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I was "diagnosed" with ADHD at 23 (only went to appease my parents) and you know what I did? Laughed directly in the face of the doctor (and later my parents) and said no I just have a short attention span for things I could give two shits about

So you self-diagnosed? Do you have a Psychiatric degree?

Do you think that some drugs might help you to concentrate on things you might otherwise be disinterested?

it's kinda like saying "no I don't have cancer, just some of my cells continue to grow out of control sometimes"

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So you self-diagnosed? Do you have a Psychiatric degree?

Do you think that some drugs might help you to concentrate on things you might otherwise be disinterested?

it's kinda like saying "no I don't have cancer, just some of my cells continue to grow out of control sometimes"


As usual you decided to only pick out the few words in a post you want to read. I was diagnosed by a doctor. I've taken Adderal before the diagnosis and there was little to no change. I even took it after to once again appease my parents and lo and behold it didn't change shit.

When I'm not interested in a class or subject, I pay zero attention and daydream and do poorly. It is not because I have a medical issue, it is because I DO NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT SAID SUBJECT OR TOPIC and don't feel like wasting my time on it when I could be doing better things

I don't need a degree to use common sense which I understand is quite difficult for most people to do. In fact the more degrees it seems people have, the less common sense they posses.

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The person in particular, its hard to say with him. He can get really outrageous and irrational when he has an episode.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

With this answer I'd say no. If you're diabetic you just faint, instead of getting all crazy and shit. The answer should be found in what happens if your not on meds. We could sedate tigers and put them in a petting zoo, but we don't.

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With this answer I'd say no. If you're diabetic you just faint, instead of getting all crazy and shit. The answer should be found in what happens if your not on meds. We could sedate tigers and put them in a petting zoo, but we don't.

If you have a diabetic episode you dont just faint, there are several things people have been documented of doing. My mother has been a diabetic for nearly 25 years. Shes had several episodes, mood swings so bad that she was throwing things one minute and all happy go lucky the next, sometimes she would faint, other times she would be suffering from serious migraine headaches. In the past 5-6 years shes not had one issue since her doctor finally got her to agree to getting put on a insulin pump.

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Ok. Never seen that. The People I know feel faint, sweaty, blurry vision, or just faint. They might get grumpy or be short with people because they feel bad nothing severe.

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It is if he's a danger to the public that has managed to slip by. Course we will never know till its too late.

Conne if the guy had schizophrenia and was treated for it under control would you be comfortable knowing he's passed a background check and now owns a firearm?

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

So now you're qualified to judge another person's mental health?

I know first hand what's it like to be judged incorrectly by well meaning people when I went through a rough patch about 15 years ago - it cost me my military career but nothing else.

It didn't, however, cost me my civil liberties due to ignorant people popping off about shit they don't understand. I was simply given a choice by professional soldiers - my commander and team leader - and chose to leave the military vs. living with what at the time was a stigma but is now better understood by the military. Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't have had to go through it but that's the blessing of learning some valuable life lessons.

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So now you're qualified to judge another person's mental health?

I know first hand what's it like to be judged incorrectly by well meaning people when I went through a rough patch about 15 years ago - it cost me my military career but nothing else.

It didn't, however, cost me my civil liberties due to ignorant people popping off about shit they don't understand. I was simply given a choice by professional soldiers - my commander and team leader - and chose to leave the military vs. living with what at the time was a stigma but is now better understood by the military. Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't have had to go through it but that's the blessing of learning some valuable life lessons.

No but if someone hears voices that arent there, would you feel safe if they owned a gun? I sure as shit wouldnt, I wouldnt give a fuck if they were on their meds or not. Im not in any way saying that im the qualified person and you should fucking know that by my posts. Stop pulling a Magley and picking parts out and commenting on one part in particular, I said that if someone was diagnosed with being a schizophrenic then I dont think that they should be allowed access to a firearm, diagnosis can only come from a qualified individual specifically a doctor.

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I hate to say it, but I agree with magz. I too know someone very close to me, that has suffered from uncontrollable emotional outbreaks, their entire life. It could be anything from severe anger, to uncontrollable crying, to the happiest person in the world. It can take anything from the smallest to a major thing to set this person off, and medication is what keeps it to a tolerable level. A hundred years ago or more, and this person would have been locked up in a nut house.

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No but if someone hears voices that arent there, would you feel safe if they owned a gun? I sure as shit wouldnt, I wouldnt give a fuck if they were on their meds or not. Im not in any way saying that im the qualified person and you should fucking know that by my posts. Stop pulling a Magley and picking parts out and commenting on one part in particular, I said that if someone was diagnosed with being a schizophrenic then I dont think that they should be allowed access to a firearm, diagnosis can only come from a qualified individual specifically a doctor.

Fuck you for comparing me to Magz, Gunner. I read the posts on the first page and that was enough for me. I'm not reading through your's or anyone else's process of reasoning about mental illnesses.

And I was commenting about your bipolar friend, not about schizo...how about reading what I quoted first so you understand where I'm coming from.

Here, look at this....maybe it'll take the edge off of your butthurt. See, now you can have happy thoughts....


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I think that there has been some great advice, opinions, and personal examples given. Mental illness is such a broad spectrum, and is hard to exactly define what is what anymore. Depression is for sure real and can rip your world apart, everyone has a different chemical makeup, everyone reacts and or is affected differently, and everyone's brain is unique and not one is the same.

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The whole point of this was to get a discussion on mental illness not just one individual illness. 1 personally dont like the idea of someone who has been diagnosed by a professional to have a sever mental illness to have access to a firearm. To many things can and have gone wrong.

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As usual you decided to only pick out the few words in a post you want to read. I was diagnosed by a doctor. I've taken Adderal before the diagnosis and there was little to no change. I even took it after to once again appease my parents and lo and behold it didn't change shit.

When I'm not interested in a class or subject, I pay zero attention and daydream and do poorly. It is not because I have a medical issue, it is because I DO NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT SAID SUBJECT OR TOPIC and don't feel like wasting my time on it when I could be doing better things

I don't need a degree to use common sense which I understand is quite difficult for most people to do. In fact the more degrees it seems people have, the less common sense they posses.

Conform citizen, we can help you..


Years ago a figiting child in class would get a ruler across the knuckles.

Behavior problem solved.

Today they get a script.

Behavior problem solved.

Kids on drugs, legal ones, are becoming the norm. Are we over proscribing?

New diagnosable "illnesses" are being found every day from eating disorders to attention deficit disorder.

Most are diagnosed in schools with what are arguably the worst teachers in the history of this country.

Their classes are thinly disguised propaganda. More children leave school functionally illiterate than ever before.

They are totally unprepared for life in the real world. They act up in class? Really? I'm shocked I tell you, shocked!


Edited by Strictly Street
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I believe people above 70 years of age should have to have their skills tested each time they renew their drivers license.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Amen to this.

If you say you are his friend and you would be scared, I would convince him otherwise. But if he still wants one there's nothing that can stop him u less he fails a background check. Just remind him that the decisions that you make while you carry could change your life forever. IE if he fucks up, he's gonna be having mood swings in prison.

Edited by TimTheAzn
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Conform citizen, we can help you..


Years ago a figiting child in class would get a ruler across the knuckles.

Behavior problem solved.

Today they get a script.

Behavior problem solved.

Ahh yes, the "good ol days"

Used to be if someone had an illness you just applied some leeches, sickness cured....

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