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Ohio Riders Gap inspiration report


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This thread makes me very happy as the #1 opponent of the board trailer haters :D

If it will be enjoyable, I'll ride. If it will be shitty weather or a rush(slab), trailer. Unfortunately, living in Cleveland forces you to slab for an hour to hit anything enjoyable.

I made a mistake before, the ideal way to get to the gap would be to live about 2 hrs away :cool:

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I've gone 4-5 times now and every single time it has rained on the way and it always made me so very happy I was in the truck making the highway blast and saving my energy for the real fun! To me at least

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Screw all this talk of rain, enjoy my ride back to Greenville SC. 28S, 64E, 178S. 64 is nothing to write home about, but both the other roads are great....28 for the smooth flowing road with amazing view, and 178 was just fun. Wish you guys could have made the trip and waited till Sunday to ride back.

If you dont want to watch all 7 minutes of the first video, start from 2 minutes in. The pace for either video isn't blistering, I was alone with no cell reception and had laid it down 2 days before....excuses excuses.


May be a few minutes before the second video is live


Edited by RHill
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Thanks guys for a great week. The rain absolutely sucked and the only thing that could have been worse is if the temperature was lower. Plan as you may but the weather is always a crap shoot. I knew the morning we left that it was gonna be a wild hogs kind of trip. I started with a flat back tire. Loose valve core from a mounting of new rubber. No big deal. Just tighten it up and fill it back up. Texted Doc at our meet spot " where are you? Lost my flippin keys was his reply. After that delay Jester texted that he was concerned about his back brakes dragging from a recent pad replacement. It seems as though Jester's friend Tim and a new friend of mine was the only one with no issues. He was always the first one ready to pull out too. Good people. Even in the rain WV-16 was a good ride. I have always liked riding the back roads when traveling and seeing small town America. Riding 16 made me appreciate what I have. We saw some truly depressed areas in such a beautiful part of the country. I vow to someday ride it again it was entertaining. Endless turns. Glad you could join us Ryan. I am so thankful that the low side was only as bad as it was. You were the last person that I expected to see when I came around that corner. I was glad you were on your feet and okay but I was like where the Hell is his bike. I was cussing that downed tree and at the same time glad it was there. If not for that tree who news how far down the mountain it would have slid. You guys got your first taste of the Dragon and what the area has to offer for riding . I can tell by the above posts that you have been bitten and will return. I hope to myself. Not too many trips like this left in my old bag of bones if any. My only regret is that Doc did not get the chance to photograph the sites like I know he wanted but alas so much to see and do but too little time. Thanks for the memories guys it was a good week for me. I'll never forget it ------------------- SHIT BALL !!!!!!

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If it will be enjoyable, I'll ride. If it will be shitty weather or a rush(slab), trailer. Unfortunately, living in Cleveland forces you to slab for an hour to hit anything enjoyable.

I made a mistake before, the ideal way to get to the gap would be to live about 2 hrs away :cool:

Hopefully I'll be able to let you know what that's like later this year :D

It helps, but then you realize there are so many other roads that the gap isn't as exciting. I only made 3 passes on it all of last year, there's much better and less policed riding to enjoy down here. Gap is for tourists :-D

Sent while riding

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Hopefully I'll be able to let you know what that's like later this year :D

Hopefully I will as well, my visit to SC has me looking for jobs in that area. ;)

Glad you guys had a good time. I cant wait to go next year. Great video Doc and nice ride rhill. What came off your gsxr?

Tip of the tail fairing went on the tree, everything else was duct taped or zip tied back together.

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It helps, but then you realize there are so many other roads that the gap isn't as exciting. I only made 3 passes on it all of last year, there's much better and less policed riding to enjoy down here. Gap is for tourists :-D

Sent while riding

Yeah, I doubt that I would ride the actual gap that often as I've heard the same thing from many others. Looking forward to getting to know the general area though :D

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