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Lots And Lots Of Changes Made. Lots More Coming.


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So to recap, Ben broke something and he doesn't even know what it or l is.



The home page is gone for now. It sucked. The view new content works a lot better. And I added the "What's new?" tab to make it even easier for people. It will always show unread forum posts regardless of previous settings.

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This sucks, I have to google my way in and play games to get to a different topic. Any try to go to the forums page results in an HTTP 500 error code and then I have to google in again.

I tried to log out and clear the cookies but that didn't work either, screw it, I give up.

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This sucks, I have to google my way in and play games to get to a different topic. Any try to go to the forums page results in an HTTP 500 error code and then I have to google in again.

I tried to log out and clear the cookies but that didn't work either, screw it, I give up.


That's really weird. You shouldn't be seeing any 500 errors. Do you have any URLs for example?


Anyone else having this problem? 

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That's really weird. You shouldn't be seeing any 500 errors. Do you have any URLs for example?


Anyone else having this problem? 


His 500's might be from hitting google links.


Not having this problem.  Bandit, screen shots when you get the 500....both just before you click and afterwards would be helpful to Casper.

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I don't understand what the difference is between "view new content" and "what's new"? To me it is the same tab just in two different places on the screen and worded differently.


Lots of folks have trouble with view new content. It defaults to whatever app you're in, and saves any settings you make. For instance, if you're in the calendar, it'll only show calendar entries. The what's new is only forum posts, and always shows unread. 

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Don't know if this has been said but I can't edit post in Tapatalk any more, maybe just with in the last week. When I tap the edit button a box that says "moderate" pops up that dose nothing

Edited by 2talltim
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Don't know if this has been said but I can't edit post in Tapatalk any more, maybe just with in the last week. When I tap the edit button a box that says "moderate" pops up that dose nothing

That's probably something with Tapatalk. I'll look into it though.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Casper and whomever, I logged out well over a month ago and I can visit the forum just fine. Well I can't see some pics and I can't post anything of course being logged out.

I decided to try to log in again tonight and I still have the same problem, as soon as I log in and try to change pages I get the HTTP 500 error.

I can't get a screen shot of the error but I copy and pasted it,


In this spot there is a lower case "i" inside a blue circle, then these words,   
The website cannot display the page __________________HTTP 500 
 Most likely causes:
The website is under maintenance.
The website has a programming error.
   What you can try:

     Refresh the page.
     Go back to the previous page.
   ^  More information

This error (HTTP 500 Internal Server Error) means that the website you are visiting had a server problem which prevented the webpage from displaying.

For more information about HTTP errors, see Help.



As long as I am logged in I can not change pages,

I have to log off, then google "ohio riders website info", then open the google link to that page.

Then I can log on and click on this thread and then I can reply.

If I try to go anywhere else on the forum I get the HTTP 500 error and have to log off again and start over with google.

Like I said, if I stay logged off I can change pages at will but can't see a lot of pics and can't reply to threads.


This is the only forum that hates me at the moment, after all these years I am still a computer dummy, I can go from one forum to another but don't have a clue how to change most settings or what most of this stuff means.

I am not much help in getting help, sorry. I will have to log off to get back here so if someone answers me it might take a while to respond back. Insert double facepalm smiley here.

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