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Poke-slow Ride

Unk Greg

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Quick post. Two-up touristy ride for Sunday. Meet at Apple Valley main entrance/gas station at 11:30AM.

Picture taking kind of ride and Newbs being introduced to riding. I am also looking forward to learning .... learning how ..... Harley guy stays up at 42 mph and slows down for turns....never miss a chance to gain new skills.

Stop at covered bridge near Fallsburg (if teenagers haven't burned it down). Onto Mohawk Dam, goal is stop at Roscoe Village for eats and socialize...maybe check out a winery too....not sipping though, well I ain't. With look see at beaver dam (if county hasn't seen itz back up). Someone wanna try walking on it?

Oh, Apple Valley is on SR36 just out of Mt. Vernon. Side benefit of ride....see how to get around all the closed roads...ha!

If interested..posting...we has a group...enjoy yer weekend.

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I think I made adjustments to our route around the closed signs based on your reports. Thanks btw

Hey, quick question. Is 514 open between 39 and 36? Planning to head south on 514 after going around the construction on 520.

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514 is good....ends at Danville, not quite to SR36, however. Simply put 514 is good from Nashville (SR39) to Danville.(USR62 and 205 northerly to SR3). Danville-Amity Rd. pavement is crappy, if you were planning on using it.

Edited by littlecarbsbigsmiles
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.....Harley guy stays up at 42 mph and slows down for turns....


Counter lean!! Drag a knee on the outside of the turn.


I am most probably going to be there for this. Never ridden that area and it is high on my to do list this year.

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Blitz, yep sir love that section of CR19 and 22. Lotsa great county roads. Everybody can see the State Routes.

Tonik...WOW!! Home already??!!? I just pulled in. Laffing as Mike peeled left and went on ahead when you headed right to motivate home. Laffed I say, because we took county roads up over hill and pulled into McD's in Sugarcreek with Mike and his wife pulling in behind us on his go-fast. He went thru Dover/N.Philly on SR39. We lost Chuck and his wife about then. Surprised Mike pulled in - figuring him to be long gone.. Where's Chuck???

Chuck slipped by us unnoticed ...quiet Harley? More smiles as we ended in Danville and my wife and I filled up for the third time...heading back home via 62 here comes Mike the opposite way....waved. Great time. All are tired, in a good way.

Pleasant day, nice ride and very little traffic to contend with.

Good to meet ya Tonik!

Lets see ...airplanes next weekend and July is free Flogging Molly concert after soccer game....or was that free soccer game before the Concert? Beer girl at stadium, said last nite .... Ready to bring her 'Busa to my neighborhood and try the roads.

Poke-slow route: left main gate area of Apple Valley and headed towards USR62 on SR36. Picked up 62 at Millwood...did not stop at Spearmans...USR62 to Martinsburg and SR586 south towards SR79, but left on Frampton Road and down into the valley...covered bridge 1 mile back. Look see and moved on.....took Jug Run Road (not a go-fast road) and out to SR 541 at Bladensburg. 541 to 206 and 206 to 715 with stop at Mohawk Dam....missed Mike there, but waiting for us in Warsaw. SR36 into Warsaw and onto Roscoe Village. Dined on the patio and shared or meal with many gnats. See inside air conditioning has itz advantages. I talked with some Columbus go-fasts and confirmed they were safe for their return route home.

We headed out on 36 towards SR 751, I believe SR93 is still too broke up to be enjoyable....751 to old 21 and into the.fringe of N. Philly...ran SR39 along side of i77 and turned left and up Red Hill....maybe Coal Hill...you locals jump in here with correct name and popped out onto SR39 and into Sugarcreek for the aforementioned McD stop. Finished up with run on SR39 all the way to Nashville and dropped down SR514 to Danville, quitting at the ever favorite gas station, but not getting ice cream. SR39 is safe from tourists (mostly) on Sunday....otherwise stay away!

All home safe and sound. Tired, but safe and sound. Time OTR, meet at AV 11:30, leave scenic Killbuck at 10:15am and (us -me and wife) back home 6 ' ish. There's the route for you touring folks. Not a single bridge out encountered on the route. ; >)

Edited by littlecarbsbigsmiles
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