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Medical Advise Need


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First off if you don't want to hear about a kinda gross medical condition that I have. STOP READING NOW.

With out going into great detail lets just say that I have a recurring medical condition that is literary a pain in the ass a couple times of the year. This time of the year I'm riding, working long hours, it's hot, ect it gets real bad. Plus the type of job I have makes it worse. Now it's worse than its ever been and I need to take care of it, ointments, creams, pads and any OTC is worthless.

My problem is I don't have a family dr.I haven't since he left town 12 years ago, and my wife called today to find a new one and they all want my records and or do a pre visit with a physical and all that crap. Once I do the pre visit theb they want to schedule a regular visit to look at the problem after that they will probably just send me to someone else that is a specialist. In the mean time the medical bill will just pile up. I would like to take care of this as a one so shop, preferably ending with cutting and bleeding:blink:

The reason I'm asking on here is because I know there are some clinics and alternative type places in the city (Cbus) that might be a better option that maybe some of you may know about. Plus I'm going on a bike at the end if the month and need to heal up sooner than later. Plus I know some of you are in the medical field and might be able to give me some insite

Ok go ahead with the butt hurt jokes I know they are coming. But seriously I would like some good sound advise.

Thanks in advance

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Could also be a perianal abcess. Though if you've never experienced any "draining" from sore area it's possible it's not. If it is, just goto the ER and get some antibiotics and you'll be fine

Edited by Bad324
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adjusting your diet can really help out a lot. aim for 30 grams of fiber a day and lots of water. at least 2 litres per day. 3 would be better.  water will soften your stuff making it easier to pass, and straining is the last thing you want to be doing.


try to avoid soda, alcohol and caffeine as much as you can. those things will dehydrate you, and you want to be hydrated.


avoid stuff that you know causes irritation or gives you the runs. try to avoid fatty greasy stuff as much as you can too. fruits and vegetables, nuts, whole grains etc are good at keeping symptoms down. stay away from fast food as much as you can too. 


exercise also helps too.  try to get at least 30 min of moderate intensity a  day. you dont have to hit the gym and start pumping iron even... take a short jog, go for a nice walk or go for a bike ride if you can. 


check around on the internet there is lots of good info about hemorrhoids and diet. 

Edited by John
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Iv been on a fiber kick since the flare up I already drink a ton if water and I don't intake much caffeine, alcohol might be a problem. And exercise is a problem when I'm working 70 hours a week where I sit on a tow motor all day. I could change my diet a little

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Surgery is the only "cure" I know of and it still requires several pre op visits that you say you don't want to do. Also it will not be done in time and healed for a bike trip in 4 weeks when you've not even started it the process. Heal time on that is weeks and you get a special pillow to take everywhere with you to sit on. Also once you've had them and had surgery for them you're likely to get them again. Call around to a proctologist that will see you without a referral and that will save you a couple steps and useless general practice visits.

I'm not a doctor nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn night so may want to do your own research. This is just what I've seen in my time on the squad and clinical hours.

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Surgery is the only "cure" I know of and it still requires several pre op visits that you say you don't want to do. Also it will not be done in time and healed for a bike trip in 4 weeks when you've not even started it the process. Heal time on that is weeks and you get a special pillow to take everywhere with you to sit on. Also once you've had them and had surgery for them you're likely to get them again. Call around to a proctologist that will see you without a referral and that will save you a couple steps and useless general practice visits.

I'm not a doctor nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn night so may want to do your own research. This is just what I've seen in my time on the squad and clinical hours.

This is kind of info I am looking for. In your opinion if I am planning a bike trip for the 29th what is the latest you would have it done and be healed up enough to do it and be in less pain than I am now?

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Surgery is the only "cure" I know of and it still requires several pre op visits that you say you don't want to do. Also it will not be done in time and healed for a bike trip in 4 weeks when you've not even started it the process. Heal time on that is weeks and you get a special pillow to take everywhere with you to sit on. Also once you've had them and had surgery for them you're likely to get them again. Call around to a proctologist that will see you without a referral and that will save you a couple steps and useless general practice visits.

I'm not a doctor nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn night so may want to do your own research. This is just what I've seen in my time on the squad and clinical hours.


Had a coworker that went through that surgery, he regrets that he ever had it done. Was the worst pain and discomfort that he could have ever imagined, and the recovery time for him before returning back to work was almost 2 months. And when he went back it was not an easy task, and that surgery can cause other issues as well. Of course everyone is different and maybe it depends on the surgeon and the procedure, but he is a pretty tough guy and he was beyond miserable.

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I would not really say I'm in pain right now just really uncomfortable. I still ride my bike and do my job, the main problem I'm having is doing my business in the john. Plus I don't want them to any worse.

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If it is hemorrhoids it has sure worked for me to totally avoid alcohol and nsaids (advil, aleve, etc.) which can thin the blood and make bleeding worse. Most people I know who have had surgery wouldn't do it again as it's painful and they often return anyway.

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I would not really say I'm in pain right now just really uncomfortable. I still ride my bike and do my job, the main problem I'm having is doing my business in the john. Plus I don't want them to any worse.

Diet and Exercise.

Job change.


In that order. As long as you say they've been there its doubtful that it will get worse

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Diet and Exercise.

Job change.


In that order. As long as you say they've been there its doubtful that it will get worse

Looks like I need to hit the store in the morning and dust off the treadmill
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Here it's what I'm going to do. .. this is copied and pasted from my Facebook.........

I've got a few health issues I need to take care of and almost all of them has to do with poor circulation/blood flow, and one of them is a real pain in the ass. I'm sick of feeling like crap, being tired, having numb and cold feet and hands all the time, getting winded, getting cramps. So it starts NOW, no more excuses, my feet and ankles are healed and I need to get off my ass. For the next 4weeks(till my vacation and bike trip) it's nothing but water, greens, water, fruit, water, no red meat, water and maybe just a couple beers on the weekend as a reward, oh yea did I mention water. I want to do light cardio twice a day (probably on the tread mill). I don't care what I look like I don't even care if I lose weight, I just want to feel better. And when I go in vacation, ill treat myself and eat what I want, then figure out another short term goal when we get back.

Edited by 2talltim
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