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Jets fan punches a girl


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There were no guns or nuclear bombs involved.  Try to stay on topic.


Excessive use of force... That is my position on this topic.


The girl posed no physical threat to him, (as much as she may have wanted to) he reacted excessively.


Had this been a fight between people of roughly equal size/ability then by all means defend yourself, but it's a little girl... cmon man


He had no issues just smacking shot after shot away from the dude in the blue shirt... he just wanted to be macho dick and punch a girl.

Edited by magley64
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do you know that the man is inebriated other than guessing by his looks? 

do you know that he just wanted to hit a chick to be a dick?

do you know that he was staring her and only her down so he could hit her just to be a dick?

Edited by Bad324
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do you know that the man is inebriated other than guessing by his looks? 


Nope, just an educated guess based on how he's reacting...

Doesn't change the fact that he shouldn't have punched her, especially if he was sober and thinking straight.

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Power disparity? Come on, what if she knows karate. He/she throws first, its game on to make them stop.


Are you watching the same video? seriously? karate?


I didn't see any flying roundhouse kicks coming from her, just frantic and uncoordinated punching.

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Nope, just an educated guess based on how he's reacting...


your 2nd line has no bearing on my point. My point is you don't know the claims your making as well as I don't know the exact age of the woman

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your 2nd line has no bearing on my point. My point is you don't know the claims your making as well as I don't know the exact age of the woman


So then the question becomes, does it matter, or should it matter to the big muscular man how old his much smaller female opponent is?

if she's 18 fair game to beat the shit out of her, 17, no go. Or do you look at her and go "this person poses zero threat to me, and isn't inflicting any damage at all to my body (despite her best efforts) I think I'll just wait until security shows up or she loses interest...While laughing in her face at her futile attempts to harm me.

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I'll just leave it at this.

I think he's a punk bitch for punching her, and given the same situation I can assure you with 99% certainty that I'd not have done the same.

That's just based on my own ethical standards... Do with your own ethical standards what you will.

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Punching once is not "beating the shit out of". Why you must take something small to the extreme every time is beyond me

Again you can do what you want in that situation an ill yell you what I HAVE done in that situation. I was for lack of better word attacked by a broad and punched twice in the face while already engaged in an altercation with her boyfriend. I did not punch her as both my hands were already busy fending off her boyfriend so I ever so lightly used my super sweet leg sweeping skills and dropped her ass. At this point she was drug away by her friends who later apologized to me for her actions

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Punching once is not "beating the shit out of". Why you must take something small to the extreme every time is beyond me

Again you can do what you want in that situation an ill yell you what I HAVE done in that situation. I was for lack of better word attacked by a broad and punched twice in the face while already engaged in an altercation with her boyfriend. I did not punch her as both my hands were already busy fending off her boyfriend so I ever so lightly used my super sweet leg sweeping skills and dropped her ass. At this point she was drug away by her friends who later apologized to me for her actions



so in this situation, not having her boyfriend to contend with, and having full use of your arms, do you haul off and punch this girl in the face, or do you deflect, or as in your previous example temporarily immobilize her?

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 Why you must take something small to the extreme every time is beyond me



When his arguments lack facts or substance (frequently), he attempts to gain traction by taking them to extremes.  It's a futile attempt to try to appear knowledgeable on a topic where he has little to no understanding.   The lack of ability to admit when he is wrong is a much deeper issue that I am not qualified to properly diagnose.

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so in this situation, not having her boyfriend to contend with, and having full use of your arms, do you haul off and punch this girl in the face, or do you deflect, or as in your previous example temporarily immobilize her?

Shit if I had the ability to use just one arm I would've punched her right in the face. I'm of the old school where it's an eye for an eye. She punched me twice so she should be so lucky I'd only have to tell (read punch) her once

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hey, if you guys are into punching girls, that's on you...

I was raised better than that.

Ill punch anyone or anything that attacks me. I was raised better than to roll over and take shit without handing out a consequence

I'm suddenly remembering tons of anecdotes my father taught me. This one applies here:

If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen

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 I was raised better than to roll over and take shit without handing out a consequence


But how much "shit" can a little girl hand out?

Push her away, deflect, hell even restrain her, but cramming your fist into her face (especially in the case of this video) was a bitch move.

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The shit she dealt out was a punch. The consequence she suffered was a punch. An eye for an eye is great justice to me


But it's not an eye for an eye...


The "punch" she dealt did ZERO damage.

The "punch" he dealt likely left serious black and blue marks, bruising, maybe even a broken nose.


It's like comparing a whiffle bat to a Louisville slugger, both are bats one does damage one does not..

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hey, if you guys are into punching girls, that's on you...


I was raised better than that.


Ahhhh...here is the pathetic attempt to take the argument in another direction...if you don't believe in Magdor's chauvinistic double standards...you are some kind of 'woman beater'...perhaps the result of poor parenting.  Weak.  Try again.

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Ahhhh...here is the pathetic attempt to take the argument in another direction...if you don't believe in Magdor's chauvinistic double standards...you are some kind of 'woman beater'...perhaps the result of poor parenting.  Weak.  Try again.

 No if you beat women you're a woman beater, that's the definition....

Yes, beating women may be caused by poor parenting, but it could just be that you're a dick, and your parents are fine.

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