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Ohio Roads Comparatively


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You think the government still follows the will of the people.  That's adorable!



lol yeah, if voting actually changed anything, it would have been made illegal years ago.

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PA roads are very bad, I'll agree.

I'm sick of chip and seal on the back roads. They came through with that a couple weeks ago on my road, and it's BAD. Its starting to settle, and all we have now is the same road conditions are before with all the potholes, with the added bonus of a bunch of gravel and tar everywhere. I can't understand why they would waste the time!

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Worse than Michigan??  Holy Crap batman!


Hell yeah....the road you are on can be very fun and twisty, full of tar snakes and frost heaves.....then the road turns into gravel or chip and seal. This I shit you not!!!!! Yeah Michigan has some bad roads "Michigan sucks" but PA is still by far the worst condition roads I have ventured.

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Hell yeah....the road you are on can be very fun and twisty, full of tar snakes and frost heaves.....then the road turns into gravel or chip and seal. This I shit you not!!!!! Yeah Michigan has some bad roads 2zfoj69.jpg


but PA is still by far the worst condition roads I have ventured.

fixed it for ya..... :lol:


Northern Michigan's roads aren't as bad as down south, must be the amount of traffic.  Nice to know about Pa tho, was planning on a ride up that way.  Bad roads take most of the fun out of it for sure. 

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fixed it for ya..... :lol:


Northern Michigan's roads aren't as bad as down south, must be the amount of traffic.  Nice to know about Pa tho, was planning on a ride up that way.  Bad roads take most of the fun out of it for sure. 

I disagree, bad roads make for a more interesting ride. 


Thats why I ride a Strom and search out the gravel and unmaintained roads :D

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Not sure that would help in Michigan.  Hellish holes stretching across the road with partial tar patches here and there......its bone jarring not sometimes, but most of the time with no way of avoiding them.  Up there they have more gravel roads which I prefer over those unmaintained roads.  I noticed when we came down the roads were in far better condition, and down our way, Nearly no gravel roads.  I just wish they had given us more of a shoulder....with the road conditions, the great curves and hills, Ohio's roads, imho, are as good as most anywhere overall.  I'd put them right up there with Tenn, Ky and even some states  further west comparing them overall.

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I've lived all over.  I've driven in the majority of the States.  To me, Ohio's roads are "comparable" to others.  Yes, there are some outright horrible ones...same as everywhere.  


Lol.  Heavy trucks, "harsh winters", no money...LOL.  


"Iowa has far worse winters" ... far worse than Hawaii maybe.



Go to Europe for good roads.

Not sure what this means.  I spent about ten years in Iowa as a kid.....and I have never been in a more harsh environment than an Iowan winter.  Sub zero temperatures for days at a time with 2 feet of snow on the ground and 30 mph wind that NEVER, EVER stops.  An Iowan winter is the opposite of a Hawaiian winter.

The difference between an Iowa winter and an Ohio winter is we get breaks and warming periods, and most importantly we don't have the penetrating wind of the great plains.

Edited by Blitz
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Not sure what this means.  I spent about ten years in Iowa as a kid.....and I have never been in a more harsh environment than an Iowan winter.  Sub zero temperatures for days at a time with 2 feet of snow on the ground and 30 mph wind that NEVER, EVER stops.  An Iowan winter is the opposite of a Hawaiian winter.

The difference between an Iowa winter and an Ohio winter is we get breaks and warming periods, and most importantly we don't have the penetrating wind of the great plains.


I just think Ohio and Iowa have similar winters.  Maybe Iowa is a bit more wintery.  Both can have harsh or mild years.  Both are large states...YMMV.

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PA roads are horrific. It isn't just a construction issue. It is a major philosophy and design issue. They (historically) don't have sufficient acceleration and deceleration lanes. They are working on improving them, but this is a major issue. Their lanes also tend to be narrow. On the freeway, this leads to people "parking in the fast lane" (driving too slow and not yielding to faster traffic.)

A significant number of their bridges are designed as simple span structures, so their bridges have a number of expansion joints in each structure. This increases the number of "bumps" and potential problem locations in each structure. If their bridge were designed as multiple span structures, they would (for the most post) only expand and contact at the ends of the bridges. The bridge beams would also be more efficient (lighter weight beam carrying the same traffic loading).

As far as the comments concerning capitalism and roadway warranties are concerned, every piece of material on the road is very tightly regulated by the FHWA, ODOT, and the respective City or County. There are often times that certain materials are specified, but the respective regulating authority will not listen to reason and logic as to why this is not the appropriate application. Often times, they do not want to be inconvenienced with doing the right thing. The Contractor is contractually obligated to construct as specified in the contract. The contacting authority will not hesitate to sure if things are not constructed in accordance with the contact.

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