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I'm Done For The Year.

Mj 88

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I was out for a ride on Sunday, just taking it easy because I was by myself. I was headed down 255, at the first right hander after the stop sign I hit some sand and tucked the front end. I didn't even have time to react or touch the breaks. Next thing I knew, I was slammed head and shoulder first sliding down the road. I stood up quickly and caught my breath, scrambled to get the bike out of the ditch and I knew something was very wrong. Turns out I broke my scapula( shoulder blade). As I headed back north on 255, I saw another rider and he waved. I tried to get him to slow down, just wondering if it was anyone on here. It made for a long 50 miles home to get to the hospital! I was full gear so very little road rash and the bike isn't in too bad of shape. I guess I'm lucky it's only a broken shoulder blade, could've been a lot worse out in the middle of nowhere!

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hope you heal up fast...



why do i bother posting on here to contact me? i live in antioch off SR 800.. ppl can get ahold of me anytime they need anything down this way... yea i wont ride 255 or a couple other roads.. 255 has been construction off and on for awhile fixing slips etc..

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I'm real sorry to hear about your spill.

That stuff happens fast, before you

can even blink.  It might be a good

idea to just lay there and catch your

breath for a moment to see if anything

starts to hurt, as long as you are not

likely to get run over. 


I don't know how much more damage

could be done by jumping up too

quickly, but just in case, I want to

know what body parts are going to

need sewn back together before I

trust getting back on my feet.


I'm glad it wasn't worse.



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Thanks guys! I guess I'm a little different. I wanted to get up fast and get home as soon as I could. Glad I was able to get up! I had to stop in Woodsfield to get gas to make it home and a random kid at BP reached in my leathers and grabbed my phone for me. I tried to call one buddy but he didn't answer so I thought since the pain was kicking in I'd better get home.that was by far the worst 50 miles I've ever ridden. As for the bike it's not too bad. I'll try to post pics later this week.

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Sorry to hear! Hoping for a speedy recovery!

Riding alone is one of those thing that didn't phase me when I first started riding, but after a few downs it sets it how what kind of messed up situations can result from riding country roads by yourself. Yet, I'll still do it.

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Thanks guys!  I went to the dr today.  I don't need surgery, it was a bad break but will need to heal on it's own.  As for gear, I had an Alpine Star one piece suit which held up really well, and I had my helmet, gloves and boots on.  My gloves have seen better days.  The only road rash I have is on my wrist.  The bike isn't in too bad of shape. The slides pretty much did their job.















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Thanks guys! I guess I'm a little different. I wanted to get up fast and get home as soon as I could. Glad I was able to get up! I had to stop in Woodsfield to get gas to make it home and a random kid at BP reached in my leathers and grabbed my phone for me. I tried to call one buddy but he didn't answer so I thought since the pain was kicking in I'd better get home.that was by far the worst 50 miles I've ever ridden. As for the bike it's not too bad. I'll try to post pics later this week.

I know the feeling with jumping up and getting back on quickly. Some friends and I went dirt riding at Richlands Furnace outside of Chilicothe a few years ago. Torrential rain all day had the trails soaked, muddy, and pooling with water. I resembled a dead fish smacking a river bank when I tucked the front down in the bottom of a deep valley creek bed, it was a hard impact and knew my shoulder was torn up as soon as i hit the ground. Everyone was asking if I was ok and how bad the crash looked. I jumped right up, quickly kickstarted the bike, and yelled lets get the hell outta here before the pain sets in! It ended up being a separated shoulder, and it didn't bother me much until after the long drive home, but I toughed it out long enough to unload the bike and nab a hot shower. Took a few weeks before it was healed up. That was the last time I rode in the dirt LOL

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I enjoyed riding there, other than the fact that it was a soggy mudpit that day.   It's a fun place to ride with the elevation changes, small bumps/jumps cut into the trails, and a good sized area to get lost in

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