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Motorcycle Rider Gets Rammed By Car He Was Harrasing


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I would love to know why this bike comes out of nowhere and starts brake checking the car.  I blame the rider for sure, he slammed the brakes and got rear ended which is the consequences of trying to take on a vehicle that is a few thousand pounds heavier than you.

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It looked like the car was moving pretty fast. If I had to guess I'd say the car probably brake checked the bike a few times for riding his ass. (instead of moving into right lane and letting faster traffic by)


Then took off when the bike tried to go around on the Right. The biker finally blows by him and tries the same stunt and pays the price. But thats just me reading way to much into it. Either way  bike vs cage, the outcome will always be the same.

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i won't comment on who was right or wrong cause that can't really be deduced nor do i care to but, honestly... who brake checks a car with a bike? dumbest fucking thing ever.

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I have no idea what the rider was trying to communicate. I suspect a bit of a back story on this one.


does the back story really matter?  the guy on the bike deserved it, even if the cager purposely tried to run down him or his friends; only a fucking idiot would pull that type of shit.  Name 1 situation that would justify randomly accelerating and slamming on the brakes while in front of a car?

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