shape.  I weigh right around 180, which is about the ma for my height to stay out of the overweight zone.  I get winded pretty easily these days and I'm tired all the time.  


A few weeks ago, I started on the treadmill, doing the couch to 5k treadmill version and that went VERY bad!  My knees hurt for over a week, and I was about to give up.  8 days later, I went back at it, cutting the length of time for now.  That went better.  I think I can do this!


Tonight, I did some basic exercises after some warmup stuff.  Then after about 15 minutes I hit the treadmill, and went .75 miles.  I think that's about all I had tonight, total of about 30-35 minutes, then some more stretching to cool down.  My goal is to work up to 5 days a week, minimum or 30 minutes.  For the treadmill, I warm up, run 1 minute, walk 1.5 minutes.  Then a cooldown walk.

Whatever it takes. You got to start somewhere.


i did the C25K also a little over a year ago. Looking back, im shocked at how out of shape i was that running for a minute or two was that difficult. When i say running what i really mean is a slow shuffle. :D  


Here is something that helped me you might try. I also tried doing it on a treadmill at the YMCA but i my mind always talked me out of completing the scheduled workout because it was so easy to just hop of the treadmill and be done. Then i decided that out and backs were the way to go so there isnt a quick way out.  Now that your 15 minutes down the road and your mind wants you to quit, too bad its another 15 minutes back to the car or house. Even if you have to walk the whole way back its still better than talking yourself into stopping short. A year or more later i still do this. Especially on long (to me) runs. I try to think of my long runs as 2 parts to trick myself into doing the whole thing instead of cutting it short.  Also if your self concious about running in public, the reality is that no one cares what you look like or how slow you may be going.

Out and backs have back-fired on me once though. I was a couple miles down the bike path and strained my calf and had to hobble all the way back to my car in cold rain. Of course that had to happen on one of the days i used an ipod instead of my phone for music/run tracking.

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so for the first time since my old basketball days I've been able to stick with a workout. I just need to get my diet even better than the adjustments I've made and I don't know if i've lost much weight at all at this point however it's the best I've felt in a long time!

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