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I'm Done Donating To The Red Cross


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They are always having blood drives

where I work.  They set up and drain

as much as they can.  We always know

when they are coming.  There are

posters everywhere and they ask for

signups.  They even come through

the building and try to solicit donors

at the last minute.


I wouldn't mind this so much if they

required management to give a three

pint minimum.



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Its a racket. You GIVE them your blood for FREE and they sell it to hospitals who mark it up and sell it to you. Ever had a transfusion? Costs hundreds of dollars for a pint of blood. I used to sell my plasma, $60 extra a week to sit and read with a needle in my arm for an hour. They then sell that same quart of plasma for like $1500.

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I dunno. I give platelets about 8 times a year. They take three units and it takes about 2.5 hours with all the paperwork and stuff. I'll probably still keep doing it even if I am being a chump, I guess. And hey, free cookies!

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I don't do it for me. I do it to help someone else.

Which would make sense if the red cross payed your charity forward and gave the shit out, but they profit millions of dollars from it. I'm all for altruism, but not when the middleman is taking a cut.

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^ i agree. same reason i refuse to donate anything to goodwill. you GIVE them shit to help people, and they put it right up for sale in a store, profit a shit ton on it, and it never even goes to people who need it, because the people who need other peoples old busted ass clothes, probably cant afford to buy clothes at a goodwill anyways

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Yep, I won't donate to anyone/anywhere that solicits me.  Mailings, phone calls, nothing, well except the ASPCA or animal things, I hate humans and figure the animals could use my cash more.


Also I donate weekly at church, a pretty good amount, so a lot of times I just tell people that I give at church and that is all I am willin to do.  Usually they still try to get me to give, but I just hangup.  Actually, now that I think about it, I don't get those phone calls anymore or mailings. 


We do take a ton of household goods to Goodwill, and church when they collect certain things.  Go to the dollar tree grab a ton of cleaning and bath kinda stuff and drop it off, especially around the holidays.  I.E. Mitten trees, personal hygiene products, etc.


But yea, don't be spending the money I donate to solicit me or pay someone to, F THAT.

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wow a pissy facebook post. YOU SURE SHOWED THEM!!!!1 :rolleyes:



they call me all the time too, but i never cry about it. maybe you're just cranky bc they woke up you from your nappy nap? poor baby :'(

Edited by John
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I have been bruise, almost passed out twice, and completely drained. I will still do it, I will heal the person receiving it may not. I learned to drink a ton of water a week before and after to help with most of my issues. There are to many people in my life that was saved because someone donated. Every blood center is different some call some don't.

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Well I used to work in the ICU for children and ran a heart lung machine called ECMO. The pump alone can hold 2-4 units of packed red blood cells, Platelets and Albumin. Some babies can go through a lot of blood quickly. I'm always very thankful to the people that donate and we always made sure we didn't waste the blood we got. Also it doesn't last that long and always needs to be available.

Just think, children that are receiving chemo may need blood transfusions or platelets every week or more and these are the healthy ones. The sick ones like the ones I used to see might receive blood two or three times a day.


So for all those who donate I thank you and my last motorcycle accident I almost needed blood. My Hct was very low but I was asymptomatic. Lets just hope we have enough people that do donate and don't get pissy when they call. 


As far as the donation of blood and the red cross charging please.... Ever wonder how much it costs to  draw it,  separate the blood components, test it, store it, ship it, and to be insured. Those people in their white lab coats aren't cheap.

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wow a pissy facebook post. YOU SURE SHOWED THEM!!!!1 :rolleyes:

they call me all the time too, but i never cry about it. maybe you're just cranky bc they woke up you from your nappy nap? poor baby :'(

Considering I work 10p-6a 5 or 6 days a week, my sleep is already broken up from my daughters schedule, or from court or dealing with my wife's night shift schedule. So yeah when I receive multiple calls from then in a couple hours or couple days, yes I'm going do something. Apparently telling them on the phone doesn't work because they kept doing it. Send me you number so I can call you at the rate they did. I guarantee you call the cops for harassment or change your number.

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I worked nights and I hated the 8-9 telemarketing calls for the same reason. Find a different company to donate to one that will not call so early. Red cross should respect you wishes of not calling its to bad they didn't.

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Nothing to do with the topic on hand but, work 11p to 7a and my ringer gets shut off during the day. And if the wife and kids are home I put ear plus in.

sent via GS3

If my wife and daughter are home, it gets shut off but if not it stays on.
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