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Where does your tax money go?


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They average like $100k-$175k for the FMTV's. I think the Army is still in the middle of a major purchase of these. I'd be willing to bet that was increased with the Iraq and Afghanistan operations.

If those cranes were bought new they can run as much as $375k a piece or more. My Aunt used to work at a factory that built mobile cranes.

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Round and flat aren't mutually exclusive. Likwid asserted flatness, that's not a testament to shape, it's a testament to the planar aspect with which the earth lies. You've proven nothing.

Lets look at this again, shall we?

Just because we have to...

The earth is flat until you prove to me it's round.

He didnt ask me to prove that it was spherical to end his flat earth belief, he only asked that it be proven to be round. The photo clearly shows that the earth is round.

Try again.

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First, you have to prove you know the difference between a circle and an oval.

Then, you'd have to look at it on a widescreen Samsung monitor setup to 1600x1200.

Then, based on your understanding of the difference between a circle and an oval, in addition to your visual observation of the image on a widescreen monitor, you'd have to come up with some sort of recognition/associative connection between your understanding, and your observation.

If either your understanding or observations are askew from mine or other 3rd parties... then you need to do further research.

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oh and i've been to space and can tell you first hand it's round.

also, tie fighters are REALLY fucking loud when you're taking a space walk. i told those fucks that the pattern is motherfucking full

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This should give you at least some idea. This is from an article on refurbished FMTVs.

"The Reset Program results have been tremendous. TVS has been able to rebuild and return all of the reset trucks on time or ahead of schedule. The units received like-new vehicles for 29 to 61 percent ($72,042 to $198,166) less than the price of a new vehicle, depending on the truck variant."

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